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Last active April 3, 2018 16:37
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wrapper around (Sails.js client) for Ionic framework (circa 2017-2018 anyway). See for context
* Module dependencies
var _ = window['_'];
var io = window['io'];
import flaverr from './flaverr';
* sendSocketRequest()
* @required {String} url
* @required {String} method
* @optional {Ref} body
* @callback {Function}
* @param {Error?}
* @param {Dictionary} resInfo
* @property {String?} body
* @property {JSON?} data
* @property {Number} statusCode
* @property {Dictionary} headers
export default function sendSocketRequest(options, done){
if (_.isUndefined(options)) {
options = {};
if (!_.isFunction(done)) { throw new Error('Valid node-style callback function must be provided as the 2nd argument!'); }
(function (proceed){
if (!_.isObject(options)) { return proceed(new Error('`options` dictionary should be provided as the 1st argument!')); }
if (_.isUndefined(options.headers)) {
options.headers = {};
if (_.isUndefined(options.url)) { return proceed(new Error('`url` is required')); }
if (_.isUndefined(options.method)) { return proceed(new Error('`method` is required')); }
if (!_.isUndefined(options.baseUrl)) {
return proceed(new Error('`baseUrl` is not supported for socket requests.'));
// Grab socket
if (typeof === 'undefined') {
return proceed(new Error('Could not access `io.socket`: `` is undefined.'));
else if (typeof !== 'function') {
return proceed(new Error('Could not access `io.socket`: `` is invalid:' +;
else if (typeof === 'undefined') {
return proceed(new Error('Could not access `io.socket`: `` does not have a `socket` property. Make sure `` is being loaded properly!'));
var socket =;
// Determine if the socket has been disconnected, or if it
// has NEVER BEEN connected and is not CURRENTLY TRYING to
// connect.
var disconnectedOrWasNeverConnectedAndUnlikelyToTry = (
// =>
// If the socket is connected, cool, no problem.
!io.socket.isConnected() &&
// =>
// If the socket is at least _attempting_ to connect, we'll go ahead
// and let it try to do it's thing (i.e. queue and replay)
!io.socket.isConnecting() &&
// =>
// If the socket hasn't even had the _chance_ to begin connecting
// (because the one-tick auto-connect timer hasn't fired yet),
// then we'll give it that chance.
// console.warn('io.socket.isConnected()',io.socket.isConnected());
// console.warn('io.socket.isConnecting()',io.socket.isConnecting());
// console.warn('io.socket._isConnecting',io.socket._isConnecting);
// console.warn('io.socket.mightBeAboutToAutoConnect()',io.socket.mightBeAboutToAutoConnect());
// If none of the above were true, then emulate a normal
// offline AJAX response from jQuery.
if (disconnectedOrWasNeverConnectedAndUnlikelyToTry) {
return proceed(flaverr({code: 'E_OFFLINE'}, new Error(
'Cannot communicate with server. Are you sure you\'re connected to the internet? '+
'If you\'re sure you are, then there is probably a proxy issue, or our server is down.'
// Otherwise the socket is either connected, in the process of connecting,
// or in an indeterminate state where it has _never_ connected but _might_
// still connect (see above for details).
// In any of these cases, thanks largely to queuing, it is safe to continue
// onwards, and to send the request!
// console.warn('CALLING io.socket.request()');
// console.warn('io.sails is:',JSON.stringify(io.sails));
method: options.method,
url: options.url,
headers: options.headers,
data: options.body
}, function (unused, jwr) {
// We'll treat a non-2xx status code as an error, but we'll
// give it a special error code so it's easily digested by
// our friends up in userland.
if(jwr.statusCode >= 300 || jwr.statusCode < 200) {
return proceed(flaverr({
code: 'E_NON_200_RESPONSE',
body: jwr.body,
message: 'When communicating with `'+options.method+' '+options.url+'`, something went wrong. '+jwr.error.message,
statusCode: jwr.statusCode,
headers: {
get: function(headerName){
return jwr.headers[headerName.toLowerCase()];
// FUTURE: support rest of things, or better yet, just make the other sendHttpRequest() utility use a good old fashioned dictionary
}, jwr.error));
return proceed(undefined, {
data: jwr.body,
body: jwr.body,
statusCode: jwr.statusCode,
headers: {
get: function(headerName){
return jwr.headers[headerName.toLowerCase()];
// FUTURE: support rest of things, or better yet, just make the other sendHttpRequest() utility use a good old fashioned dictionary
});//</ io.socket.request() method >
})(function (err, resInfo){
try {
return done(err, resInfo);
} catch (e) {
console.warn('Unhandled error was thrown in an asynchronous callback! (see error log)');
});//</ self-calling function >
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