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Last active May 5, 2022 05:25
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AIOHTTP async proxy streaming
import platform
import unittest
from http import HTTPStatus
from urllib.parse import urlencode, unquote
import aiohttp
import asynctest
from aiohttp import web
from aiohttp.test_utils import TestClient
from multidict import MultiDict
from yarl import URL
async def redirect(request: web.Request, url: str) -> 'web.Response':
''' Stream proxied HTTP request '''
parsed_url = URL(url)
headers = MultiDict(request.headers)
headers['Host'] =
headers['Router-Host'] =
headers['User-Agent'] = ("aiohttp/%(aiohttp_version)s (%(system_version)s)") % {
"aiohttp_version": aiohttp.__version__,
"system_version": platform.version(),
target_url = parsed_url
if not parsed_url.path:
target_url.path = request.path
body = await
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers) as session:
async with session.request(request.method, target_url, data=body) as response:
proxied_response = web.Response(headers=response.headers, status=response.status)
if response.headers.get('Transfer-Encoding', '').lower() == 'chunked':
await proxied_response.prepare(request)
async for data in response.content.iter_any():
if data:
await proxied_response.drain()
return proxied_response
class TestRedirectHandler(web.View):
async def get(self):
url = unquote(self.request.query.get('url'))
return await redirect(self.request, url)
async def post(self):
url = (await self.request.json()).get('url')
return await redirect(self.request, url)
class RedirectBase(asynctest.TestCase):
async def get_application(self):
return web.Application(loop=self.loop)
async def setUp(self):
super().setUp() = await self.get_application()'*', '/redirect', TestRedirectHandler)
self.client = TestClient(, loop=self.loop)
await self.client.start_server()
async def tearDown(self):
await self.client.close()
class TestRedirect(RedirectBase):
async def test_redirect_get_simple(self):
query = urlencode({'url': ''})
redirected_response = await self.client.request('GET', '/redirect?{}'.format(query))
self.assertEqual(redirected_response.status, HTTPStatus.OK)
self.assertIsNotNone(await redirected_response.text())
async def test_redirect_post(self):
data = {'url': '', 'shmurl': 'qwerty'}
redirected_response = await self.client.request('POST', '/redirect', json=data)
self.assertEqual(redirected_response.status, HTTPStatus.OK)
result = await redirected_response.json()
self.assertIn('json', result)
self.assertEqual(result['json']['shmurl'], 'qwerty')
async def test_redirect_get_chunked(self):
chunks = 10
query = urlencode({'url': '{}'.format(chunks)})
redirected_response = await self.client.request('GET', '/redirect?{}'.format(query))
self.assertEqual(redirected_response.status, HTTPStatus.OK)
result = await redirected_response.text()
self.assertEqual(len(result.splitlines()), chunks)
async def test_redirect_get_long_blob(self):
length = 10240
query = urlencode({'url': '{}'.format(length)})
redirected_response = await self.client.request('GET', '/redirect?{}'.format(query))
self.assertEqual(redirected_response.status, HTTPStatus.OK)
result = await
self.assertEqual(len(result), length)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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