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Last active August 5, 2021 13:44
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import { getContextEndpoint } from "@shopware-pwa/shopware-6-client";
import { getApplicationContext, useCart, useSessionContext } from "@shopware-pwa/composables";
import { onMounted } from "@vue/composition-api";
// sdk for Adyen web components
import AdyenCheckout from '@adyen/adyen-web';
// styling
import '@adyen/adyen-web/dist/adyen.css';
export default function({ app, $config }, inject) {
const { apiInstance } = getApplicationContext(app);
// get the total price for current cart
const { totalPrice } = useCart(app)
// get chosen payment method and currency from the session context
const { paymentMethod, currency } = useSessionContext(app);
// initialize an instance of adyen checkout
const initAdyenCheckout = () => {
// get custom configuration that may be merged with default one
// from publicRuntimeConfig in nuxt.config.js
const customConfiguration = $config.adyen || {};
// set the initial configuration
const configuration = {
locale: app.$routing?.getCurrentDomain?.value?.locale?.replace('-', '_'),
amount: {
value: totalPrice.value,
currency: currency.value?.isoCode || "EUR"
onSubmit: (state, credit) => {
onChange: async (state, credit) => {
// check if provided data pass the validation rules
// within credit card form
if(state.isValid) {
// if so, send an update context request to the Shopware 6 /context endpoint
// to invoke appriopriate event that can be captured by Adyen plugin
try {
await updatePaymentData(
} catch (error) {
console.error('adyen:onChange:updatePaymentData', error);
onAdditionalDetails: (state, credit) => {
// will be used for 3DS authentication
// create an instance of Adyen Checkout with given configuration
const checkout = new AdyenCheckout(Object.assign({}, configuration, customConfiguration));
// method that sends adyenData coming from the web component
// and current cart setup to the /store-api/context endpoint
const updatePaymentData = async (adyenData) => {
await apiInstance.invoke.patch(getContextEndpoint(), {
paymentMethodId: paymentMethod.value?.id, // id of payment method
adyenStateData: JSON.stringify(adyenData, null, 2), // card specific data (token included)
adyenOrigin: $config.adyen.adyenOrigin || "http://localhost:8000"
// create and mount a web component with credit card form
// by given element's id like <div id="my-component"></div>
const mountCardContainer = (elementId, settings = {}) => {
.create("card", Object.assign({}, settings))
const adyen = {
// register a plugin in nuxt's context under $adyen alias
// thanks to this it can be used anywhere in the application
// let's say as an express checkout button on product listing page
inject('adyen', adyen);
const { setup } = app;
app.setup = function (...args) {
let result = {};
if (setup instanceof Function) {
result = setup(...args) || {};
// init an Adyen checkout web component
// when components are ready
onMounted(() => initAdyenCheckout());
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