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Last active August 8, 2021 09:50
Get On The Beers Light updated to track jabs administered
dataUrl <- "";
// COVID LIVE is CC BY 4.0
// Function that will run when the device requests an update
function updateDevice(data) {
server.log("Update Requested.");
local jabs = jabsAdministeredToday();
device.send("update", jabs);
function jabsAdministeredToday() {
local request = http.get(dataUrl);
local response = request.sendsync();
server.log("Response Status: " + response.statuscode);
if (response.statuscode != 200) {
server.log("Error: " + response.body);
return -1;
local lines = split(response.body, "\r\n");
foreach (line in lines) {
// Uncomment the next line to test zero jabs administered
// line = "<tr class=\"odd\"><td class=\"COL1 DATE\">16 Feb <span>21</span></td><td class=\"COL2 DOSES\">0</td><td class=\"COL3 VAR\"><span class=\"zero\">&nbsp;</span></td><td class=\"COL4 NET\"><span>0</span></td></tr>";
if (line.find("<tr ") == 0) {
// <tr class="even"><td class="COL1 DATE">06 Aug <span>21</span></td><td class="COL2 DOSES">4,289,913</td><td class="COL3 VAR"><span class="green-up">&nbsp;</span></td><td class="COL4 NET"><span class="green">93,626</span></td></tr>
local netChangeStart = line.find("NET\">") + 5; // Find where the net change start column is
line = line.slice(netChangeStart); // Get rid of all data before that
local firstCloseTag = line.find("</"); // Find the first close tag now (could be </span> or </td>)
line = line.slice(0, firstCloseTag); // Remove everything including and after it
local openTagEnd = line.find(">"); // Check to see if we have an open tag at the start
if (openTagEnd != null) {
line = line.slice(openTagEnd + 1); // if we do it is likely a span tag and needs removing
local jabs = -1;
if (line != "-") {
// Remove all commas and turn it into a number
jabs = split(line, ",").reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue){
return (previousValue + currentValue);
server.log("Got " + jabs + " from CovidLive");
return jabs;
return -1;
device.on("requestUpdate", updateDevice);
// Configure the LEDs
#require "WS2812.class.nut:3.0.0"
spi <- hardware.spi257;
pixels <- WS2812(spi, 1);
hardware.pin1.configure(DIGITAL_OUT, 1);
function updateLight(jabsAdministered) {
server.log("Update Recieved: " + jabsAdministered + " Jabs Administered");
if (jabsAdministered >= 100000) {
if (!rainbowMode) { // Only enable rainbow mode once
server.log("Starting rainbow mode");
rainbowMode = true; // Enable rainbow mode
rainbow(); // Start the rainbow loop
else {
rainbowMode = false; // Ensure rainbow mode is disabled
if (jabsAdministered >= 80000) {
pixels.set(0, [0, 255, 0]).draw(); // Green
else if (jabsAdministered >= 25000) {
pixels.set(0, [0, 0, 255]).draw(); // Blue
else if (jabsAdministered >= 0) {
pixels.set(0, [255, 0, 0]).draw(); // Red
else {
// Something has likely gone wrong default to white
pixels.set(0, [255, 255, 255]).draw(); // White
// Used for making the light change colours through a rainbow!
rainbowMode <- false; // If set to false, rainbow mode will do nothing
rainbowStep <- 0; // The current step in the colour wheel
function rainbow() {
if (rainbowMode) {
local colour;
// This determines the colour the LED should be set to based on the current step
if(rainbowStep < 85) {
colour = [rainbowStep * 3, 255 - (rainbowStep * 3), 0];
else if(rainbowStep < 170) {
local diff = rainbowStep - 85;
colour = [255 - (diff * 3), 0, diff * 3];
else {
local diff = rainbowStep - 170;
colour = [0, diff * 3, 255 - (diff * 3)];
pixels.set(0, colour).draw(); // Set the LED colour
rainbowStep += 5; // Incriment the step count
rainbowStep = rainbowStep % 256; // Ensure we cycle back to 0 once we reach the end
imp.wakeup(0.05, rainbow); // Briefly wait and then change colours again
// Call this function when we want to ask for updated numbers
function requestUpdate() {
agent.send("requestUpdate", null);
imp.wakeup(1800, requestUpdate); // After 1800 seconds, request another update
server.log("Device Started");
agent.on("update", updateLight); // when we recieve new numbers update the light
requestUpdate(); // Request our first update
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