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Last active September 25, 2015 07:10
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turning a simple formula into an iterator
Starting from:
vsftpd supports per-user configurations, which the formula doesn't yet cover, so I'm trying to
extend it. I'm also really new at this so the basic toolkit is still a challenge for me.
vsftpd.conf mostly consists of a list of key = value pairs. The template that produces it
is mostly a list of tuples, type_of_key("key", "default").
Per-user configuration looks just like main server configuration, more or less; alongside
the main config file, there are per-user config files:
...where each 'username' file conforms to the same format as the main server config file,
with the same list of options. (A lot don't make sense per-user obviously, but that's the gist.)
I'm trying to write a new template by copying and adjusting the existing one. I'm hung up on
what seems like a simple enough issue, but I don't know how to express it well enough to hunt
down the approach.
The original formula populates its main config file wit a pillar:
foo: 23
bar: whatever
In my pillar, I have:
- foo: 23
- bar: sometimes
- foo: 42
- bar: never
My goal is to produce files named for the first layer of elements
(tom, dick, etc.) where each files is made from a template pupulated
with those elements. You get the idea.
I've got the formula extended to the point where it produces the per-user
files under /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd_user_conf/[tom, dick, george, ringo], and
I've got a pillar of the form:
- foo: 23
- bar: this
- foo: 42
- bar: that
...but I haven't figured out the right syntax for fitting a layer
into the template so that walks that list of accounts.
This is obviously wrong:
{%- for user, conf in pillar.get('vsftpd_user_config', {}).items() if user.absent is not defined or not user.absent %}
I've had better attempts but they're lost in a sea of edits and deletes.
Get the idea? Clue me up?
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