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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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tumblr search for clojurescript/om
(ns tumblrsearch.core
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]
(:require ;[clojure.browser.repl]
[cljs.core.async :as async :refer [put! chan <!]]
[om.core :as om :include-macros true]
[om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]
[clojure.string :as s :refer [replace]]
;[figwheel.client :as fw :include-macros true]
; routing
[secretary.core :as secretary :include-macros true :refer [defroute]]
[ :as events]
[goog.history.EventType :as EventType]
(:import [ Jsonp]
[goog Uri]
;; state ------------------------------------------
(def IMGSIZE 400)
(def initial-state
{:current-state :search
:current-search ""
:error ""
:current-items []
:before 0
(defn reset-state [state]
(merge state initial-state))
;; Search ------------------------------------------------
; ajax ---
(defn gen-request [tag before]
(str ""
"?tag=" tag
"&before=" before
(defn async-search [data ajax-chan]
(let [search-term (:current-search data)
before (:before data)
uri (gen-request search-term before)
req (Jsonp. (Uri. uri))
(.send req nil
#(if (= (.. % -meta -status) 200)
; 200 response - ok
(put! ajax-chan {:error false
:search-term search-term
:items (filter
(fn [item] (= (:type item) "photo"))
(js->clj (.. % -response) :keywordize-keys true))})
; otherwise error
(put! ajax-chan {:error true})))))
(defn new-search [data query ajax-chan]
data #(assoc %
:current-state :loading
:current-search query
:current-items []
:before 0
:window-width (.. js/window -innerWidth)
(go (async-search @data ajax-chan)))
(defn maybe-search [data state owner]
(when (not (empty? (:text state)))
(print @data)
(set! js/window.location.hash
((-> @data :routes :search) {:query (:text state)}))
(om/set-state! owner :text "")))
; Key handling ---
(def ENTER 13)
(def ESC 27)
(defn key-event->keycode [e] (.-keyCode e))
(def legal-key #{ENTER ESC})
(defn handle-change [e owner {:keys [text]}]
(om/set-state! owner :text (.. e -target -value)))
(defn handle-keydown [e data state owner]
(let [k (key-event->keycode e)]
(when (legal-key k)
(condp = k
ENTER (maybe-search data state owner)
ESC (om/set-state! owner :text "")))))
; render ---
(defn render-search [data owner]
(init-state [_]
{:text ""})
(render-state [this state]
(dom/div nil
(dom/h1 nil "Tumblr img Search")
; input
#js {:type "text"
:value (:text state)
:onChange #(handle-change % owner state)
:onKeyDown #(handle-keydown % data state owner)
; search button
#js {:onClick (fn [e]
(.preventDefault e)
(maybe-search data state owner)
; clear button
#js {:onClick (fn [e]
(.preventDefault e)
(om/set-state! owner :text "")
;; Items -----
(defn item-view [item owner]
(render [_]
(dom/a #js {:href (:post_url item) :target "_blank"
:style #js {:position "absolute"
:height (str (:height (:photo item)) "px")
:width (str IMGSIZE "px")
:top (str (:y item) "px")
:left (str (:x item) "px")}}
(dom/img #js {:src (:url (:photo item))})))))
(defn items-view [data owner]
(let [col-n (quot (:window-width data) IMGSIZE)
left-offset (int (/ (mod (.. js/window -innerWidth) IMGSIZE) 2))]
(apply dom/div #js {:className "images"}
(->> (:current-items data)
(#(loop [items %
coll []
idx 0
offsets (zipmap (range col-n) (repeat 0))]
(if (empty? items) coll
(let [item (first items)
title (s/replace (:slug item) #"-" " ")
photo (-> item :photos first :alt_sizes second)]
(if (or (nil? (:height photo)) (nil? (:width photo)))
; nil size found - drop the image
(recur (rest items) coll idx offsets)
; ok
(let [offset-n (mod idx col-n)
offset (apply min-key second offsets)
offset-x (+ left-offset (* IMGSIZE (first offset)))
offset-y (second offset)
new-height (int (* (:height photo) (/ IMGSIZE (:width photo))))
new-offsets (update-in offsets [(first offset)] + new-height)
new-item {:index idx
:title title
:photo photo
:post_url (:post_url item)
:x offset-x
:y offset-y
(rest items)
(conj coll new-item)
(inc idx)
;; Loading ------------------------------------------------
(defn render-loading [data owner]
(dom/div nil
; title
(dom/div #js {:className "header"}
(dom/h1 nil (str "Current search: "
(:current-search data)))
#js {:onClick (fn [e]
(.preventDefault e)
(set! js/window.location.hash "")
; loading
(dom/h2 nil "loading"))
; photo list
(items-view data owner))))
;; loaded ------------------------------------------------
(defn render-loaded [data owner]
(dom/div nil
(dom/div #js {:className "header"}
; title
(dom/h1 nil (str "Current search: "
(:current-search data)))
#js {:onClick (fn [e]
(.preventDefault e)
(set! js/window.location.hash "")
; loading
(dom/h2 nil "loading"))
; photo list
(items-view data owner))))
;; loaded ------------------------------------------------
(defn render-loaded-final [data owner]
(dom/div nil
(dom/div #js {:className "header"}
; title
(dom/h1 nil (str "Current search: "
(:current-search data)))
#js {:onClick (fn [e]
(.preventDefault e)
(set! js/window.location.hash "")
; item list
(items-view data owner)
(dom/h2 nil "All Loaded.")
