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Last active April 16, 2020 06:26
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import kornia
import numpy as np
import torch.nn.functional as F
def get_M():
Provide mock trafo Matrix and original image sizes
:return: w_original, h_original, M
h, w = fake.shape[2:]
desiredLeftEye = [0.35, 0.35]
rotation_point = [500, 500]
angle = -torch.ones(1)
# get original positions
m1 = round(w * 0.5)
m2 = round(desiredLeftEye[0] * w)
# set random scale and transformation target width
scale = torch.tensor([1.1])
width = 220
long_edge_size = width / abs(np.cos(np.deg2rad(angle)))
# sizes of tensor before transformation
w_original = int(scale * long_edge_size)
h_original = int(scale * long_edge_size)
# get offset
tX = w_original * 0.5
tY = h_original * desiredLeftEye[1]
# get rotation center
center = torch.ones(1, 2)
center[..., 0] = m1
center[..., 1] = m2
# compute the transformation matrix
M = kornia.get_rotation_matrix2d(center, angle, scale)
# update transformation matrix with offset
M[0, 0, 2] += (tX - m1)
M[0, 1, 2] += (tY - m2)
return w_original, h_original, M
if __name__ == '__main__':
tensor = torch.ones(1, 3, 1000, 1000, requires_grad=False)
# the input to the network is a part of the tensor which was transformed
# e.g. input = kornia.warp_affine(tensor[:, :, 500:756, 500:756], M, dsize=(h_original, w_original))
input = torch.ones(1, 3, 256, 256, requires_grad=True)
# get mock weight
weight = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor([1.234]), requires_grad=True)
# optimizer update step
update = 0
# this simulates 10 iterations if the netwrok
for i in range(10):
# set weight
w1 = weight + update
# simulated forward pass
# fake is in my case a not perfect reconstruction of the input
fake = w1 * input
# Trafo Params, with M is the inverse of M used to generate it
w_original, h_original, M = get_M()
# apply warp
fake_warped = kornia.warp_affine(fake, M, dsize=(h_original, w_original))
# here get the original part of the image that corresponds to the position of fake_warped
# range is just an example
fake_unaligned = F.interpolate(fake_warped, size=256)
real_unaligned = F.interpolate(tensor[:, :, 500:756, 500:756], size=256)
# Loss
loss = torch.nn.MSELoss()
loss_val = loss(fake_unaligned, real_unaligned)
print("Loss: " + str(loss_val))
fake_unaligned.register_hook(lambda grad: print("fake_unaligned " + str(grad.nonzero())))
fake_warped.register_hook(lambda grad: print("fake_warped " + str(grad.nonzero())))
# backward pass
# basically an optimizer for this one weight
gradient, *_ = weight.grad
print(f"Gradient of weight w.r.t to L: {gradient}")
update = -gradient
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