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La Granja / Farm Cards Glossary 日本語訳

This document lists all 66 farm cards in the game. Please keep the following in mind:

  • あなたの農場にカードを配置した後、直ちに使用してよい(ただし以下を参照のこと)。
    Cards may be used immediately after placing them at your farm (but see below).

  • **補足:**いくつかのカードに示された色は、使用可能なフェイズを表す(複数の色が示されていれば複数のフェイズで使用可能)。カードタイトルに色がなければ、所有者の手番でいつでも使用してよい。
    Assistant Role: The color(s) of some card titles show in which phase or phases they may be used. Card titles without color(s) may be used anytime during the owner's player turn.

  • 補足: いくつかのカードは、ゲームターンごとに1回(1x)だけ使用可能である。これを示すために、使用した後に、1個のプレイヤーマーカーをカード上に置く。ゲームターンの終了時には、全てのマーカーをカードから除去することで、再使用が可能となる。
    Assistant Role: Some cards may be used only once (1x) per game turn. To denote this, a player marker is put onto the card after usage. At the end of the game turn all markers are removed from cards to show that they may be used again.

  • プレイヤーがカードを使用したのであれば、他のカードを使用する前に、そのカードの特殊効果を完全に解決しなければならない。
    If a player uses a card, this card has to be utilized completely, before any other card may be used.

Explanations of the Effects of some Helpers:

###1. 料理人 Cook

それぞれの加工コストが1銀 安くなる。
Each upgrade costs 1 less silver.

The upgrading of a grape into wine will only cost 2 silver.

###2. 交渉人 Negotiator

Reaction: Receive 1 victory point for each of your markers removed from the market.

This card awards the owner victory points immediately - when it is another player's turn and markers of the owner are removed.

###3. 運搬人 Porter

◆収入フェイズ [1x]
Receive 2 different revenues when choosing revenue space 2 or 6.

If, for example, the owner chooses revenue space 6, he receives 1 delivery and 2 silver.

###4. 農民 Farm Worker

Lose 1 victory point to play 1 card (if you play a farm extension, pay the standard costs).

###5. 村の長老 Village Elder

◆収入フェイズ [1x]
Mark 1 revenue space with 1 of your markers before the dice are rolled. Only you may choose the last die on that space as your 1st or 2nd die.

With this card the owner prevents his opponents from taking one specific die - but never the third one. If the Village Elder has not used the last die of the space in his 1st or 2nd die action, the blocking of the die is canceled.

###6. 商人 Merchant

◆収入フェイズ [1x]
Lose 1 victory point to use the revenue space corresponding to the current game turn in addition to the chosen revenue.

In game turn 1 this would be revenue space 1.

###7. 交易人 Trader

Lose any one trading commodity to receive any 3 harvest goods.

###8. 行商屋 Monger

If you get at least 1 victory point via the siesta track in the scoring phase, immediately take another victory point.

###9. 荷車作り Barrow Builder

◆収入/輸送フェイズ [1x]
Remove 1 silver to keep 1 of your market barrows at your farm after having completely supplied it and scored it.

The owner may supply a market barrow several times and therefore may earn victory points and 1 trade commodity several times, too.

###10. 小屋建設人 Shack Builder

それぞれの増設部のコストが1農場財 安くなる。
Each farm extension costs 1 farm good less.

###11. ろくろ師 Turner

それぞれの屋根マーカーのコストが2銀 安くなる。
Each roof marker costs 2 less silver.

The price of a roof marker cannot be less than O silver.

###12. 馬手 Groom

◆得点計算フェイズ [1x]
If you own at least 1 pig, you may remove 1 grain to receive 1 victory point.

There is always room for 1 pig here!

###13. 日雇い労働者 Peon

◆収入フェイズ [1x]
Remove 1 victory point to immediately use the just taken die a 2nd time.

The Peon has to be used by the owner immediately after choosing the die.

###14. 親方 Foreman

Receive 1 silver if another player uses a die with the same number as a die that is already on your farm.

This applies also to the 3rd die! If another player uses a die several times via a card's effect, the Foreman benefits several times, too (for example, see the Peon).

###15. 季節労働者 Migrant Laborer

◆収入フェイズ [1x]
Immediately after rolling the dice, turn any one die to a side of your choice.

If there is a conflict with the Tenant, the Tenant has first grasp; then the Migrant Laborer may turn another die.

###16. 荷車製造人 Wainwright

After you have completely supplied a market barrow, you may play 1 market barrow, with a lower victory point value.

The new card has to be placed at the farm as a market barrow.

###17. 精油職人 Oil Miller

Remove 1 olive from one of your fields to play 1 card.

###18. 樽職人 Cooper

◆収入/輸送フェイズ [1x]
あなたの畑からぶどうをひとつ除去することで、輸送を1回 実行する。
Remove 1 grape from one of your fields to carry out 1 delivery.

###19. 農場の少女 Farm Girl

あなたの手札上限は、2枚 増加する。
Your card limit is increased by 2.

If the Farm Girl is discarded later, the hand limit decreases, too.