;; error ------------------------------------------------
(defn render-error [data owner]
(dom/div nil
(dom/h1 nil "error")
(dom/h2 nil (:error data))
#js {:onClick (fn [e]
(.preventDefault e)
(set! js/window.location.hash ""))}
;; App -----------------------------------------------
(defn async-response-loop [data ajax-chan]
(while true
(let [response (<! ajax-chan)]
(when (= (:current-state @data) :loading)
; loading error
(:error response)
(om/transact! data
#(assoc %
:before 0
:current-state :error
:error "AJAX error"
:current-search ""
:current-items []))
(and (= (:current-search @data) (:search-term response))
(empty? (response :items)))
(if (empty? (:current-items @data))
; nothing found error
(om/transact! data
#(assoc %
:before 0
:current-state :error
:error "Tag not found"
:current-search ""
:current-items []
; loaded final
(om/transact! data #(assoc % :current-state :loaded-final)))
; not error, search term match, not empty - let's go!
(and (= (:current-search @data) (:search-term response))
(not (empty? (response :items))))
(om/transact! data
#(assoc %
:current-state :loaded
:current-items (concat (:current-items @data)
(:items response))
:before (:timestamp (last (response :items)))
(defn async-window-scroll [data ajax-chan]
(.addEventListener js/window "scroll"
(fn []
(= :loaded (:current-state @data))
(let [body (.. js/document -body)
html (.. js/document -documentElement)
height (max (.. body -scrollHeight)
(.. body -offsetHeight)
(.. html -clientHeight)
(.. html -scrollHeight)
(.. html -offsetHeight)
(> 100
(- height
(+ (.. js/window -innerHeight)
(.. js/window -scrollY))))))
(om/transact! data #(assoc % :current-state :loading))
(go (async-search @data ajax-chan))))))
(defn async-window-resize [data]
js/window "resize"
(fn []
(om/transact! data
#(assoc % :window-width
(.. js/window -innerWidth))))))
(defn setup-navigation [data ajax-chan]
(secretary/set-config! :prefix "#")
data #(assoc % :routes
(defroute "/" []
(om/transact! data reset-state))
(defroute "/search/:query" [query]
(new-search data query ajax-chan))
(let [h (History.)]
( h EventType/NAVIGATE #(secretary/dispatch! (.-token %)))
(doto h
(.setEnabled true)))
(fn [data owner]
(will-mount [_]
(let [ajax-chan (chan 1)]
(async-response-loop data ajax-chan)
(async-window-scroll data ajax-chan)
(async-window-resize data)
(setup-navigation data ajax-chan)))
(render-state [this local-state]
(dom/div nil
(case (:current-state data)
:search (om/build render-search data)
:loading (om/build render-loading data)
:loaded (om/build render-loaded data)
:loaded-final (om/build render-loaded-final data)
(om/build render-error data)
(atom initial-state)
{:target (. js/document (getElementById "app"))})
;; Routing
:websocket-url "ws://localhost:3449/figwheel-ws"
:jsload-callback (fn [] (print "reloaded")))
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