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Last active May 14, 2022 16:50
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(* Free category on a quiver *)
Inductive Free {ob} (Q : ob -> ob -> Type) : ob -> ob -> Type :=
| Id : forall {X}, Free Q X X
| Circ : forall {X Y Z}, Q Y Z -> Free Q X Y -> Free Q X Z.
Arguments Id {_ _ _}.
Arguments Circ {_ _ _ _ _}.
Fixpoint append {ob} {Q : ob -> ob -> Type} {X Y Z} (xs : Free Q Y Z) (ys : Free Q X Y)
: Free Q X Z
:= match xs, ys with
| Id, ys => ys
| Circ x xs, ys => Circ x (append xs ys)
Theorem append_assoc {ob} {Q : ob -> ob -> Type} {X Y Z W} (xs : Free Q Z W) (ys : Free Q Y Z) (zs : Free Q X Y)
: append xs (append ys zs) = append (append xs ys) zs.
induction xs as [ | ? ? ? x xs IH]; simpl; auto.
now rewrite IH.
Section InsertionSort.
Variable ob : Type.
Variable Q : ob -> ob -> Type.
Inductive SwapResult : ob -> ob -> Type :=
| NoSwap : forall {X Y}, SwapResult X Y
| Swap : forall {X Y Z}, Free Q Y Z -> Q X Y -> SwapResult X Z
| Erase : forall {X}, SwapResult X X.
Variable swap : forall {X Y Z}, Q Y Z -> Q X Y -> SwapResult X Z.
Fixpoint sortedAfter {X Y Z} (x : Q Y Z) (ys : Free Q X Y) : Prop
:= match ys, x with
| Id, _ => True
| Circ y ys, x => swap x y = NoSwap /\ sortedAfter y ys
Definition sorted {X Y} (xs : Free Q X Y) : Prop
:= match xs with
| Id => True
| Circ x xs => sortedAfter x xs
Hypothesis swap_swap_sorted
: forall {X Y Y' Z} (x : Q Y Z) (y : Q X Y) (ys : Free Q Y' Z) (x' : Q X Y'),
swap x y = Swap ys x' -> sorted (append ys (Circ x' Id))
/\ forall {W} (z : Q Z W), swap z x = NoSwap -> sortedAfter z (append ys (Circ x' Id)).
(* this is not actually satisfied for Delta ??? *)
Hypothesis swap_erase_sorted
: forall {X Y Z W} (x : Q Y W) (y : Q Z Y) (z : Q Y Z) (w : Q X Y),
swap y z = Erase -> swap x y = NoSwap -> swap z w = NoSwap -> swap x w = NoSwap.
Fixpoint insert {X Y Z} (y : Q Y Z) (xs : Free Q X Y) : Free Q X Z
:= match xs, y with
| Id, y => Circ y Id
| Circ x xs, y => match swap y x with
| NoSwap => fun y x xs => Circ y (Circ x xs)
| Swap zs z => fun _ _ xs => append zs (insert z xs)
| Erase => fun _ _ xs => xs
end y x xs
Fixpoint sort {X Y} (xs : Free Q X Y) : Free Q X Y
:= match xs with
| Id => Id
| Circ x xs => insert x (sort xs)
Theorem sorted_after_sorted {X Y Z} (x : Q Y Z) (ys : Free Q X Y)
: sortedAfter x ys -> sorted ys.
destruct ys; simpl; auto. now intros [].
Theorem sorted_append {X Y Z W} (xs : Free Q Z W) (y : Q Y Z) (ys : Free Q X Y)
: sorted (append xs (Circ y Id)) -> sortedAfter y ys -> sorted (append xs (Circ y ys)).
destruct xs as [ | ? ? ? x xs]; simpl; auto.
revert Y Z x y ys.
induction xs as [ | ? ? ? x' xs IH]; simpl.
- intros ? ? ? ? ? []. auto.
- intros ? ? ? ? ? [] ?. auto.
