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Sometimes I don't code

Ruslan P. milworm

Sometimes I don't code
View GitHub Profile
1. On IE10, we have to click back twice to do back.
2. fixes for block-styles.
4. fixes audio-player styles.
small fixes in slide-menu
fixed ios5-history bug
fixed ie10 styles in #merge
fixed history.state in IOS5
added error-handler to view bugs using alert (ios)
fixed bug with splitting the text in IE10
1.The deletion confirmation popup doesn’t close; instead some imprevisible behavior append.
2. Now you need to click on the back button twice to go back on the page where you were before going to the home page. Also pressing on the back button the first time doesn’t check or uncheck the `show blocks` checkbox
3. Go to the home page
Click on a shortcut
Click on the edit menu on the key header to bring the edit menu popup
Click on the edit menu button => nothing happen
made few discussions with Max about bugs;
fixed bugs: 6111, 6206, 6209, 6167;
added logic to send flag-request in comments;
updated asyncview mechanizm to make it simple to use.
made a call with Ilian;
recorded editor related bugs;
onLoadItemsSuccess: function(response, params) {
var lastRequest = this.getLastRequest(),
items = response.items;
this.fireEvent("afterloaditems", this, response, params);
var tags = lastRequest.stash.request.params.tags,
type = CJ.Utils.getTagType(tags);
import React from "react";
import mui from "material-ui";
var ThemeManager = new mui.Styles.ThemeManager(),
Avatar = mui.Avatar;
var Page = React.createClass({
childContextTypes: {
muiTheme: React.PropTypes.object
Potentially unhandled rejection [2] TypeError: Can't add property context, object is not extensible
at ReactCompositeComponentMixin.mountComponent (http://localhost:3000/jspm_packages/npm/react@0.13.3/lib/ReactCompositeComponent.js:60:20)
at ReactPerf.measure.wrapper [as mountComponent] (http://localhost:3000/jspm_packages/npm/react@0.13.3/lib/ReactPerf.js:27:23)
at Object.ReactReconciler.mountComponent (http://localhost:3000/jspm_packages/npm/react@0.13.3/lib/ReactReconciler.js:11:37)
at ReactCompositeComponentMixin.mountComponent (http://localhost:3000/jspm_packages/npm/react@0.13.3/lib/ReactCompositeComponent.js:99:36)
at ReactPerf.measure.wrapper [as mountComponent] (http://localhost:3000/jspm_packages/npm/react@0.13.3/lib/ReactPerf.js:27:23)
at Object.ReactReconciler.mountComponent (http://localhost:3000/jspm_packages/npm/react@0.13.3/lib/ReactReconciler.js:11:37)
at mountComponentIntoNode (http://localhost:3000/jspm_packages/npm/react@0.13.3/lib/ReactMount.js:121:34)
at R
milworm / gist:630a91a5f7ab1c538961
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
ST/ExtJS memory leaks
#Sencha Touch: Avoiding memory leaks.
Dear readers, in this post I will highlight few places where people usually make mistakes, that cause memory leaks in Search Touch/ExtJS application.
### Be careful with Ext.Element.
Ext.Element has 2 "dangerous" methods: "up" and "down". The reason why they are "dangerous", is because resulting DOM-element, will be wrapped in Ext.Element instance, which will not be destroyed.
When ST/ExtJS creates new instance of Ext.Element, it "registers" that instance in a global Ext.Element.cache (Ext.elements) object. So, whenever you want to use these methods, don't forget to delete your implicitly created Ext.Element(s) from that object, to allow JS to free used memory. For instance:
Ext.define("MyComponent", {
extend: "Ext.Component",
milworm / blur
Created September 26, 2015 02:54
##Cross-browser blur-effect (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE10+)
In this post I will show a technique that we use to make cross-browser blur-effect. You can use this solution with any framework as it's completely library-independent and it actually uses 1 line of JS code.
With the latest versions of top notch browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari, you can always achieve blur-effect using CSS3 "filter"-property:
.cover-image {
filter: blur(12px);