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mishterk / working-with-js.js
Last active February 7, 2018 20:25
iFrames: tricks, reference, etc
// create the iFrame
var iFrame = document.createElement('iframe');
// set iFrame's source
iFrame.src = "javascript:false"; // add some URL here
// inject iFrame into current (parent) doc before first script tag
var where = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
where.parentNode.insertBefore(iFrame, where);
mishterk / example-bypassing-core-tables.php
Last active February 20, 2018 19:19
ACF Custom Database Tables plugin: Bypassing core meta tables example.
* This will prevent data from being stored in WordPress' core meta tables where a custom database table has been set up instead.
* This will not affect meta data that does not have a custom database table – that meta data will be stored as usual.
add_filter('acfcdt/settings/bypass_post_meta_table', '__return_true');
mishterk / example-table-definition-structure.json
Last active May 27, 2018 04:18
ACF Custom Database Tables plugin: Table definition JSON structure
"name": "{custom_database_table_name}",
"relationship": "{post_type}",
"columns": [
mishterk / example-table-definition-for-post-post-type.json
Created February 20, 2018 18:58
ACF Custom Database Tables plugin: Table definition JSON example for post type of 'post'
"name": "post_metadata",
"columns": [
mishterk / example-table-definition-for-page-post-type.json
Created February 20, 2018 19:00
ACF Custom Database Tables plugin: Table definition JSON example for post type of 'page'
"name": "page_metadata",
"relationship": "page",
"columns": [
mishterk / example-table-definition-for-user-type.json
Created February 20, 2018 19:04
ACF Custom Database Tables plugin: Table definition JSON example for user type
"name": "user_metadata",
"relationship": "user",
"columns": [
mishterk / post-revision-meta.sql
Last active July 1, 2020 11:23
Useful SQL snippets for WordPress DB analysis
# Lists revision post IDs and their meta data count in descending order
SELECT post_id, count(*) AS count FROM wp_postmeta LEFT JOIN wp_posts ON post_id = ID WHERE post_type = 'revision' GROUP BY post_id ORDER BY count DESC;
# Tells you how many (total figure) meta rows belong to revision posts
SELECT count(*) as total_revision_meta FROM wp_postmeta INNER JOIN wp_posts ON post_id = ID WHERE post_type = 'revision';
# Lists the post_id number of revisions for posts in descending order by number of revisions
SELECT post_parent as post_id, count(*) AS n_revisions FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = 'revision' GROUP BY post_parent ORDER BY n_revisions DESC;
* Class BenchMarker
* @author Phil Kurth <>
* A simple benchmarking utility. Easiest way to use this:
* BenchMarker::start();
* … run stuff here …
mishterk / count-new-members-between-two-dates.sql
Last active October 9, 2022 21:23
Helpful SQL queries for working with the MemberPress WordPress plugin
SELECT count(DISTINCT txns.user_id)
min(created_at) AS first_txn_created_at
FROM wp_mepr_transactions
WHERE status IN ('complete', 'confirmed')
GROUP BY user_id
) AS first_txns
INNER JOIN wp_mepr_transactions AS txns
* Really simple GET request
add_action( 'rest_api_init', function ( WP_REST_Server $wp_rest_server ) {
register_rest_route( '/custom-namespace/v1', '/no-param', [
'methods' => 'GET',
'callback' => function ( WP_REST_Request $request ) {
if ( $throw_error = false ) {