###20. 荷造り人 Packer

◆輸送フェイズ [1x]
輸送フェイズのステップ4で、追加輸送をさらにもう1回 実行する。
Carry out 1 extra delivery in step 4 of the transportation phase.

The extra delivery is not free. It is in addition to possible other extra deliveries.

###21. 市場の女 Market Woman

Remove 3 silver to receive 2 different revenues when you remove 1 trading commodity.

As an example, a player may take 4 silver and 1 pig.

###22. 建具屋 Joiner

◆農場フェイズ [1x]
あなたは、加工物で屋根のコストを支払うことができる。食料=2銀 / ワイン=3銀 / 塩漬肉=4銀
You may pay roof markers with upgraded goods.

Of course the owner may pay only parts of the costs with upgraded goods. Silver is never returned after "overpayment".
訳註: 英文カードでは No.22 と No.50 は同じカード名になっている。

###23. 農場使用人 Farm Servant

Provides 1 free upgrade.

###24. 御者 Wagoner

Your first extra delivery is free. In addition, receive 1 silver for it.

If a player owns three farm extensions with extra deliveries, and carries out all three, he only has to pay 1 silver.

###25. 建築人 Builder

◆農場フェイズ [1x]
Remove 2 silver to play 1 additional card in step 1 of the farm phase.

The additional card has to be played before new cards are drawn.

###26. 店子 Tenant

◆収入フェイズ [1x]
After rolling the dice, take 1 die and place it in front of you. You may use it for free. All other players have to pay you 1 farm good to use it.

The die selected by the Tenant may be used by all players. If the selected die is the last remaining die, it is returned to its place. All players may then use it for free.
If there is a conflict with the Migrant Laborer the Tenant has access first. Afterwards the Migrant Laborer may turn another die.
Note: *If a player uses a harvest goods from the field as payment, it is placed into the corresponding den of the Tenant's farm (and not onto his field).

###27. 御者の助手 Wagoner Servant

◆収入/輸送フェイズ [1x]
あなたがひとつの村の建物へ輸送をした後に、無料の輸送を、1枚の荷車へ追加で1回 実行する。
Carry out 1 additional free delivery to a market barrow after you have supplied a craft building.

###28. 青果商 Greengrocer

◆収入フェイズ [1x]
Receive 1 harvest good after using 1 die for a delivery, to draw a card, or to play a card.

The player may play a card via revenue space 2; he may carry out a delivery via revenue space 6.

###29. ロバ乗り Donkey Driver

◆収入フェイズ [1x]
Carry out 1 free delivery to a craft building after you have used 1 die for the siesta track or a pig.

The player may take a pig via revenue space 1; he may advance on the siesta track via revenue space 5.

###30. 従者 Manservant

あなたの手札上限が1枚 増加する。あなたが1枚のカードをプレイした時に、追加して1枚のカードを捨ててもよい。その後で、あなたはもう一度、手札上限の枚数までカードを引く。
Your card limit is increased by 1. When you play 1 card you may also discard 1 additional card. Afterwards, draw cards until you have once again reached your card limit.

If the Manservant is discarded later, the hand limit decreases, too.

###31. ろうそく職人 Candle Maker

◆収入フェイズ [1x]
Receive 2 silver after you have used 1 die to take at least 1 harvest good.

The player receives harvest goods revenue spaces 2 and 3.

###32. 大工 Carpenter

Remove 1 additional, different farm good for each of your farm extensions in order to play 1 additional card (but not as a farm extension!).

###33. 密売人 Peddler

◆収入/輸送フェイズ [1x]
Reaction: Relocate a marker to a different space when it is about to be removed from the market.

There must be an adjacent empty space. Its value does not matter. After the displacement no adjacent marker may be removed.

###34. 収穫の手伝い Harvest Hand

◆農場フェイズ [1x]
Remove 1 silver to put 1 additional harvest good each on up to 2 of your fields with different harvest goods in step 3 of the farm phase.

This card allows the placement of more than one harvest goods on a field-card.

###35. 農業労働者 Agricultural Worker

Sell 1 harvest good from one of your fields at purchase price.

###36. 鹿飼い Deer Breeder

◆農場フェイズ [1x]
Receive 1 silver for each empty stable after step 3 of the farm phase.

###37. 藁刈取り人 Straw Binder

Advance 1 step on the siesta track when buying a roof marker.


###38. 陶工 Potter

You may remove any farm good for a farm extension.

In this way the owner may remove identical farm goods; he always has to pay full price though.

###39. 馬屋作り Stall Builder

You may place your marker at a space on the market that is 1 point higher than the supplied market barrow. You receive an additional victory point but may not remove an opponent's marker.

###40. 屋根職人 Roofer

You immediately deliver 1 resource upon receiving it via a roof marker.

The player may either deliver this resource to a craft building or to one of his market barrows.

###41. 給餌手伝い Fodder Maid

Remove 1 grain from one of your fields to take 1 pig.

