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- "github:mikebell"
hostname: k30s-master
- enconding: ""
content: |-
write_log () {
local message="${1}"
logger -t "run-cmd" "${message}"
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Composer install') {
steps {
sh 'composer install'
archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**', fingerprint: true
TASK [include_role] ************************************************************
TASK [geerlingguy.drupal : Add backwards-compatibility shims.] *****************
included: /home/digital/Vagrant/test-VM/vendor/geerlingguy/drupal-vm/provisioning/roles/geerlingguy.drupal/tasks/backwards-compatibility.yml for test-conviviovm
TASK [geerlingguy.drupal : build_makefile shim] ********************************
skipping: [test-conviviovm]
TASK [geerlingguy.drupal : build_composer shim] ********************************
skipping: [test-conviviovm]
# `vagrant_box` can also be set to geerlingguy/centos6, geerlingguy/centos7,
# geerlingguy/ubuntu1404, geerlingguy/ubuntu1204, parallels/ubuntu-14.04, etc.
vagrant_box: geerlingguy/centos7
vagrant_user: vagrant
vagrant_synced_folder_default_type: nfs
# If you need to run multiple instances of Drupal VM, set a unique hostname,
# machine name, and IP address for each instance.
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
"seeds": [{
"lat": "51.431454",
"type": "green",
"long": "0.031175"
}, {
"lat": "51.480920",
"type": "white",
"long": "-0.419318"
}, {
"seeds": [{
"lat": "51.431454",
"type": "green",
"long": "0.031175"
}, {
"lat": "51.480920",
"type": "white",
"long": "-0.419318"
}, {
gulp.task('sass', function() {
gulp.task('sass:watch', function () {'./sass/*.scss', ['sass']);
// Create Operations
var pushRight = slate.operation("push", {
"direction" : "right",
"style" : "bar-resize:screenSizeX/2"
var pushLeft = slate.operation("push", {
"direction" : "left",
"style" : "bar-resize:screenSizeX/2"
var fullscreen = slate.operation("move", {
* This is project's console commands configuration for Robo task runner.
* @see
class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks
public $site = 'SITENAMEHERE';
// Define public methods as commands
"name": "drupal-composer/drupal-project",
"description": "Project template for Drupal 8 projects with composer",
"type": "project",
"license": "GPL-2.0+",
"authors": [
"name": "",
"role": ""