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Created October 8, 2019 21:18
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Caching-friendly Makefile Rule to use Protoc within Docker
PROTOS_SRC := $(wildcard ./api/*.proto)
GEN_SRC := $(PROTOS_SRC) Makefile
GEN_SUM := gen.sum
GO_DIR := ./go
.PHONY: clean
rm -f gen.sum $(wildcard *.swagger.json)
.PHONY: generate
generate: gen.sum
shasum $(GEN_SRC) | sort -k 2 > $(GEN_SUM).tmp
diff -q $(GEN_SUM).tmp $(GEN_SUM) || ( \
set -e; \
(set -e; cd $(GO_DIR) && GO111MODULE=on go mod vendor); \
docker run \
--user=`id -u` \
--volume="$(PWD):/go/src/$(GO_PKG)" \
--workdir="/go/src/$(GO_PKG)" \
--entrypoint="sh" \
--rm \
moul/protoc-gen-gotemplate \
-xec 'make generate_local' \
.PHONY: generate_local
protoc -I ../api:../go/vendor:/protobuf --swagger_out=logtostderr=true:. ../api/bertyprotocol.proto
protoc -I ../api:../go/vendor:/protobuf --swagger_out=logtostderr=true:. ../api/bertychat.proto
shasum $(GEN_SRC) | sort -k 2 > $(GEN_SUM).tmp
mv $(GEN_SUM).tmp $(GEN_SUM)
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