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Last active September 15, 2017 05:50
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var express = require('express'),
googleapis = require('googleapis'),
app = express(),
youtubeClient = null,
staticFolder = '/public', //The folder, inside the server, where the static content is stored.
/** The system port used by the server
* On hosts like Heroku, you'll need to use the one set by the environment
* on default, instead, we choose port 8080.
port = process.env.PORT || 8080,
* @private
* A list of the admissable values for the "order" parameter in YouTube video searches.
VALID_ORDER_CRITERIA = ['date', 'rating', 'relevance', 'title', 'videoCount', 'viewCount'],
app.use('/', express.static(__dirname + staticFolder));
/** @function validatePositiveNumber
* @private
* Validate a value, ensuring it is a positive integer,
* and returning a default value (that MUST me passed by the caller), if the validation fails.
* @param {Number} value The value that needs to be validated.
* @param {Number} defaultValue The value to be returned when validation fails for value.
* @return {Number} Either value (possibly converted to a numeric format), if it passes validation, or defaultValue;
* It should be returned a positive integer, assuming defaultValue is coherent with the function requirements.
function validatePositiveNumber (value, defaultValue) {
value = Number(value);
if (isNaN(value) || value <= 0) {
return defaultValue;
else {
return value;
/** @function validateOrderParameter
* @private
* Validate a value, ensuring it is a valid option for the 'order' field of the parameters for the DATA API's search method,
* and returning a default value (that MAY me passed by the caller), if the validation fails.
* @param {String} value The value that needs to be validated.
* @param {String|undefined} [defaultValue] The value to be returned when validation fails for value.
* @return {String|undefined} Either value, if it passes validation, or defaultValue;
function validateOrderParameter (value, defaultValue) {
if (VALID_ORDER_CRITERIA.indexOf(value) >= 0) {
return value;
} else {
return defaultValue;
/** @function search
* @private
* Perform the actual search
* @param {Object} options The collection of properties to be set as parameter for the DAta API's search method.
* @param {Number} firstResult The value to be returned when validation fails for value.
* @param {Funciton} onError The callback to execute in case of errors.
* @param {Function} onSuccess The callback to be invoked when YouTube's API returns correctly the results of the search.
* @return {undefined}
function search (options, firstResult, onError, onSuccess) {
var paramName,
i, n,
results = [],
params = {
part: "id,snippet",
type: "video"
maxResults = options.maxResults,
lastPage = Math.floor((firstResult + maxResults - 1) / PAGE_SIZE), //video indexes start from 0, so we have to subtract 1
/** @function collectResultsUpToLastPage
* If remainingPages is positive, then collects the query results for a single page, and then recursively calls itself;
* if, instead, remainingPages is zero, it means that the results have been loaded up to the second-last page
* (or that the last page ofresults is also the first, i.e. all the results we need to download are in thefirst page).
* If download fails, calls the onError function and break the flow of execution.
* @param {Number} remainingPages How many pages of results are needed before the last page.
* @return {undefined}
collectResultsUpToLastPage = function (remainingPages) {
if (!remainingPages) {
} else {
params.maxResults = PAGE_SIZE;
.execute(function (err, response) {
if (err) {
onError(err, response);
} else {
items = response.items;
n = items.length;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
params.pageToken = response.nextPageToken;
collectResultsUpToLastPage(remainingPages - 1);
/** @function doSearch
* Download the last page of results, and then, if no error is found, calls the onSuccess callback passing the slice of results
* between firstResult and firstResult + maxResults.
* @return {undefined}
doSearch = function () {
params.maxResults = (firstResult + maxResults) % PAGE_SIZE || PAGE_SIZE; //if n % PAGE_SIZE == 0, then we need to get PAGE_SIZE results from the last page
.execute(function (err, response) {
if (err) {
onError(err, response);
} else {
items = response.items;
n = items.length;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
onSuccess(results.slice(firstResult, firstResult + maxResults));
//Copies the parameters set by the user to the object that will be passed to YouTube API
for (paramName in options) {
paramValue = options[paramName];
if (typeof paramValue !== "undefined") {
params[paramName] = paramValue;
//Starts the search
/** @function parseData
* @private
* Return a subset of the data, filtering out all the fields we are not going to use.
* @param {Array} data The array containing the video items returned by YouTube APIs
* @return {Array} The array
function parseData (data) {
return (d) {
var id =,
snippet = d.snippet;
return {
id: id && id.videoId,
title: snippet && snippet.title,
thumb: snippet && snippet.thumbnails.default.url,
date: snippet && snippet.publishedAt
/** @function route
* @private
* Called when a valid paths is browsed through GET http methofd, extracts the parameters from the URL path and the
* get parameters, defines the calllback that will handle successfull calls and errors, and hands everything over to
* the search function, which in turn will use the YouTube DATA API.
* @param {Object} req A wrapper for the request object, through which we can access the request parameters.
* @param {Object} res A wrapper for the response object, allowing us to send back errors or results to the browser.
* @return {undefined}
function route (req, res) {
var keywords = req.params.keywords,
onError = function (err, response) {
onSuccess = function (data) {
if(!keywords) {
res.statusCode = 400;
return res.redirect('/');
q: keywords,
relatedToVideoId: req.params.relatedId,
order: validateOrderParameter(req.query.order, undefined),
maxResults: validatePositiveNumber(req.query.max_results, DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS)
validatePositiveNumber(req.query.first_result, 1),
app.get('/videos/:keywords', function(req, res) {
return route(req, res);
app.get('/videos/:keywords/countries/:country', function(req, res) {
return route(req, res);
app.get('/videos/:keywords/related/:relatedId', function(req, res) {
return route(req, res);
});'youtube', 'v3').execute(function (err, client) {
if (err) {
console.log("Unable to connect to YoutubeApi: " + err);
//Shut down server
return ;
} else {
youtubeClient = client;
console.log("Listening to port: " + port);
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djdmsr commented Oct 5, 2016


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