Theorem insert_sorted_after {X Y Z W} (zs : Free Q Z W) (y : Q Y Z) (xs : Free Q X Y)
: sorted (append zs (Circ y Id)) -> sorted xs -> sorted (append zs (insert y xs)).
revert Z zs y.
induction xs as [ | ? ? Z' x xs]; simpl; auto.
intros Z zs y.
destruct swap as [ | ? ? ? ws w | ] eqn:e.
- intros ? ?. apply sorted_append; simpl; auto.
- intros r ?.
rewrite append_assoc.
apply IHxs.
+ apply swap_swap_sorted in e.
destruct e as [p q].
destruct zs as [ | ? ? ? z zs]; simpl in *; auto.
clear IHxs. revert Z z r.
induction zs as [ | ? ? Z'' z' zs IHzs]; simpl.
* intros ? ? []. auto.
* intros Z z []. split; auto.
eapply IHzs; eauto.
+ eapply sorted_after_sorted; eauto.
- (* this argument could use a stengthened induction predicate? *)
destruct zs as [ | ? ? ? z zs]; simpl.
+ intros ?. apply sorted_after_sorted.
+ clear IHxs. revert Z z.
induction zs as [ | ? ? ? z' zs IHzs]; simpl.
* intros Z z [q].
destruct xs as [ | ? ? ? x' xs]; simpl; auto.
intros [p]. split; auto.
(* used here: *)
apply (swap_erase_sorted z y x x' e q p).
* intros ? ? [] ?. split; auto.
eapply IHzs; eauto.
Theorem sort_sorted {X Y} (xs : Free Q X Y) : sorted (sort xs).
induction xs as [ | ? ? ? x xs IH]; simpl; auto.
apply (insert_sorted_after Id); simpl; auto.
Section Consistency.
Variable Hom : ob -> ob -> Type.
Variable id : forall {X}, Hom X X.
Variable circ : forall {X Y Z}, Hom Y Z -> Hom X Y -> Hom X Z.
Variable id_L : forall {X Y} (f : Hom X Y), circ id f = f.
Variable id_R : forall {X Y} (f : Hom X Y), circ f id = f.
Variable circ_assoc : forall {X Y Z W} (f : Hom Z W) (g : Hom Y Z) (h : Hom X Y),
circ f (circ g h) = circ (circ f g) h.
Variable embed : forall {X Y}, Q X Y -> Hom X Y.
Fixpoint interpret {X Y} (p : Free Q X Y) : Hom X Y
:= match p with
| Id => id
| Circ s f => circ (embed s) (interpret f)
Theorem interpret_append {X Y Z} (xs : Free Q Y Z) (ys : Free Q X Y)
: interpret (append xs ys) = circ (interpret xs) (interpret ys).
induction xs as [ | ? ? ? x xs IH]; simpl.
- symmetry. apply id_L.
- simpl. rewrite IH. apply circ_assoc.
Hypothesis swap_swap_consistent
: forall {X Y Y' Z} (x : Q Y Z) (y : Q X Y) (ys : Free Q Y' Z) (x' : Q X Y'),
swap x y = Swap ys x' -> circ (embed x) (embed y) = circ (interpret ys) (embed x').
Hypothesis swap_erase_consistent
: forall {X Y} (x : Q Y X) (y : Q X Y),
swap x y = Erase -> circ (embed x) (embed y) = id.
Theorem insert_consistent {X Y Z} (y : Q Y Z) (xs : Free Q X Y)
: interpret (insert y xs) = circ (embed y) (interpret xs).
revert Z y.
induction xs as [ | ? ? Z' x xs IH]; simpl; auto.
intros Z y.
destruct swap as [ | ? ? ? zs z | ] eqn:e; simpl; auto.
- apply swap_swap_consistent in e.
rewrite interpret_append.
rewrite IH.
rewrite circ_assoc, circ_assoc.
rewrite e. auto.
- apply swap_erase_consistent in e.
rewrite circ_assoc.
rewrite e.
rewrite id_L. auto.
Theorem sort_consistent {X Y} (xs : Free Q X Y)
: interpret (sort xs) = interpret xs.
induction xs as [ | ? ? ? x xs IH]; simpl; auto.
rewrite insert_consistent.
rewrite IH. auto.
End Consistency.
End InsertionSort.
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