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const rootReducer = combineReducers({
counter: (state = 0, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
if (state % 2 === 1) {
return state + 1;
} else {
return state;
package example
import scala.scalajs.js
import org.scalajs.jquery.jQuery
class Deferred[T] {
val deferred = jQuery.Deferred()
def done(f: (T => _)) = deferred.done(f)
def fail(f: js.Any) = deferred.done(f)
def then(f: (T => _)) = deferred.then(f)
package example
import scala.scalajs.js
import org.scalajs.jquery.jQuery
import js.Dynamic.{
object When {

This is transolation written by me as Japanese about Vue.js

データバインディングについてVue.jsと Backbone.stickitを比較する - mizchi's blog

My Engilish is not so good. So please teach me what to say is better.

This is resource to suite to use vue.js againt my compony so I blame Backbone.stickit :D

mizchi / injector.scala
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56 — forked from anonymous/injector.scala
simple inejctor
import scala.reflect.{classTag, ClassTag}
object Injector {
private val rootInjector = new Injector(None)
def createInjector = rootInjector.createChild(rootInjector)
def mapValue[T:ClassTag](instance:T): Unit =
class Injector(val parent:Option[Injector]) {
フカマル さめはだ
ゲッコウガ へんげんじざい
バシャーモ かそく
ゴチルゼル かげふみ
ドサイドン ハードロック 
キノガッサ テクニシャン
カイリュー マルチスケイル
mizchi / 0_reuse_code.js
Created March 20, 2014 05:02
Here are some things you can do with Gists in GistBox.
// Use Gists to store code you would like to remember later on
console.log(window); // log the "window" object to the console
mizchi /
Created March 20, 2014 05:03 — forked from jookyboi/
Here are a set of libraries, plugins and guides which may be useful to your Javascript coding.


  • jQuery - The de-facto library for the modern age. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.
  • Backbone - Backbone.js gives structure to web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions, views with declarative event handling, and connects it all to your existing API over a RESTful JSON interface.
  • AngularJS - Conventions based MVC framework for HTML5 apps.
  • Underscore - Underscore is a utility-belt library for JavaScript that provides a lot of the functional programming support that you would expect in Prototype.js (or Ruby), but without extending any of the built-in JavaScript objects.
  • lawnchair - Key/value store adapter for indexdb, localStorage
基礎演習 16 2008 春期 2 A