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Created September 2, 2012 00:40
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import os
import time
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.contrib import django
from django.conf import settings
env.fab_root = os.path.dirname(__file__)
env.template_dir = os.path.join(env.fab_root, 'templates')
env.project_name = 'mostlymeta'
env.remote_rsync_root = '/opt/'
env.root = '/opt/%(project_name)s' % env
env.env_root = '/opt/env'
env.env_path = '%(env_root)s/%(project_name)s' % env
env.user = 'ubuntu'
env.key_filename = '/Users/msilvera/aws_keypairs/mostlymeta_keypair.pem'
env.push_dir = '/tmp/%(project_name)s' % env
env.media_root = '/opt/%(project_name)s-media/' % env
env.static_root = '/opt/%(project_name)s/static/' % env
env.domain = ''
env.repo = ''
env.aws_access_key_id = 'AKIAIISLSN2X75PAM7DQ'
env.aws_secret_access_key = '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'
env.ec2_region = 'us-east-1a'
env.ec2_ami = 'ami-ac9943c5'
env.security_groups = ['default', 'django']
env.ec2_keypair = 'mostlymeta_keypair'
env.ec2_instance_type = 'm1.small'
env.ec2_volume_size = 10
env.ec2_volume_attachment = '/dev/sdh'
env.connection_attempts = 3
# applications
env.role_applications = {
'www': ['apache', 'app', 'coffeescript', 'less', 'memcached', 'nginx', 'nodejs', 'ssh', 'system', 'virtualenv' ],
'db': ['app', 'mysql', 'ssh', 'system', 'virtualenv'],
env.applications = {
'app': {
'actions': {
'syncdb': 'source %(env_path)s/bin/activate; %(root)s/ syncdb --noinput',
'migrate': 'source %(env_path)s/bin/activate; %(root)s/ migrate core --noinput',
'collect_static': 'source %(env_path)s/bin/activate; %(root)s/ collectstatic --noinput',
'clone': ['mkdir -p %(root)s', 'git clone %(repo)s %(root)s'],
'pull': 'cd %(root)s; git pull',
'system': {
'actions': {
'install': [
'mkdir -p /vol',
'mkfs.xfs /dev/xvdh',
'mount -a',
'update': 'apt-get -y update',
'files': ['/etc/fstab',],
'packages': ['build-essential', 'python-dev', 'python-setuptools', 'unzip', 'git-core', 'gcc', 'binutils', 'curl', 'python-egenix-mxdatetime', 'xfsprogs','libjpeg62', 'libjpeg62-dev', 'zlib1g-dev', 'libfreetype6', 'libfreetype6-dev', 'checkinstall', 'python-software-properties', 'libmysqlclient-dev'],
'apache': {
'actions': {
'reload': 'invoke-rc.d apache2 reload',
'restart': 'invoke-rc.d apache2 restart',
'start': 'invoke-rc.d apache2 start',
'stop': 'invoke-rc.d apache2 stop',
'touch': 'touch /etc/apache2/django_app.wsgi',
'files': ['/etc/apache2/apache2.conf', '/etc/apache2/django_app.wsgi'],
'packages': ['apache2', 'libapache2-mod-wsgi', 'apache2.2-common', 'apache2-mpm-prefork', 'apache2-utils', 'libexpat1', 'ssl-cert', 'apache2-prefork-dev','libgeoip1',],
'coffeescript': {
'actions': {
'install': 'npm -g install coffee-script'
'less': {
'actions': {
'install': 'npm -g install less'
'memcached': {
'files': ['/etc/memcached.conf'],
'actions': {
'restart': 'invoke-rc.d memcached restart',
'start': 'invoke-rc.d memcached start',
'stop': 'invoke-rc.d memcached stop',
'packages': ['memcached', 'libmemcache-dev'],
'mysql': {
'files': ['/etc/fstab'],
'packages': ['mysql-server'],
'actions': {
'install': [
'mkdir /vol/etc /vol/lib /vol/log',
'mv /etc/mysql /vol/etc/',
'mv /var/lib/mysql /vol/lib/',
'mv /var/log/mysql /vol/log/',
'mkdir /etc/mysql',
'mkdir /var/lib/mysql',
'mkdir /var/log/mysql',
'mount -a',
'restart': 'service mysql restart',
'start': 'service mysql start',
'stop': 'service mysql stop',
'nodejs': {
'packages': ['nodejs', 'npm'],
'nginx': {
'files': ['/etc/nginx/nginx.conf', '/etc/nginx/htpasswd'],
'packages': ['nginx',],
'actions': {
'restart': 'invoke-rc.d nginx restart',
'start': 'invoke-rc.d nginx start',
'stop': 'invoke-rc.d nginx stop',
'ssh': {
'actions': {
'install': ['chmod 0644 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys', 'chmod 0644 ~/.ssh/id_rsa', 'chmod 0644 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys', 'chmod 0644 /root/.ssh/id_rsa'],
'files': ['~/.ssh/authorized_keys', '~/.ssh/id_rsa', '~/.ssh/', '/root/.ssh/authorized_keys', '/root/.ssh/id_rsa', '/root/.ssh/'],
'virtualenv': {
'actions': {
'install': [
#'rm -rf %(env_path)s',
'mkdir -p %(env_path)s',
'easy_install virtualenv',
'easy_install virtualenvwrapper',
'virtualenv --no-site-packages %(env_path)s',
'update': 'source %(env_path)s/bin/activate; pip install -r %(root)s/requirements.txt',
env.roledefs = {
'www': [''],
'db': [''],
env.host_config = {
'': {
'public_ip': '',
'private_ip': '',
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