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Last active April 24, 2022 17:06
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Landing Ship in F#

Landing a rocket

How to run

  1. WPF requires a Windows box
  2. Install dotnet:
  3. Create a folder named for example: FsLanding
  4. Create file in the folder named: FsLanding.fsproj and copy the content of 1_FsLanding.fsproj below into that file
  5. Create file in the folder named: Program.fs and copy the content of 2_Program.fs below into that file
  6. Launch the application in Visual Studio or through the command line dotnet run from the folder FsLanding
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Compile Include="Program.fs" />
// Hi!. The particle system is defined at row: 236+
// `open` are F# version of C# `using`
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Diagnostics
open System.Globalization
open System.Numerics
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Input
open System.Windows.Media
open System.Windows.Media.Animation
open FSharp.Core.Printf
type V1 = float32
type V2 = Vector2
// F# inline is sometimes used for performance but often
// it's used to get access to more advanced generics than
// supported by .NET CLR
// x here can be any type that supports conversion to float32
let inline v1 x = float32 x
let inline v2 x y = V2 (float32 x, float32 y)
let v2_0 = v2 0.F 0.F
let inline clamp v i x = max i (min v x)
let inline clamp2 v i x = V2.Max (i, V2.Min(v, x))
let tanh_approx x =
// tanh is (exp(x) − exp(−x)) / (exp(x) + exp(−x))
// But exp is pretty expensive. Following is s decent approx
let x2 = x*x
clamp (x*(27.F+x2)/(27.F+9.F*x2)) -1.F 1.F
type Color =
| Gray
| Green
| Red
| White
| Yellow
let noColor : Color option = Some Color.Gray
// Define a particle record
// Mass is stored in difference ways to avoid recomputing it
// Current is the current position
// Previous is the previous position
// The speed then implicitly is Current-Previous
// This representation is used in something called Verlet Integration
// Verlet Integration avoids needing to update the speed vector
// when computing the constraints
// It doesn't produce accurate physics but it looks believable
// which is good enough for this program
// Verlet Integration is described with some detail here:
type Particle =
Color : Color option
Mass : V1
SqrtMass : V1
InvertedMass : V1
mutable Current : V2
mutable Previous : V2
// Verlet step moves the particle with inertia and gravity
member x.Step (gravity : V1) =
// InvertedMass of 0 means this is a fixed particle of infinite
// mass. These particles don't move
if x.InvertedMass > 0.F then
let c = x.Current
let g = v2 0.F gravity
x.Current <- g + c + (c - x.Previous)
x.Previous <- c
// Makes a particle given mass, position x,y and velocity vx,vy
let inline mkParticle pc mass x y vx vy : Particle =
let m = v1 mass
let c = v2 x y
let v = v2 vx vy
Color = pc
Mass = m
InvertedMass = 1.F/m
SqrtMass = sqrt m
Current = c
Previous = c - v
// Makes a fix particle position x,y
// a fix particle has infinite mass and doesn't move
// used as an anchor point for other particles and constraints
let inline mkFixParticle pc x y = mkParticle pc infinityf x y 0.F 0.F
module Details =
let inline adapt f = OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<V1, V1, V1>.Adapt f
let stickActivation = adapt (fun l d -> d)
let ropeActivation = adapt (fun l d -> if d > 0.F then d else 0.F)
let springActivation f= adapt (fun l d -> d*tanh_approx (f*(abs d/l)))
let epsilon = 0.0001F
let epsilonSquared = epsilon*epsilon
let rec isPressed (pressed : HashSet<Key>) (keys : Key array) i =
if i < keys.Length then
if pressed.Contains keys.[i] then
isPressed pressed keys (i + 1)
open Details
// Defines a constraint which is either a stick or a rope
// a stick tries to make sure that the distance between two particles
// are the Length value
