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MESSAGE(STATUS "********* Conan FindBoost wrapper! **********")
# SET(Boost_DEBUG 1)
# SET(BOOST_ALL_MODULES atomic chrono container context coroutine date_time exception filesystem graph iostreams locale log_setup log math_c99 math_c99f math_c99l math_tr1 math_tr1f math_tr1l prg_exec_monitor program_options random regex serialization signals system test_exec_monitor thread timer unit_test_framework wave wserialization)
SET(BOOST_ALL_MODULES atomic chrono container context coroutine date_time filesystem graph iostreams locale log_setup log math_c99 math_c99f math_c99l math_tr1 math_tr1f math_tr1l prg_exec_monitor program_options random regex serialization signals system thread timer unit_test_framework wave wserialization)
foreach (module ${BOOST_ALL_MODULES})
SET(Boost_FIND_REQUIRED_${module} 0) # Don't crash if not found
monsdar /
Created January 31, 2019 20:51
Shows an issue with CMake() not being initializable from within the ctor. conan-io/conan issue #4437
from conans import ConanFile, CMake
class CustomConanFile(ConanFile):
#new ctor (after 1.3.0)
def __init__(self, output, runner, display_name="", user=None, channel=None):
super(CustomConanFile, self).__init__(output, runner)
self.cmake = CMake(self)
#...some more stuff here...
from collections import namedtuple
import six
from parameterized import parameterized
from conans.errors import ConanException
from conans.model.ref import ConanFileReference
from conans.model.requires import Requirements
from conans.test.unittests.model.transitive_reqs_test import GraphTest
"id": 8,
"gridPos": {
"x": 0,
"y": 7,
"w": 23,
"h": 7
"type": "timeseries",
"title": "Log distribution",