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Created March 2, 2019 16:34
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C# BigInteger Extension Class
public static class BigIntegerEx
private static readonly BigInteger Ten = new BigInteger(10);
private static readonly BigInteger Three = new BigInteger(3);
public static BigInteger ToBigInteger(this char ul)
return new BigInteger(ul);
public static BigInteger ToBigInteger(this byte ul)
return new BigInteger(ul);
public static BigInteger ToBigInteger(this sbyte ul)
return new BigInteger(ul);
public static BigInteger ToBigInteger(this short ul)
return new BigInteger(ul);
public static BigInteger ToBigInteger(this ushort ul)
return new BigInteger(ul);
public static BigInteger ToBigInteger(this int ul)
return new BigInteger((ulong) ul);
public static BigInteger ToBigInteger(this uint ul)
return new BigInteger((ulong) ul);
public static BigInteger ToBigInteger(this long ul)
return new BigInteger((ulong) ul);
public static BigInteger ToBigInteger(this ulong ul)
return new BigInteger(ul);
public static BigInteger Sqrt(this BigInteger n)
var q = BigInteger.One << ((int) BigInteger.Log(n, 2) >> 1);
var m = BigInteger.Zero;
while(BigInteger.Abs(q - m) >= 1)
m = q;
q = (m + n / m) >> 1;
return q;
public static List<BigInteger> GetFactors(this BigInteger n)
var Factors = new List<BigInteger>();
var s = n.Sqrt();
var a = Three;
while(a < s)
if(n % a == 0)
if(a * a != n)
Factors.Add(n / a);
a += 2;
return Factors;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public static BigInteger Gcd(this BigInteger a, BigInteger b)
while(b > BigInteger.Zero)
var r = a % b;
a = b;
b = r;
return a;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public static BigInteger Lcm(this BigInteger a, BigInteger b)
return a * b / a.Gcd(b);
public static BigInteger BigIntegerBase2(this BigInteger bi, string binaryValue)
bi = BigInteger.Zero;
if(binaryValue.Count(b => b == '1') + binaryValue.Count(b => b == '0') != binaryValue.Length)
return bi;
foreach(var c in binaryValue)
bi <<= 1;
bi += c == '1' ? 1 : 0;
return bi;
public static int GetBitWidth(this BigInteger n)
var nb = n.ToByteArray().Length - 1;
var rv = nb << 3;
return rv;
public static BigInteger GetMaxValue(this BigInteger bi, int bitLength)
if (bi.Sign == -1)
bitLength -= 1;
return(BigInteger.One << bitLength) - BigInteger.One;
public static BigInteger GetMaxValue(this BigInteger bi)
var bitLength = bi.GetBitWidth();
if (bi.Sign==-1)
bitLength -= 1;
return (BigInteger.One << bitLength) - BigInteger.One;
public static BigInteger BigIntegerBase16(this BigInteger bi, string hexNumber)
throw new Exception("Error: hexNumber cannot be either null or have a length of zero.");
throw new Exception("Error: hexNumber cannot contain characters other than 0-9,a-f,A-F, or xX");
hexNumber = hexNumber.ToUpper();
if(hexNumber.IndexOf("0X", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1)
hexNumber = hexNumber.Substring(2);
var bytes = Enumerable.Range(0, hexNumber.Length)
.Where(x => x % 2 == 0)
.Select(x => Convert.ToByte(hexNumber.Substring(x, 2), 16))
return new BigInteger(bytes.Concat(new byte[] {0}).ToArray());
public static BigInteger BigIntegerBase10(this BigInteger bi, string str)
if(str[0] == '-')
throw new Exception("Invalid numeric string. Only positive numbers are allowed.");
var number = new BigInteger();
int i;
for(i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
if(str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '9')
number = number * Ten + long.Parse(str[i].ToString());
return number;
public static string ToBinaryString(this BigInteger bigint)
var bytes = bigint.ToByteArray();
var index = bytes.Length - 1;
var base2 = new StringBuilder(bytes.Length * 8);
var binary = Convert.ToString(bytes[index], 2);
if(binary[0] != '0' && bigint.Sign == 1) base2.Append('0');
for(index--; index >= 0; index--)
base2.Append(Convert.ToString(bytes[index], 2).PadLeft(8, '0'));
return base2.ToString();
public static string ToHexString(this BigInteger bi)
var bytes = bi.ToByteArray();
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach(var b in bytes)
var hex = b.ToString("X2");
return sb.ToString();
public static string ToOctalString(this BigInteger bigint)
var bytes = bigint.ToByteArray();
var index = bytes.Length - 1;
var base8 = new StringBuilder((bytes.Length / 3 + 1) * 8);
var rem = bytes.Length % 3;
if(rem == 0) rem = 3;
var base0 = 0;
while(rem != 0)
base0 <<= 8;
base0 += bytes[index--];
var octal = Convert.ToString(base0, 8);
if(octal[0] != '0' && bigint.Sign == 1) base8.Append('0');
while(index >= 0)
base0 = (bytes[index] << 16) + (bytes[index - 1] << 8) + bytes[index - 2];
base8.Append(Convert.ToString(base0, 8).PadLeft(8, '0'));
index -= 3;
return base8.ToString();
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