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Created January 7, 2019 23:33
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Change watch settings in Github to release-only in bulk
// By jonashaag
const child_process = require('child_process')
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer')
const devices = require('puppeteer/DeviceDescriptors')
const iPhone = devices['iPhone 6']
const USER = 'youruser'
const PW = 'xxxxxx'
// Get starred repos
let page = 1
let urls = []
while (1) {
const cmd = `curl -s "${USER}/starred?per_page=100&page=${page}"`
res = JSON.parse(child_process.execSync(cmd))
if (!res.length) break
for (let r in res) {
// Update to release-only
(async () => {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch()
const page = await browser.newPage()
await page.emulate(iPhone)
await page.goto('')
await page.type('[name=login]', USER)
await page.type('[name=password]', PW)
setTimeout(async () => {
for (let url of urls) {
await page.goto(url)
if (await page.$('[value=included].selected')) {
await browser.close()
}, 1000)
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