###42. 市場売買人 Marketer

◆収入フェイズ [1x]
1個のダイスを使用して、昼寝トラックで前進させる(収入スペース『5』)か、カードを引くかカードをプレイ(収入スペース『2』)した後で、1枚の荷車へ輸送を1回 実行する。
Carry out 1 delivery to a market barrow after you have used 1 die for the siesta track, to draw a card, or to play a card.

The player may play a card via revenue space 2; he may advance on the siesta track via revenue space 5.

###43. 倉庫建設者 Storage Builder

= 3 victory points

There is space for one roof marker on this card. When the player has placed a roof marker here, he immediately receives 3 victory points. He may not discard the card anymore. This card allows the player to purchase 6 roof markers.

###44. 種子交易商 Seeds Trader

When you use a die to take silver, you receive 1 harvest good, but 1 less silver.

The player receives silver via revenue spaces 4 and 6. Example: If he chooses this revenue from space 4, he earns 3 silver and 1 harvest goods.

###45. 牛飼い Herder

◆農場フェイズ [1x]
Receive 1 harvest good if your pigs have offspring in step 3 of the farm phase.

###46. 大道商人 Pitchman

Receive 1 additional victory point for each opponent's marker that you remove from the market.

###47. 使い走りの少年 Errand Boy

◆収入/輸送フェイズ [1x]
Receive 1 harvest good after delivery of 1 olive or 1 grain.

###48. 籠編み Basket Weaver

Receive 1 victory point if you play a card as a farm extension.

###49. 庭師 Gardener

◆農場フェイズ [1x]
Place 1 harvest good from your farm or from one of your fields, together with a marker from your pool, onto this card. You may use both of them later as any kind of harvest good.

To use this card, the owner must have 1 harvest goods at his farm. Note: The markers should be placed clearly separately from the "1x" marker.

###50. 指物師 Joiner

When you play a farm extension you may remove 1 silver in addition in order to take 1 pig.

訳註: 英文カードでは No.22 と No.50 は同じカード名になっている。

###51. 豚飼い Swineherd

There is space for 2 pigs on this card.

###52. 養蜂家 Beekeeper

◆農場フェイズ [1x]
Receive 1 silver per each different kind of harvest good on your fields (for a maximum of 3 silver).

To receive silver, there has to be a harvest goods on a field. The fields may not be empty.

###53. オリーブ摘み Olive Picker

Place as many olives from your fields as you like on any harvest goods dens.

The player may always decide, if an olive from a field will be placed as olive, grain or grape into the corresponding den.

###54. 装飾彫刻家 Ornament Carver

◆農場フェイズ [1x]
When you buy a roof marker, you may remove 1 additional silver to receive 1 extra victory point.

###55. ビール醸造家 Brewer

Put as much grain from your fields as you like on any harvest goods dens.

The player may always decide, if a grain from a field will be placed as olive, grain or grape into the corresponding den.

###56. 教官 Instructor

Receive 1 victory point when you place a craft marker on your farm.

###57. ワイン醸造家 Vintner

Put as many grapes from your fields as you like on any harvest goods dens.

The player may always decide, if a grape from a field will be placed as olive, grain or grape into the corresponding den.

###58. 馬を引く少年 Ploughboy

◆収入/輸送フェイズ [1x]
Receive 2 silver when you have completely supplied a market barrow.

###59. 価格交渉人 Haggler

You may return 1 delivered farm good to your farm after you have supplied a craft building completely.

If, for example, the player supplies the Wainwright completely, he may put back one food, one wine or one cured meat of his choice back into the corresponding den.

###60. 資産家 Fat Cat

◆収入フェイズ [1x]
Receive 2 additional silver when you take silver via a revenue die.

The player receives silver via revenue spaces 4 and 6.

###61. 靴職人 Shoemaker

◆農場フェイズ [1x]
Advance 2 steps on the siesta track when your pigs have offspring.

###62. 養豚業者 Pig Breeder

◆農場フェイズ [1x]
Receive 2 pigs as offspring when you have at least 3 pigs (and enough, space) at the start of step 3 of the farm phase.

The player must have the space for his pig offspring and cannot immediately sell pigs in this case.

###63. 物々交換人 Barterer

◆収入/輸送フェイズ [1x]
You may return 1 delivered farm good to your farm after you have supplied a market barrow completely.

###64. 鍛冶屋 Blacksmith

◆輸送フェイズ [1x]
Advance 1 additional step on the siesta track in step 2 of the transportation phase.

###65. 納入業者 Supplier

◆収入/輸送フェイズ [1x]
あなたが荷車への輸送を完了した後に、無料の輸送を、ひとつの村の建物へ追加で1回 実行する。
Carry out 1 additional, free delivery to a craft budding after you have supplied a market barrow.

###66. 遠隔地貿易商 Long Distance Trader

Receive 3 victory points when you conduct an action while removing a trade commodity Mark this action - you may not use it anymore.

In this case an "action" is taking 4 silver, 2 different harvest goods, 1 pig, playing a card or 2 free upgrades. If the player discards the Far Distance Trader, he still cannot use the marked action anymore in the game.

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