// a rope tries to makes sure that distance between two particles
// are at most the Length value
type Constraint =
Color : Color option
Activation : OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<V1, V1, V1>
Length : V1
Left : Particle
Right : Particle
// After the verlet step most constraints are "over stretched"
// Relax moves the two particles so that the constraint is "relaxed"
// again. This will in turn make other constraints "over stretched"
// but it turns out applying Relax over and over moves the system
// to a relaxed state
member x.Relax () =
// Bunch of math but the intent is this:
// compute the distance between the two particles in the constraint
// if the distance is not the right distance
// then move the two particles towards or away from eachother
// so that the distance is correct
// The comparitive mass of the particles is used to make sure
// that a small particle moves more than the bigger one it's
// connected to
let l = x.Left
let r = x.Right
let lc = l.Current
let rc = r.Current
let diff = lc - rc
let len = diff.Length ()
let ldiff = len - x.Length
let adiff = x.Activation.Invoke (x.Length, ldiff)
if abs adiff > epsilon then
let imass = 0.5F/(l.InvertedMass + r.InvertedMass)
let mdiff = (imass*adiff/len)*diff
let loff = l.InvertedMass * mdiff
let roff = r.InvertedMass * mdiff
l.Current <- lc - loff
r.Current <- rc + roff
// Makes a stick constraint between two particles
let inline mkStick c (l : Particle) (r : Particle) : Constraint =
Color = c
Activation = stickActivation
Length = (l.Current - r.Current).Length ()
Left = l
Right = r
// Makes a spring constraint between two particles
let inline mkSpring c f (l : Particle) (r : Particle) : Constraint =
Color = c
Activation = springActivation f
Length = (l.Current - r.Current).Length ()
Left = l
Right = r
// Makes a rope constraint between two particles
// allows making the rope a bit longer than the initial distance
let inline mkRope c extraLength (l : Particle) (r : Particle) : Constraint =
Color = c
Activation= ropeActivation
Length = (1.F + abs (float32 extraLength))*(l.Current - r.Current).Length ()
Left = l
Right = r
// Defines a global constraint that forces all particles inside a box
type GlobalConstraint =
Variant : bool
Min : V2
Max : V2
// If the current particle position is outside the box
// force it into the box again
member x.Relax (ps : Particle array) =
for p in ps do
let c = p.Current
let nc =
if x.Variant then
let di = c - x.Min
let dx = x.Max - c
if di.X >= 0.F && dx.X >= 0.F && di.Y >= 0.F && dx.Y >= 0.F then
let ddx = if di.X < dx.X then -di.X else dx.X
let ddy = if di.Y < dx.Y then -di.Y else dx.Y
if abs ddx < abs ddy then
v2 (c.X + ddx) c.Y
v2 c.X (c.Y + ddy)
clamp2 c x.Min x.Max
let ls = (nc - c).LengthSquared ()
// Faking friction
if ls > epsilonSquared then
let v = nc - p.Previous
let nv = 0.9F * v
p.Current <- nc
p.Previous <- nc - nv
// Creates a global contraint
let mkGlobalConstraint v x0 y0 x1 y1 : GlobalConstraint =
Variant = v
Min = v2 (min x0 x1) (min y0 y1)
Max = v2 (max x0 x1) (max y0 y1)
// Defines a rocket that fires either forward or reverse
// depending on what keys are pressed
// The rocket gets the same position as the particle it's connected
// to and the rocket direction is computed with the help of the
// anchor particle.
type Rocket =
Perpendicular : bool
ConnectedTo : Particle
AnchoredTo : Particle
Force : V1
ForwardWhen : Key array
ReverseWhen : Key array
member x.ForceVector (pressed : HashSet<Key>) =
let forceVector () =
// Compute the difference between the connected to
// and anchor particle. Normalize it ie make the length == 1
let d = V2.Normalize (x.ConnectedTo.Current - x.AnchoredTo.Current)
// the force vector
if x.Perpendicular then
// The rocket direction is perpendicular to the difference
let n = v2 d.Y -d.X
// The rocket direction is tangential to the difference
// Is any of the forward keys pressed?
