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Mike Averto mjaverto

View GitHub Profile

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am mjaverto on github.
  • I am mjaverto ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASA1eLIpVeaWsbVJzjzRiAuihuqS5-Rz08Ei_6eoHTAWVgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

2015-07-16T14:37:03Z [INFO] Registering Instance with ECS
2015-07-16T14:37:08Z [ERROR] Could not register module="api client" err="Post net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection"
2015-07-16T14:37:08Z [ERROR] Error registering: Post net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection
2015-07-16T14:37:09Z [INFO] Starting Agent: Amazon ECS Agent - v1.2.1 (5da1555)
2015-07-16T14:37:09Z [INFO] Loading configuration
2015-07-16T14:37:09Z [INFO] Checkpointing is enabled. Attempting to load state
2015-07-16T14:37:09Z [INFO] Loading state! module="statemanager"
2015-07-16T14:37:09Z [INFO] Registering Instance with ECS
2015-07-16T14:37:14Z [ERROR] Could not register module="api client" err="Post net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection"
2015-07-16T14:37:14Z [ERROR] Error registering: Post net/http: request canceled while waiting for conne