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Last active August 18, 2019 12:28
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Save moewew/e9ae043f49e057abfb344d96cb134f82 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. - ONLY FOR OUTDATED OVERLEAF SYSTEMS
% This should work with the outdated system on Overelaf, which does
% not support biblatex-ext.
% On a more modern system, use the code in the answer
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear,
giveninits=true, uniquename=false,
maxcitenames=2, maxbibnames=99,
url=false, doi=false, isbn=false, dashed=false,
author = {Stig Lande and Mats Westin and Marc Schneider},
title = {Properties of Furfurylated Wood},
journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research},
volume = {19},
number = {suppl~5},
pages = {22-30},
year = {2004},
doi = {10.1080/0282758041001915},
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