if isPressed pressed x.ForwardWhen 0 then
forceVector ()
// Is any of the reverse keys pressed?
elif isPressed pressed x.ReverseWhen 0 then
-forceVector ()
// If neither then rocket is idle
// Creates a rocket
let mkRocket
reverseWhen : Rocket =
Perpendicular = perpendicular
ConnectedTo = connectedTo
AnchoredTo = anchoredTo
Force = force
ForwardWhen = forwardWhen
ReverseWhen = reverseWhen
// Creates a box of particles and constraints
let mkBox pc cc mass size x y vx vy : Particle array* Constraint array =
let inline p x y = mkParticle pc (0.25F*mass) x y vx vy
let hsz = 0.5F*size
let p00 = p (x - hsz) (y - hsz)
let p01 = p (x - hsz) (y + hsz)
let p10 = p (x + hsz) (y - hsz)
let p11 = p (x + hsz) (y + hsz)
let ps = [|p00; p01; p11; p10|]
let inline stick cc i j = mkStick cc ps.[i] ps.[j]
let nc = noColor
let cs =
stick cc 0 1
stick cc 1 2
stick cc 2 3
stick cc 3 0
stick nc 0 2
stick nc 1 3
ps, cs
// The global constraint is a box that the particles has to stay within
let globalConstraints =
mkGlobalConstraint false -600.F -1000.F 600.F 400.F
mkGlobalConstraint true -480.F 401.F -380.F 0.F
mkGlobalConstraint true -300.F 401.F -200.F 0.F
let mkRocketShip off =
let nc = noColor
let pc = noColor
let cc = Some Color.Yellow
let topParticle = mkParticle pc 1.F 0.F (-200.F + off) 0.F 0.F
let bottomParticle = mkParticle pc 20.F 0.F ( 85.F + off) 0.F 0.F
let leftLegParticle = mkParticle pc 1.F -85.F ( 150.F + off) 0.F 0.F
let rightLegParticle = mkParticle pc 1.F 85.F ( 150.F + off) 0.F 0.F
let boxParticles, boxConstraints = mkBox pc cc 20.F 100.F 0.F off 0.F 0.F
let particles =
yield! boxParticles
let constraints =
// Top
mkStick cc topParticle boxParticles.[0]
mkStick cc topParticle boxParticles.[3]
// Rocket
mkStick nc bottomParticle topParticle
mkStick nc bottomParticle boxParticles.[1]
mkStick nc bottomParticle boxParticles.[2]
// Left left
mkStick cc leftLegParticle boxParticles.[1]
mkSpring cc 4.F leftLegParticle bottomParticle
// Right left
mkStick cc rightLegParticle boxParticles.[2]
mkSpring cc 4.F rightLegParticle bottomParticle
yield! boxConstraints
let rockets =
// Add 2 rockets to the box ship
mkRocket true topParticle bottomParticle 2.F [|Key.Left|] [|Key.Right|]
mkRocket false bottomParticle topParticle -15.F [|Key.Up|] [||]
bottomParticle, particles, constraints, rockets
let mkBoxShip off =
let nc = noColor
let pc = noColor
let cc = Some Color.Yellow
let boxParticles, boxConstraints = mkBox pc cc 20.F 100.F 0.F 0.F 0.F 0.F
let leftLegParticle = mkParticle pc 1.F -55.F ( 150.F + off) 0.F 0.F
let rightLegParticle = mkParticle pc 1.F 55.F ( 150.F + off) 0.F 0.F
let bottomParticle = boxParticles.[1]
let rot = Matrix3x2.CreateRotation (v1 (-Math.PI / 4.))
