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Last active August 23, 2016 13:57
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i18n with polyglot.js and rendr.js
var patches = require('./lib/patches')
, BaseApp = require('rendr/shared/app')
, handlebarsHelpers = require('./lib/handlebarsHelpers')
, Polyglot = require('node-polyglot')
, _ = require('underscore');
* setup constants/globals
var isServer = typeof window === 'undefined'
, root = isServer ? global : window;
_.extend(root, {
IS_SERVER: isServer
* Extend the `BaseApp` class, adding any custom methods or overrides.
module.exports = BaseApp.extend({
* Client and server.
* `postInitialize` is called on app initialize, both on the client and server.
* On the server, an app is instantiated once for each request, and in the
* client, it's instantiated once on page load.
* This is a good place to initialize any code that needs to be available to
* app on both client and server.
initialize: function() {
* Register our Handlebars helpers.
* `this.templateAdapter` is, by default, the `rendr-handlebars` module.
* It has a `registerHelpers` method, which allows us to register helper
* modules that can be used on both client & server.
this.polyglot = new Polyglot();
// This is called directly on the server so we can use Polyglot
// during server rendering.
setPhrases: function(phrases) {
getCurrentLocale: function(){
return this.polyglot.locale();
* Client-side only.
* `start` is called at the bottom of `__layout.hbs`. Calling this kicks off
* the router and initializes the application.
* Override this method (remembering to call the superclass' `start` method!)
* in order to do things like bind events to the router, as shown below.
start: function() {
// This sets the phrases in the client-side so we can use Polyglot
// during client rendering. The phrases are accessible with
// `this.get('phrases')` because in the middleware (below) we set
// them as an app attribute. An app's attributes are serialized as
// JSON and bootstrapped to the client.
this.setPhrases( this.get('phrases') );
this.router.on('action:start', this.routerStart, this);
this.router.on('action:end', this.routerEnd, this);
// Call 'super'.;
* Action on route start
routerStart: function(){
this.set({loading: true});
* When route ends
routerEnd: function(){
this.set({loading: false});
* Inital setups/initlaizations used all over site
initialSetup: function(){
$.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });
httpBuildQuery: function(objHash) {
return, function(value, key) {
return key + '=' + value;
* Client-side only.
* This method also exists on shared/app.js, and is called by client/router.
* Override it here to specify your own app_view object.
getAppViewClass: function() {
return require('./views/app_view');
"language": "English",
"Filter By": "Filter By"
module.exports = function(Handlebars) {
var helpers = {};
helpers.t = function (phrase, options) {
return, options.hash);
catch (err){
return this._app.polyglot.t(phrase, options.hash);
return helpers;
<p>Current Language: {{{t "language"}}}</p>
/** index.js **/
var express = require('express'),
rendr = require('rendr'),
request = require('request'),
_ = require('underscore');
var siteInfo = {
user: [],
catalog: [],
var config = require('config');
var app = express();
* stack
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
var rendrServer = rendr.createServer({
dataAdapterConfig: config.api,
appData: config.appData
//Get Language file based on currentLocale which is set in config/default.js
function getLocal(req, currentLocale, callback){
var phrases = {};
try {
phrases = require( './locales/' + currentLocale + '.json');
catch (e) {
phrases = require( './locales/en.json');
callback(null, phrases);
rendrServer.configure(function(rendrExpressApp) {
rendrExpressApp.use(function(req, res, next) {
if (req.siteInfo && !req.rendrApp.get('siteInfo')) {
req.rendrApp.set('user', req.siteInfo);
var currentLocale = req.rendrApp.get('currentLocale');
// Fetch phrases from API or cache based on req.
// Example fake method:
getLocal(req, currentLocale, function(err, phrases) {
if (err) next(err);
// Set the phrases so they're usable on the server during
// view rendering, etc.
// Now set them as app attributes so they get serialized and
// bootstrapped onto the page as JSON so we can use them in
// the client.
req.rendrApp.set({phrases: phrases});
p = process.env.PORT || config.server.port;
var httpServer = app.listen(p);
console.log('server listening on port ' + p + '......');
//If process.exit(), do the cleanup
process.on('exit', function(code) {
console.log('About to exit with code:', code);
if (httpServer) {
console.log('Trying to close httpServer');
httpServer.close(function() {
console.log('Expressjs http server close.');
// catch ctrl+c event and exit normally // which calls process.exit() which eventually does cleanup
process.on('SIGINT', function() {
console.log('SIGINT --- ');
if (httpServer) {
httpServer.close(function() {
console.log('Expressjs http server close.');
// catch ctrl+c event and exit normally // which calls process.exit() which eventually does cleanup
process.on('SIGTERM', function() {
console.log('SIGTERM --- ');
if (httpServer) {
httpServer.close(function() {
console.log('Expressjs http server close.');
}); = app;
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