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Created September 8, 2014 18:24
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"id": 440,
"title": "Station Locations",
"phone": "+12159876034",
"start_date": "2014-08-22T17:31:26-04:00",
"end_date": null,
"confirmation": "Thanks again. There are approx. 90 proposed sites so if you see another sticker, text us from there!",
"public": false,
"questions": [
"question": {
"id": 1869,
"text": "Is this a good spot for a bike share station?",
"type": "YesNoQuestion",
"options": [
"option": {
"id": 3058,
"text": "No",
"follow_up": [
"follow_up": {
"id": 1873,
"text": "What’s your biggest reason why not?",
"type": "MultipleChoiceQuestion"
"option": {
"id": 3057,
"text": "Yes",
"follow_up": [
"follow_up": {
"id": 1874,
"text": "Great! What’s your biggest reason?",
"type": "MultipleChoiceQuestion"
"question": {
"id": 1790,
"text": "What’s the station code written on the sticker? (Can’t remember? Just reply with nearest cross streets.)",
"type": "OpenQuestion"
"question": {
"id": 1794,
"text": "How comfortable would you feel using this station at night?",
"type": "MultipleChoiceQuestion",
"options": [
"option": {
"id": 3040,
"text": "Very uncomf",
"follow_up": []
"option": {
"id": 2864,
"text": "Not comfrtble",
"follow_up": []
"option": {
"id": 2863,
"text": "Neutral",
"follow_up": []
"option": {
"id": 2862,
"text": "Somewhat comf",
"follow_up": []
"option": {
"id": 2861,
"text": "Very comfortable",
"follow_up": []
"question": {
"id": 1864,
"text": "Are there any better spots for stations in the immediate area?",
"type": "YesNoQuestion",
"options": [
"option": {
"id": 3042,
"text": "No",
"follow_up": []
"option": {
"id": 3041,
"text": "Yes",
"follow_up": [
"follow_up": {
"id": 1865,
"text": "Where would you suggest a station? Why?",
"type": "OpenQuestion"
"question": {
"id": 1795,
"text": "Thanks! 3 quick Qs about yourself. What is your age?",
"type": "OpenQuestion"
"question": {
"id": 1796,
"text": "What is your gender?",
"type": "MultipleChoiceQuestion",
"options": [
"option": {
"id": 2867,
"text": "Other",
"follow_up": []
"option": {
"id": 2866,
"text": "Female",
"follow_up": []
"option": {
"id": 2865,
"text": "Male",
"follow_up": []
"question": {
"id": 1797,
"text": "What is your race/ethnicity? ",
"type": "MultipleChoiceQuestion",
"options": [
"option": {
"id": 2873,
"text": "Other",
"follow_up": []
"option": {
"id": 2872,
"text": "Asian/Pacific Islander",
"follow_up": []
"option": {
"id": 2871,
"text": "Native Amrcn",
"follow_up": []
"option": {
"id": 2870,
"text": "White",
"follow_up": []
"option": {
"id": 2869,
"text": "Black/African Amrcn",
"follow_up": []
"option": {
"id": 2868,
"text": "Hispanic/Latino",
"follow_up": []
"question": {
"id": 1875,
"text": "Thanks for your input! Learn more &\r\ncomment on other locations at Anything else to add about bikeshare?",
"type": "YesNoQuestion",
"options": [
"option": {
"id": 3082,
"text": "No",
"follow_up": []
"option": {
"id": 3081,
"text": "Yes",
"follow_up": [
"follow_up": {
"id": 1876,
"text": "What else would you like to add?",
"type": "OpenQuestion"
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