let tra = Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation (v2 0.F (off - 50.F))
let full= rot*tra
for bp in boxParticles do
bp.Current <- V2.Transform (bp.Current , full)
bp.Previous <- V2.Transform (bp.Previous, full)
let particles =
yield! boxParticles
let constraints =
// Left left
mkStick cc leftLegParticle boxParticles.[0]
mkSpring cc 4.F leftLegParticle bottomParticle
// Right left
mkStick cc rightLegParticle boxParticles.[2]
mkSpring cc 4.F rightLegParticle bottomParticle
yield! boxConstraints
let rockets =
// Add 2 rockets to the box ship
mkRocket true boxParticles.[0] boxParticles.[2] -5.F [|Key.Up; Key.Right|] [||]
mkRocket true boxParticles.[2] boxParticles.[0] 5.F [|Key.Up; Key.Left |] [||]
bottomParticle, particles, constraints, rockets
// Creates a small system of particles and constraints
let particles, constraints, rockets =
let pc = noColor
let cc = Some Color.Yellow
let rc = Some Color.Gray
let off = 250.F
let shipConnectParticles, shipParticles, shipConstraints, shipRockets = mkBoxShip off
let del0Particles, del0Constraints= mkBox pc cc 20.F 40.F 120.F (120.F + off) 0.F 0.F
let del1Particles, del1Constraints= mkBox pc cc 20.F 40.F 240.F (120.F + off) 0.F 0.F
let particles =
yield! shipParticles
yield! del0Particles
yield! del1Particles
let constraints =
yield! shipConstraints
mkRope rc 0.F shipConnectParticles del0Particles.[2]
mkRope rc 0.F del0Particles.[0] del1Particles.[2]
yield! del0Constraints
yield! del1Constraints
let rockets =
yield! shipRockets
particles, constraints, rockets
// Creates a CanvasElement class that will act like a canvas for us
// We override the OnRender method to draw graphics. In order to make the graphics
// animate we have a time animation that invalidates the element which forces a redraw
type CanvasElement () =
// This is how in F# we inherit, this is typically not done as much
// as in C# but in order to be part of WPF Visual tree we need to
// inherit UIElement
inherit UIElement ()
// Declaring a DependencyProperty member for Time
// This is WPF magic but it's created so that we can create
// an "animation" of the time value.
// This will help use do smooth updates.
// Nothing like web requestAnimationFrame in WPF AFAIK
static let timeProperty =
let pc = PropertyChangedCallback CanvasElement.TimePropertyChanged
let md = PropertyMetadata (0., pc)
DependencyProperty.Register ("Time", typeof<float>, typeof<CanvasElement>, md)
// Freezing resources prevents updates of WPF Resources
// Can help WPF optimize rendering
// #Freezable is like C# constraint : where T : Freezable
let freeze (f : #Freezable) =
f.Freeze ()
// Helper function to create pens
let makePen thickness brush =
Pen (Thickness = thickness, Brush = brush) |> freeze
// Help text
let helpText =
FormattedText ( "Use arrow keys to fire rockets. Drive responsibly"
, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
, FlowDirection.LeftToRight
, Typeface "Arial"
, 36.0
, Brushes.Gray
, 1.0
// Some pens to draw lines with
let pens =
Color.Gray , Brushes.Gray
Color.Green , Brushes.Green
Color.Red , Brushes.Red
Color.White , Brushes.White
Color.Yellow, Brushes.Yellow
|> (fun (k, v) -> k, makePen 2. v)
|> dict
// Currently pressed key
let mutable pressed = HashSet<Key>()
// More WPF dependency property magic
// Not very interesting but this becomes member function in the class
static member TimePropertyChanged (d : DependencyObject) (e : DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs) =
let g = d :?> CanvasElement
// Whenever time change we invalidate the entire canvas element
g.InvalidateVisual ()
// Idiomatically WPF Dependency properties should be readonly
// static fields. However, F# don't allow us to declare that
// Luckily it seems static readonly properties works fine
static member TimeProperty = timeProperty
// Store pressed key
override x.OnKeyDown e =
pressed.Add e.Key |> ignore
// Reset pressed key
override x.OnKeyUp e =
pressed.Remove e.Key |> ignore
// Gets the Time dependency property
member x.Time = x.GetValue CanvasElement.TimeProperty :?> float
// Create an animation that animates a floating point from 0 to 1E9
// over 1E9 seconds thus the time. This animation is then hooked onto the Time property
// Basically more WPF magic
member x.Start () =
// Initial time value
let b = 0.
