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Created May 17, 2021 14:04
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Change font textures from classic 320x200 to 256x256
open System
open System.Drawing
open System.Drawing.Drawing2D
open System.Drawing.Imaging
open System.Runtime.InteropServices
let message (cc : ConsoleColor) (msg : string) =
let occ = Console.ForegroundColor
Console.ForegroundColor <- cc
Console.WriteLine msg
Console.ForegroundColor <- occ
let info msg = message ConsoleColor.Gray msg
let error msg = message ConsoleColor.Red msg
let infof fmt = Printf.kprintf info fmt
let errorf fmt = Printf.kprintf error fmt
let main argv =
let input = @"C:\Users\marte\OneDrive\impulse\rgbreine\font.png"
let output = @"C:\Users\marte\OneDrive\impulse\rgbreine\refont.png"
infof "Processing file: %s" input
use bmp = new Bitmap (input)
if bmp.Width <> 320 then failwithf "Input width is %d but expected to be 320" bmp.Width
if bmp.Height <> 200 then failwithf "Input height is %d but expected to be 200" bmp.Height
use nbmp = new Bitmap (256, 256, bmp.PixelFormat)
let bmpd = bmp.LockBits (Rectangle(0, 0, 320, 200), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly , PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
let nbmpd = nbmp.LockBits (Rectangle(0, 0, 256, 256), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
if bmpd.Width*4 <> bmpd.Stride then failwithf "Stride and Width doesn't match up: %d <> %d" (bmpd.Width*4) (bmpd.Stride)
if nbmpd.Width*4 <> nbmpd.Stride then failwithf "Stride and Width doesn't match up: %d <> %d" (nbmpd.Width*4) (nbmpd.Stride)
let pxs : int32 array = Array.zeroCreate (bmpd.Width*bmpd.Height)
let npxs : int32 array = Array.zeroCreate (nbmpd.Width*nbmpd.Height)
Marshal.Copy (bmpd.Scan0, pxs, 0, pxs.Length)
let blit32x25 fx fy tx ty =
let fi = fx + fy*320
let ti = tx + ty*256
let rec loop fi ti y =
if y < 25 then
for x = 0 to 31 do
npxs.[ti + x] <- pxs.[fi + x]
loop (fi + 320) (ti + 256) (y + 1)
loop fi ti 0
infof "Processing pixels"
for i = 0 to 69 do
let fc, fr = i % 10, i / 10
let tc, tr = i % 8, i / 8
let fx, fy = 32*fc, 25*fr
let tx, ty = 32*tc, 25*tr
blit32x25 fx fy tx ty
Marshal.Copy (npxs, 0, nbmpd.Scan0, npxs.Length)
nbmp.UnlockBits (nbmpd)
bmp.UnlockBits (bmpd)
infof "Writing file: %s" output
nbmp.Save output
| e -> error (e.Message)
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