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Marco Musich mmusich

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import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
process = cms.Process('TEST')
import FWCore.ParameterSet.VarParsing as VarParsing
options = VarParsing.VarParsing('analysis')
options.setDefault('inputFiles', [
options.setDefault('maxEvents', 100)
diff --git a/HLTrigger/Configuration/python/ b/HLTrigger/Configuration/python/
index 655a9660556..34fd2254d35 100644
--- a/HLTrigger/Configuration/python/
+++ b/HLTrigger/Configuration/python/
@@ -231,6 +231,23 @@ def customiseForOffline(process):
for prod in esproducers_by_type(process, 'OnlineBeamSpotESProducer'):
prod.timeThreshold = int(1e6)
+ # For running HLT offline and relieve the strain on Frontier so it will no longer inject a
+ # transaction id which tells Frontier to add a unique "&freshkey" to many query URLs.
diff --git a/Configuration/AlCa/python/ b/Configuration/AlCa/python/
index ae5d08ffff6..93cb958777a 100644
--- a/Configuration/AlCa/python/
+++ b/Configuration/AlCa/python/
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ allTags["TkAlignment"] = {
'T25' : ( ','.join( [ 'TrackerAlignment_Upgrade2026_T25_design_v0' ,TkAlRecord, connectionString, "", "2023-03-16 15:30:00"] ), ),
'T30' : ( ','.join( [ 'TrackerAlignment_Upgrade2026_T30_design_v0' ,TkAlRecord, connectionString, "", "2023-03-16 15:30:00"] ), ),
'T33' : ( ','.join( [ 'TrackerAlignment_Upgrade2026_T33_design_v0' ,TkAlRecord, connectionString, "", "2023-06-07 21:00:00"] ), ),
- 'T36' : ( ','.join( [ 'TrackerAlignment_Upgrade2026_T36_design_v0' ,TkAlRecord, connectionString, "", "2024-??-?? ??:00:00"] ), ),
+ #'T36' : ( ','.join( [ 'TrackerAlignment_Upgrade2026_T36_design_v0' ,TkAlRecord, connectionString, "", "2024-??-?? ??:00:00"] ), ),
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include "CommonTools/Statistics/interface/ChiSquaredProbability.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EDAnalyzer.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESWatcher.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
mmusich / raw.log
Last active July 27, 2023 18:00
debugging RAW'
27-Jul-2023 19:58:12 CEST Initiating request to open file root://
%MSG-w XrdAdaptorInternal: file_open 27-Jul-2023 19:58:13 CEST pre-events
Failed to open file at URL root://
%MSG-w XrdAdaptorInternal: file_open 27-Jul-2023 19:58:13 CEST pre-events
Failed to open file at URL root://
27-Jul-2023 19:58:13 CEST Initiating request to open file root://
%MSG-w XrdAdaptor: file_open 27-Jul-2023 1
#include "DQMOffline/RecoB/plugins/PrimaryVertexMonitor.h"
#include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/isFinite.h"
#include "CommonTools/Statistics/interface/ChiSquaredProbability.h"
#include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
#include "TMath.h"
import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
import FWCore.PythonUtilities.LumiList as LumiList
from Alignment.OfflineValidation.TkAlAllInOneTool.defaultInputFiles_cff import filesDefaultData_MinBias2018B
from FWCore.ParameterSet.VarParsing import VarParsing
from Alignment.OfflineValidation.TkAlAllInOneTool.utils import _byteify
import json
import os
// defaults (Run-3)
double pMass = 0.938; // GeV (proton)
double E = 6800; // GeV (beam energy)
std::regex pattern("20\\d{2}"); // Regular expression pattern to match "20" followed by two digits
std::smatch matches;
if (std::regex_search(tagname, matches, pattern)) {
int secondTwoDigits = std::stoi(matches[1].str());
import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
import sys
from Configuration.Eras.Era_Run3_cff import Run3
process = cms.Process("TestDCS", Run3)
# Messages
import requests
import datetime
import json
# Set the GitHub API endpoint and headers
api_url = ""
headers = {
"Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json"