// End time, application animation stops after approx 30 years
let e = 1E9
let dur = Duration (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (e - b))
let ani = DoubleAnimation (b, e, dur) |> freeze
// Animating Time property
x.BeginAnimation (CanvasElement.TimeProperty, ani);
// Finally we get to the good stuff!
// dc is a DeviceContext, basically a canvas we can draw on
override x.OnRender dc =
// Get the current time, will change over time (hohoh)
let time = x.Time
// This is the size of the canvas in pixels
let rs = x.RenderSize
let center= v2 (0.5*rs.Width) (0.5*rs.Height)
for _ = 1 to 1 do
// Apply rocket force
for r in rockets do
let f = (r.ForceVector pressed)
let p = r.ConnectedTo
p.Current <- p.Current + f*p.InvertedMass
// Apply the verlet step to all particles
for p in particles do
p.Step 0.1F
// Relax all constraints 5 times
// If you relax less times the system becomes more "bouncy"
// More times makes it more "stiff"
for _ = 1 to 5 do
for gc in globalConstraints do
gc.Relax particles
for c in constraints do
c.Relax ()
// Draw the instructions
dc.DrawText (helpText, new Point(0, 0))
// inline here allows us to create helper function that
// uses a local variable without the overhead of creating
// a new function object
// Creating a bunch of objects during drawing can lead
// to GC which we like to avoid
let inline toPoint (p : Particle) =
let pos = p.Current + center
Point (float pos.X, float pos.Y)
// Draw all constraints
for c in constraints do
match c.Color with
| None -> ()
| Some cc ->
let pen = pens.[cc]
dc.DrawLine (pen , toPoint c.Left, toPoint c.Right)
// Draw all particles
for p in particles do
match p.Color with
| None -> ()
| Some pc ->
let r, b =
if p.InvertedMass = 0.F then
10., Brushes.White
let r = 3.F + p.SqrtMass |> float
r, Brushes.Black
dc.DrawEllipse (b, pens.[pc], toPoint p, r, r)
// Shadowing the previous toPoint function is fine in F#
let inline toPoint (p : V2) =
let pos = p + center
Point (float pos.X, float pos.Y)
// Draw all rockets
let forcePen = pens.[Color.Red]
for r in rockets do
let cto = r.ConnectedTo
let c = cto.Current
let f = -10.F*r.ForceVector pressed
let pt0 = toPoint c
let pt1 = toPoint (c + f)
let pen = forcePen
dc.DrawLine (pen, pt0, pt1)
// Draws the Global Constraint (surrounding box)
let globalPen0 = pens.[Color.Green]
let globalPen1 = pens.[Color.Gray]
for gc in globalConstraints do
let p = if gc.Variant then globalPen1 else globalPen0
dc.DrawRectangle (null, p, Rect(toPoint gc.Min, toPoint gc.Max))
// Tells F# that this method is the main entry point
// More 1990s magic! Basically in Windows there's a requirement that
// UI controls runs in something called a Single Threaded Apartment.
// So we tell .NET that the thread that calls main should be in a
// Single Threaded Apartment.
// Basically MS idea in 1990s on how to solve the problem of writing
// multi threaded applications.
// The .NET equivalent to apartments could be SynchronizationContext
let main argv =
// Sets up the main window
let window = Window (Title = "FsLanding", Background = Brushes.Black)
// Creates our canvas
let element = CanvasElement ()
// Makes our canvas the content of the Window
window.Content <- element
// Make element focusable to be able to capture key strokes
element.Focusable <- true
element.Focus () |> ignore
// Starts the time animation
element.Start ()
// Shows the Window
window.ShowDialog () |> ignore
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