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Created November 30, 2020 16:47
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>>> ======= GUI Inspect =======
Mon Nov 30 17:47:20 CET 2020
ramverk1 kmom03 gufo19
download, docker
Inspect GUI v2.5.0 (2020-11-30)
>>> ======= Download (and potato) =======
Doing a silent download, potatoe if needed.
>>> ======= Pre kmom03 =======
>>> ======= dbwebb inspect =======
Do dbwebb inspect in the background and write output to logfile.
>>> ======= Docker run scripts =======
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml run --service-ports server bash .dbwebb/inspect-src/kmom.d/run.bash kmom03 gufo19 .log/inspect/docker.txt
>>> -------------- Start -------------------------
Running scripts in '/home/dbwebb/repo/.dbwebb/inspect-src/kmom.d/kmom03'.
>>> -------------- 030_make-phpunit.bash -------------------------
[Git] checked out tags/v3.0
[gufo19] using tag = v3.0
---> Prepare for tests and build
[ -d .bin ] || mkdir .bin
[ -d build ] || mkdir build
rm -rf build/*
---> Run unit tests for PHP.
[ ! -d "test" ] || vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration .phpunit.xml
PHPUnit 7.5.20 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
...E.............E...E.......EEEE 33 / 33 (100%)
Time: 8.86 seconds, Memory: 10.00 MB
There were 7 errors:
1) Gufo\Controller\ApiControllerTest::testWeatherActionGetValidAddress
Error: Call to undefined function curl_multi_init()
2) Gufo\Controller\WeatherControllerTest::testWeatherActionGetWithValidAddress
Error: Call to undefined function curl_multi_init()
3) Gufo\Model\CurlTest::testMCurl
Error: Call to undefined function curl_multi_init()
4) Gufo\Model\WeatherTest::testConstructor
Error: Call to undefined function curl_multi_init()
5) Gufo\Model\WeatherTest::testGetHistory
Error: Call to undefined function curl_multi_init()
6) Gufo\Model\WeatherTest::testGetForecast
Error: Call to undefined function curl_multi_init()
7) Gufo\Model\WeatherTest::testGetAll
Error: Call to undefined function curl_multi_init()
Tests: 33, Assertions: 37, Errors: 7.
Generating code coverage report in Clover XML format ... done
Generating code coverage report in HTML format ... done
make: *** [Makefile:300: phpunit] Error 2
[Git] checked out Makefile build cache composer.json composer.lock config content docker-compose.yml htdocs src test theme vendor view master
FAILED 030_make-phpunit.bash
>>> -------------- 040_git-tags-redovisa.bash -------------------------
[gufo19] tags=4
OK 040_git-tags-redovisa.bash
>>> -------------- 050_git-tag-redovisa.bash -------------------------
[gufo19] tag >= 3.0.0 and < 4.0.0 (v3.0)
OK 050_git-tag-redovisa.bash
>>> -------------- 060_git-commit-redovisa.bash -------------------------
[gufo19] commits=17
addNewLine 48770b2 - Gustav, 7 days ago : updated the navbar and added redovisningstext
c1965a2 - Gustav, 7 days ago : moved api keys into config folder
b182a1e - Gustav, 7 days ago : added api documentation, added error page
81fd310 - Gustav, 7 days ago : added failchecks for valid ip addresses that don't provide any locational data, updated tests
aa0d5c9 - Gustav, 7 days ago : added tests for the WeatherController class
FAILED 060_git-commit-redovisa.bash
>>> -------------- 100_end-phase-1.bash -------------------------
[-] make phpunit (v3.0)
[+] Number of tags = 4 (>3)
[+] Has tag between 3.0.0 and 4.0.0 (v3.0)
[-] Number of commits = 17 (>30)
OK 100_end-phase-1.bash
>>> -------------- 190_redovisa-bash.bash -------------------------
[gufo19] Do manual stuff, if needed (e/exit to exit)?
Makefile* composer.json* content/ src/ vendor/
build/ composer.lock* docker-compose.yml* test/ view/
cache/ config/ htdocs/ theme/
]0;dbwebb@48c31531a589: ~/repo/me/redovisadbwebb@48c31531a589:~/repo/me/redovisa$
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