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Last active April 19, 2016 12:14
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Using built-in mkdocs server in production on Windows (Scheduled Task)
@echo off
set logfile=%~n0.log
set taskName=%~n0
cd /D "%~dp0"
set command=%1
if "%command%"=="" set command=usage
goto %command%
echo Local documentation server using mkdocs.
echo Usage: %~n0 [command]
echo Available commands:
echo usage Shows this help
echo run Runs the documentation server (console)
echo install Installs the documentation server as scheduled task
echo start Starts the installed server (task)
echo stop Stops the installed server (task)
echo restart Restarts the installed server (task)
echo uninstall Uninstalls the documentation server
goto end
echo Installing mkdocs server...
schtasks /Create /TN %taskName% /RU SYSTEM /SC onstart /TR "%~f0 run"
call :check_error %errorlevel% "Could not install mkdocs server task." || exit /B 1
call :start || exit /B 2
echo Installed mkdocs server...
goto end
echo Uninstalling mkdocs server...
call :stop || exit /B 2
schtasks /Delete /TN %taskName% /f
call :check_error %errorlevel% "Could uninstall mkdocs server." || exit /B 1
del "%logfile%" 2>nul
echo Uninstalled mkdocs server...
goto end
echo Starting mkdocs server...
schtasks /Run /I /TN %taskName%
call :check_error %errorlevel% "Could not start mkdocs server." || exit /B 1
echo Started mkdocs server (logs: '%logfile%').
goto end
echo Stopping mkdocs server...
schtasks /End /TN %taskName%
call :check_error %errorlevel% "Could not stop mkdocs server." || exit /B 1
taskkill /im mkdocs.exe /f 2>nul
rem wait 2 seconds to relieve access problems to logfile
ping -n 2 > nul
echo Stopped mkdocs server.
echo. >>%logfile%
echo Stopped mkdocs server (%DATE% %TIME%). >>%logfile%
goto end
echo Restarting mkdocs server...
call :stop || exit /B 1
call :start || exit /B 2
echo Restarted mkdocs server.
echo Restarted mkdocs server. >>%logfile%
goto end
echo Starting mkdocs server...
echo Please keep this window open (minimized is OK).
echo Press Ctrl+C in case you need to stop.
echo Starting mkdocs server (%DATE% %TIME%)... >%logfile%
echo. >>%logfile%
mkdocs serve >>%logfile% 2>&1
rem exit code 1 is Ok (Ctrl+C)
call :check_error %errorlevel% "Could not run mkdocs server." 1 log || exit /B 1
goto end
exit /B 0
set /a exitCode = %1
set /a okCode = 0
if not "%3"=="" set /a okCode = %3
if %exitCode% equ %okCode% exit /B 0
echo ERROR: %2 (code: %exitCode%)
if "%4"=="log" echo ERROR: %2 (code: %exitCode%) >>%logfile%
exit /B %exitCode%
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