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mniip mniip

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Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.Bool.Bool.
Require Import Coq.Relations.Relations.
Require Import Coq.Compat.AdmitAxiom.
Import ListNotations.
Infix "<$>" := map (at level 65, left associativity).
Notation "k >>= f" := (flat_map f k) (at level 66, left associativity).
Definition allb {A} (f : A -> bool) (xs : list A) : bool :=
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, GADTs #-}
import Data.Void
newtype Maybe' a = Maybe { unMaybe :: forall r. r -> (a -> r) -> r }
v0 :: LC (Maybe' a)
v0 = var nothing
v1 :: LC (Maybe' (Maybe' a))
v1 = var $ just nothing
(* Free category on a quiver *)
Inductive Free {ob} (Q : ob -> ob -> Type) : ob -> ob -> Type :=
| Id : forall {X}, Free Q X X
| Circ : forall {X Y Z}, Q Y Z -> Free Q X Y -> Free Q X Z.
Arguments Id {_ _ _}.
Arguments Circ {_ _ _ _ _}.
Fixpoint append {ob} {Q : ob -> ob -> Type} {X Y Z} (xs : Free Q Y Z) (ys : Free Q X Y)
: Free Q X Z
:= match xs, ys with
# Add rudimentary thread support into 1.7.3.
# Not intended as a permanent solution. The module must be loaded before discord is loaded anywhere in the program.
# Allows sending and receiving messages in threads, receiving thread update events.
# Administering threads doesn't work. Editing channel permission overwrites doesn't work.
# Plan:
# - Copy Thread, ThreadMember data classes from 2.0
# - Patch Guild to have threads
# - Patch ConnectionState to parse thread related gateway events
Hash: SHA256
Good evening freenode.
This is not a draft.
mniip /
Last active April 12, 2021 14:25
import asyncio
import collections
class Var:
__slots__ = "value", "lock", "version", "subscribers"
def __init__(self, value=None):
self.value = value
self.lock = asyncio.Lock()
self.version = 0
self.subscribers = set()
mniip / DeRham.hs
Last active November 28, 2020 00:23
This program generates a poly-line approximation to a De Rham curve. The curve
is specified using a collection of affine contractions. Under the assumption
that all fixed points are in the unit circle, the program is able to guarantee
an upper bound on the deviation of the actual curve from the poly-line
The output is a series of lines with three columns each: the value of the
parameter in [0, 1], the real part, and the imaginary part of the curve.
mniip / cd.v
Last active November 12, 2020 17:09
Inductive opt {A : Type} : bool -> Type :=
| Nothing : opt false
| Just : A -> opt true.
Arguments opt : clear implicits.
Definition mkOpt {A : Type} {b : bool} (x : A) : opt A b :=
if b return opt A b then Just x else Nothing.
Definition mapOpt {A B : Type} {b : bool} (h : A -> B) (o : opt A b) : opt B b :=
match o with
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, RoleAnnotations, LambdaCase, ViewPatterns #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.ST.Unsafe
import Data.STRef
import Debug.Trace
import GHC.IO
newtype Cell s a = Cell (STRef s a)
mniip / TF.hs
Created October 15, 2019 19:15
type family KnownBools (bs :: [Bool]) :: Constraint where
KnownBools '[] = ()
KnownBools (b ': bs) = (KnownBool b, KnownBools bs)
type family KnownBools (bs :: [Bool]) :: Constraint where
KnownBools '[] = ()
KnownBools '[b1] = (KnownBool b1)
KnownBools '[b1, b2] = (KnownBool b1, KnownBool b2)
KnownBools '[b1, b2, b3] = (KnownBool b1, KnownBool b2, KnownBool b3)
KnownBools (b1 ': b2 ': b3 ': b4 ': bs) = (KnownBool b1, KnownBool b2, KnownBool b3, KnownBool b4, KnownBools bs)