Use youtube-dl directly to download the video (thanks @meepybub!) Example:
youtube-dl -u <> "<video>"
If variant 1 doesn't work, try this.
Login to Vimeo and get the cookies.txt file using this Chrome plugin
Use youtube-dl to download the video Example:
youtube-dl "<video>" --cookies cookies.txt
I had a lot of success with this repo for private videos:
An update from 2024
I would like to point out a few minor details.
You must have a Vimeo account, do not sign in via Google or anything else,
asks for your email address and password to log in.You must install the
via the command below (for MacOS):brew install yt-dlp
and then, when the installation is completed, you must use the command below to download the video:
yt-dlp -u
It will ask for your password to log in, enter it. Your download should begin.