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//list available DMVs
Select * from $SYSTEM.DBSCHEMA_TABLES where table_type = 'Schema' order by table_name
//Useful DMVs for 2016 SSAS Tabular Models
Select * from $SYSTEM.TMSCHEMA_ATTRIBUTE_HIERARCHY_STORAGES //distinct data count for each column
Select * from $SYSTEM.TMSCHEMA_ATTRIBUTE_HIERARCHIES //ties hierarchy id to column
SELECT * from $SYSTEM.TMSCHEMA_COLUMN_STORAGES //has order by column, row count is inaccurate
Select * from $SYSTEM.TMSCHEMA_COLUMNS //column name, ID for table, data type, category, hidden, iskey, isunique, is nullable, summarize by, expression for calc columns, hierarchy id, refresh time, modify time. source provider type, display folder
SELECT * from $SYSTEM.TMSCHEMA_DATA_SOURCES //connection string, account, impersonation mode, name
Select * from $SYSTEM.TMSCHEMA_HIERARCHIES //hierarchy name, display folder
mlongoria / SSASProcessFullTMSL.xmla
Created September 19, 2016 20:38
Does a Process Full for a 2016+ Tabular SSAS model using TMSL
"refresh": {
"type": "full",
"objects": [
"database": "MyTabularModel"
mlongoria / SSASTabDateDim.JSON
Last active September 2, 2016 15:43
Creates a Date dim with fiscal calendar all based off of a calculated table. Assumes months are calendar. Fiscal Year start determined by value in [Fiscal Year Month Begin]
"name": "Date",
"dataCategory": "Time",
"columns": [
"type": "calculatedTableColumn",
"name": "Date",
"dataType": "dateTime",
"isNameInferred": true,
"isDataTypeInferred": true,
mlongoria / DAXLostCustomers.txt
Created August 8, 2016 00:30
Shows the calculation of lost customers based upon sales fact using DAX for SSAS Tabular
Lost Customers :=
IF (
MIN ( 'Date'[Full Date] )
> CALCULATE ( MAX ( Sales[Invoice Date] ), ALL ( Sales ) )
mlongoria / CreateDateAzureSQLDW.sql
Last active September 23, 2020 03:54
Creates a calendar table in Azure SQL Data Warehouse
--Creates a table called RPT.Calendar. Change the table name on line 69. Change date range on line 2.
DECLARE @StartDate DATE = '20100101', @NumberOfYears INT = 30;
-- prevent set or regional settings from interfering with
-- interpretation of dates / literals
[date] DATE,
[day] tinyint,
mlongoria / RemoveLineBreaks.sql
Created August 6, 2016 18:18
Dynamically creates a select query for all fields in a table that replaces line breaks in string fields with 4 spaces
--Change @Tablename on Line3 and run for each table
DECLARE @TableName varchar(100);
Set @TableName = 'Goods'
SET @ColumnList ='';
Declare @sqlselect nvarchar(max);
SELECT @ColumnList = @ColumnList + ', ' +
CASE WHEN data_type in ('char','varchar','nchar','nvarchar') THEN 'REPLACE(REPLACE('+ CAST(COLUMN_NAME AS VARCHAR(128)) +', CHAR(13), char(32) + char(32) + char(32) + char(32)), CHAR(10), char(32) + char(32) + char(32) + char(32))' + CAST(COLUMN_NAME AS VARCHAR(128))
WHEN data_type in ('text','ntext') THEN 'REPLACE(REPLACE(Cast([' + CAST(COLUMN_NAME AS VARCHAR(128)) + '] as varchar(8000)), CHAR(13), char(32) + char(32) + char(32) + char(32)), CHAR(10), char(32) + char(32) + char(32) + char(32)) ' + CAST(COLUMN_NAME AS VARCHAR(128))
mlongoria / Dim1Caller.biml
Last active July 1, 2016 13:59
Caller file for Type 1 SCD design pattern.
<#*This file retrieves variable values from a database
and passes them to another Biml file file that contains
the design pattern for a type 1 SCD*#>
<#*The items directly below this comment are directives*#>
<#@ template language="C#" hostspecific="true" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Data" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.IO" #>
mlongoria / TextNuggetReplaceNames.biml
Last active June 30, 2016 05:15
Demonstration of using text nuggets in Biml
<#* The variables below are control nuggets.
They will be discussed later but are needed for ths example.*#>
var PackageName = "Stage_AW_SalesReason";
var SourceTable = "SalesReason";
var SourceSchema = "Sales";
var DestinationTable = "SalesReason";
var DestinationSchema = "Staging";