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Last active November 19, 2020 01:43
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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<body ontouchstart="">
require 'twitteroauth/autoload.php';
use Abraham\TwitterOAuth\TwitterOAuth;
$consumerKey = 'コンシューマーAPIキー';
$consumerSecret = 'コンシューマーAPIシークレットキー';
$accessToken = 'アクセストークン';
$accessTokenSecret = 'アクセストークンシークレット';
$conn = new TwitterOAuth( $consumerKey, $consumerSecret, $accessToken, $accessTokenSecret );
// 10 件取得
$users_params = [
'screen_name' => '@を付けないツイッターID',
'count' => '表示件数',
'tweet_mode' => 'extended',
$res = $conn->get( 'statuses/user_timeline', $users_params );
$arr = json_decode ( json_encode( $res ), true );
echo '<div class="twitter-header">ツイート10件、スクロールできちゃう</div>';
foreach( $arr as $i ) {
$Text = nl2br( $i['full_text'] );
$Icon = str_replace( "_normal.", ".", $i['user']['profile_image_url_https'] );
if( empty( $Icon ) ) {
$Name = $i['user']['name'];
$ScName = $i['user']['screen_name'];
$URL = $i['entities']['urls'];
foreach( $URL as $key ) {
$Text = str_replace( $key['url'], '<a href="'.$key['expanded_url'].'" target="b_lank">'.$key['display_url'].'</a>', $Text );
unset( $URL );
$Tag = $i['entities']['hashtags'];
foreach( $Tag as $key ) {
$Text = str_replace( "#".$key['text'], '<a href="'.$key['text'].'?src=hashtag_click" target="b_lank">#'.$key['text'].'</a>', $Text );
unset( $Tag );
$Mention = $i['entities']['user_mentions'];
foreach( $Mention as $key ) {
$Text = str_replace( "@".$key['screen_name'], '<a href="'.$key['screen_name'].'" target="b_lank">@'.$key['screen_name'].'</a>', $Text );
unset( $Mention );
$Media = $i['entities']['media'];
if( !empty( $Media ) ) {
foreach( $Media as $key ) {
$Text = str_replace( $key['url'], ' ', $Text );
unset( $Media );
$ImgUrl = $i['extended_entities']['media'];
$VideoUrl = $i['extended_entities']['media'][0]['video_info']['variants'][0]['url'];
$VideoThumb = $i['extended_entities']['media'][0]['media_url_https'];
$Fcount = $i['favorite_count'];
$Rcount = $i['retweet_count'];
$PermaID = $i['id_str'];
$TweetTime = strtotime( $i['created_at'] );
$NowTime = time();
$RelaTime = $NowTime - $TweetTime;
if( $RelaTime < 60 ) {
$TweetTime = $RelaTime . '秒';
elseif( $RelaTime >= 60 && $RelaTime < ( 60 * 60 ) ) {
$TweetTime = floor( $RelaTime / 60 ) . '分';
elseif( $RelaTime >= ( 60 * 60 ) && $RelaTime < ( 60 * 60 * 24 ) ) {
$TweetTime = floor( $RelaTime / ( 60 * 60 ) ) . '時間';
elseif( $RelaTime >= ( 60 * 60 * 24) ) {
$TweetTime = date( 'n月j日', $TweetTime );
elseif( $RelaTime >= ( 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 ) ) {
$TweetTime = date( 'Y年n月j日', $TweetTime );
echo '<div class="tweet">';
echo '<div class="user-block">';
echo '<a href="'.$ScName.'" target="b_lank"><div class="twitter-icon"><img alt="'.$Name.'" src="'.$Icon.'"></div></a>';
echo '<a href="'.$ScName.'" target="b_lank">';
echo '<div class="name-block">';
echo '<div class="twitter-name">'.$Name.'</div>';
echo '<div class="twitter-s-name">@'.$ScName.'</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</a>';
echo '<div class="twitter-created">'.$TweetTime.'</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="twitter-body">';
echo '<div class="twitter-text">'.$Text.'</div>';
if( empty( $VideoUrl ) ) {
if( is_array( $ImgUrl ) ) {
echo '<div class="twitter-img">';
foreach( $ImgUrl as $key ) {
echo '<a href="'.$key['media_url_https'].':orig" target="b_lank"><img src="'.$key['media_url_https'].'"></a>';
echo '</div>';
unset( $ImgUrl );
if( empty( $VideoUrl ) ) {
} else {
echo '<video src="'.$VideoUrl.'" width="auto" height="auto" controls loop preload="metadata" poster="'.$VideoThumb.'"></video>';
echo '<div class="count-block">';
echo '<div class="twitter-f-count">'.$Fcount.'</div>';
echo '<div class="twitter-r-count">'.$Rcount.'</div>';
echo '<div class="twitter-perma"><a href="'.$ScName.'/status/'.$PermaID.'" target="b_lank" class="tt-icon"><span class="back-text">表示</span></a></div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
unset( $arr );
echo '<div class="twitter-footer">by&nbsp;<a href="" target="b_lank">Twitter</a>,&nbsp;for&nbsp;<a href="" target="b_lank">MiisaGOGO!</a></div>';
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