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Created March 4, 2020 18:49
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{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg = config.vault-secrets;
secretOptions = (with types; submodule (
{name, ... }:
options = {
namespace = mkOption {
type = with types; str;
default = cfg.namespace;
example = "servers/jupiter/services";
description = ''
Vault KV path under which all service secrets live, under
<literal>basePath</literal>. No leading or trailing slash!
environmentKey = mkOption {
type = with types; nullOr str;
default = "environment";
example = "environment_data";
description = ''
Vault KV key under <literal>vaultPathPrefix/namespace</literal> that
contains the environment for this service. Keys will be dumped into
<literal>outPathPrefix/name/environment</literal> in a format
suitable for use with EnvironmentFile.
environmentPrefix = mkOption {
type = with types; nullOr str;
default = null;
example = "SERVICE_NAME";
description = ''
A prefix to prepend to environment variable names in the
<literal>environment</literal> file. Will be uppercase, and
separated from the rest of the variable name by an underscore.
For example, with a prefix <literal>foo</literal> and a key
<literal>bar</literal>, the variable name will be
<literal>FOO_bar</literal>. Note that the key is never upcased.
environmentFile = mkOption {
type = with types; str;
default = "/root/vault-secrets.env.d/${name}";
example = "/root/";
description = ''
Path to a file that contains the necessary environment variables for
Vault to log into an AppRole and pull data. Should define
secretsKey = mkOption {
type = with types; nullOr str;
default = "secrets";
example = "super/secret";
description = ''
Vault KV path under <literal>vaultPathPrefix/namespace</literal>
that contains the secrets for this service.
Keys in this secrets will be dumped into files under
secretsBase64 = mkOption {
type = with types; bool;
default = false;
example = true;
description = ''
Whether or not values in <literal>secrets</literal> are base64
encoded. Note that it's all or nothing, not per-key.
extraScript = mkOption {
type = with types; nullOr lines;
default = "";
example = literalExample ''
envsubst < infile > $secretspath/outfile
description = ''
Extra script to run in the secret unit context
services = mkOption {
default = [ name ];
type = with types; listOf str;
description = ''
Systemd services that depend on this secret. Defaults to the
attribute name.
If set to empty, the unit will run on its own, rather than as a
dependency of another unit. Useful for secrets that dont have a
specific dependent unit.
user = mkOption {
type = with types; nullOr str;
default = null;
example = "gitlab-runner";
description = ''
User that should own the secrets files. Defaults to root.
__toString = mkOption {
default = _: "${cfg.outPathPrefix}/${name}";
readOnly = true;
options = {
vault-secrets = {
vaultPathPrefix = mkOption {
type = with types; str;
default = "kv";
description = ''
Base Vault KV path to prepend to all KV paths, including the mount point.
vaultAddress = mkOption {
type = with types; str;
default = "";
description = ''
The address of the Vault server, passed via <literal>VAULT_ADDR</literal> environment variable.
namespace = mkOption {
type = with types; str;
default = "services";
description = ''
Base Vault KV path to prepend to all KV paths, under
<literal>vaultPathPrefix</literal>. Default for all secrets defined in
the module.
outPathPrefix = mkOption {
type = with types; str;
default = "/run/secrets";
description = ''
Base path to output secrets. The path will be created, owned by root, and chmod 700.
Should probably be on tmpfs to avoid leaking secrets.
secrets = mkOption {
type = with types; attrsOf secretOptions;
default = {};
config = { = lib.mkMerge ([(flip mapAttrs' cfg.secrets (
name: scfg: with scfg;
secretsPath = "${cfg.outPathPrefix}/${name}";
in nameValuePair "${name}-secrets" {
path = with pkgs; [ getent jq vault-bin ];
partOf = map (n: "${name}.service") services;
wantedBy = optional (services == []) "" ;
after = optional (services == []) "";
environment.VAULT_ADDR = cfg.vaultAddress;
script = ''
set -euo pipefail
mkdir -pm 0755 "${cfg.outPathPrefix}"
# Because the path might already exist, fix mode
chmod 0755 "${cfg.outPathPrefix}"
# Make sure we start from a clean slate
rm -rf "${secretsPath}"
mkdir -p "${secretsPath}"
vaultOutput="$(vault write -format=json auth/approle/login role_id="$VAULT_ROLE_ID" secret_id=- <<< "$VAULT_SECRET_ID")"
jq '.auth.client_token = "redacted"' <<< "$vaultOutput"
VAULT_TOKEN="$(jq -r '.auth.client_token' <<< "$vaultOutput")"
'' + optionalString (secretsKey != null) ''
json_dump="$(vault kv get -format=json "${cfg.vaultPathPrefix}/${namespace}/${name}/${secretsKey}" || true)"
if [[ -n "$json_dump" ]]; then
'' + (if secretsBase64 then ''
dumpsecrets="$(jq -r 'select( != null) | | to_entries[] | "base64 -d <<< \"\(.value)\" > ${secretsPath}/\(.key)"' <<< "$json_dump")"
'' else ''
dumpsecrets="$(jq -r 'select( != null) | | to_entries[] | "builtin printf \"%s\\n\" \"\(.value)\" > ${secretsPath}/\(.key)"' <<< "$json_dump")"
'') + optionalString (secretsKey != null) ''
echo "Found secrets at ${cfg.vaultPathPrefix}/${namespace}/${name}/secrets (''${#dumpsecrets} bytes)" >&2
eval "$dumpsecrets"
'' + optionalString (environmentKey != null) ''
json_dump="$(vault kv get -format=json "${cfg.vaultPathPrefix}/${namespace}/${name}/${environmentKey}" || true)"
if [[ -n "$json_dump" ]]; then
jq -r ' | to_entries[] | "${optionalString (environmentPrefix != null) "${toUpper environmentPrefix}_"}\(.key)=\"\(.value)\""' <<< "$json_dump" > "${secretsPath}/environment"
echo "Dumped environment file at ${secretsPath}/environment" >&2
'' + ''
'' + optionalString (user != null) ''
chown -R "${user}:nobody" "${secretsPath}"
serviceConfig = {
EnvironmentFile = environmentFile;
RemainAfterExit = true;
Type = "oneshot";
UMask = "0077";
))] ++ (flip lib.mapAttrsToList cfg.secrets (
name: scfg: with scfg;
lib.genAttrs services (services: rec {
requires = [ "${name}-secrets.service" ];
after = requires;
bindsTo = requires;
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