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Mark Needham mneedham

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mneedham / rover.hs
Created June 15, 2012 22:34 — forked from uday-rayala/rover.hs
Mars rover in haskell
data Position = Position Int Int Direction
deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
data Direction = N | E | W | S
deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded, Read)
data Command = L | R | M
deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded, Read)
data DeltaPosition = DeltaPosition Int Int deriving (Show)
data State = State {

A simple GraphGist

You create a GraphGist by creating a GitHub Gist in AsciiDoc and enter the URL to it in the form on this page.

Click on the Page Source button in the menu to see the source for this GraphGist!

Include a query console


A simple GraphGist

You create a GraphGist by creating a GitHub Gist in AsciiDoc and enter the URL to it in the form on this page.

Click on the Page Source button in the menu to see the source for this GraphGist!

Include a query console


A simple GraphGist

You create a GraphGist by creating a GitHub Gist in AsciiDoc and enter the URL to it in the form on this page.

Click on the Page Source button in the menu to see the source for this GraphGist!

Include a query console


query <- function(querystring) {
h = basicTextGatherer()
postfields=paste('query',curlEscape(querystring), sep='='),
writefunction = h$update,
verbose = FALSE
# tiny script to extract the logs of the latest startup sequence in a Neo4j instance
if (( $# == 0 )); then
echo "call me: $0 <path_to_messages.log>"
exit 1

Learning dem graph gists


Something something, graph gist

How to create relatonships between elements in a collection

This GraphGist answers a Stackoverflow question.

Creating A Sample User Graph

We want to create a social network, and have to connect some people. Let’s do that in two steps.

Modelling time-varying financial exposures in Neo4j

Answer to this Stackoverflow Question


How would one model this kind of data in Neo4j?:

   Portfolio                         Holding    Instrument       Date BALANCE.USD

The World Cup Graph

The football World Cup is just under a week away so I thought we deserved a World Cup graph for the occasion. It’s still a work in progress but here’s what I’ve got so far.