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Last active September 15, 2019 13:08
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Blazor Formlets
namespace Blazor.Formlets.Core
open FSharp.Core.Printf
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Rendering
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web
open System
open System.Text
type [<Struct>] Maybe<'T> =
| Just of 'T
| Nothing
and maybe<'T> = Maybe<'T>
module Maybe =
let inline just v = Just v
let nothing<'T> = Nothing
type FormletContext =
CreateId : unit -> string
type FormletRenderContext =
EventReceiver : obj
RequestRebuild : unit -> unit
type [<Struct>] FormletFailureContext =
| FFC of (string list)
member x.Append name : FormletFailureContext =
let (FFC names) = x
FFC (name::names)
type [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] FormletFailureTree =
| Empty
| Failure of FormletFailureContext*string
| Fork of FormletFailureTree*FormletFailureTree
static member Join l r : FormletFailureTree =
match l, r with
| Empty , Empty -> Empty
| _ , Empty -> l
| Empty , _ -> r
| _ , _ -> Fork (l, r)
member x.ContextfulFailures () : struct (string*string) [] =
let ra = ResizeArray 16
// TODO: Optimize
let toContext (FFC vs) =
System.String.Join ('.', vs |> List.rev |> List.toArray)
let rec loop t =
match t with
| Empty -> ()
| Failure (ffc, msg) -> ra.Add (struct (toContext ffc, msg))
| Fork (l, r) -> loop l; loop r
loop x
ra.ToArray ()
member x.Failures () : string [] =
let ra = ResizeArray 16
let rec loop t =
match t with
| Empty -> ()
| Failure (ffc, msg) -> ra.Add msg
| Fork (l, r) -> loop l; loop r
loop x
ra.ToArray ()
static member inline (+++) (l, r) = FormletFailureTree.Join l r
type [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] FormletModel =
| Empty
// Mutability?? Personally I see pros/cons and the pros of mutability here is not having to
// build lenses to update a nested model value, cons are well known but likely managable
| Value of string ref
| Tag of string*FormletModel
| Fork of FormletModel*FormletModel
static member inline (+++) (l, r) = Fork (l, r)
type [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] FormletTree =
| Empty
| WithClass of string*FormletTree
| WithAttribute of string*string*FormletTree
| WithId of string*FormletTree
| WithChangeBinding of string ref*FormletTree
| Element of string*FormletTree
| Content of string
| Fork of FormletTree*FormletTree
static member inline (+++) (l, r) = Fork (l, r)
type [<Struct>] FormletResult<'T> = FR of 'T*FormletFailureTree*FormletModel*FormletTree
type [<Struct>] Formlet<'T> =
| FL of (FormletContext -> FormletFailureContext -> FormletModel -> FormletResult<'T>)
module Common =
let inline adapt (FL t) = OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<_, _, _, _>.Adapt t
let inline invoke (t : OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<_, _, _, _>) fc ffc fm = t.Invoke (fc, ffc, fm)
module Formlet =
open Common
module Details =
module Loops =
let rec renderAttributes context (builder : RenderTreeBuilder) kvs i =
match kvs with
| [] -> i
| (struct (k, v))::t ->
builder.AddAttribute (i, k, (v : string))
renderAttributes context builder t (i + 1)
let rec renderClass context (builder : RenderTreeBuilder) (sb : StringBuilder) cs i =
match cs with
| [] ->
if sb.Length > 0 then
builder.AddAttribute (i, "class", sb.ToString ())
i + 1
| h::t ->
if sb.Length > 0 then sb.Append ' ' |> ignore
sb.Append (h : string) |> ignore
renderClass context builder sb t i
let rec renderChangeBinding (context : FormletRenderContext) (builder : RenderTreeBuilder) cbs i =
match cbs with
| [] -> i
| _ ->
let onChange (e : ChangeEventArgs) =
let v =
if isNull e.Value then ""
else e.Value.ToString ()
for cb in cbs do
cb := v
context.RequestRebuild ()
let cb = EventCallback.Factory.Create<ChangeEventArgs> (context.EventReceiver, Action<ChangeEventArgs> onChange)
builder.AddAttribute<ChangeEventArgs> (i, "onchange", cb)
i + 1
let rec render oid cs kvs cbs (context : FormletRenderContext) (builder : RenderTreeBuilder) (formletTree : FormletTree) i =
match formletTree with
| FormletTree.Empty -> i
| FormletTree.WithClass (c, ft) -> render oid (c::cs) kvs cbs context builder ft i
| FormletTree.WithAttribute (k, v, ft) -> render oid cs (struct (k, v)::kvs) cbs context builder ft i
| FormletTree.WithId (id, ft) -> render (Just id) cs kvs cbs context builder ft i
| FormletTree.WithChangeBinding (cb, ft) -> render oid cs kvs (cb::cbs) context builder ft i
| FormletTree.Element (e, ft) ->
builder.OpenElement (i, e)
let i = i + 1
let i = renderAttributes context builder kvs i
let i =
match oid with
| Just id -> builder.AddAttribute (i, "id", id); i + 1
| _ -> i
let i = renderClass context builder (StringBuilder ()) cs i // TODO: StringBuilder could be shared
let i = renderChangeBinding context builder cbs i
let i = render Nothing [] [] [] context builder ft i
builder.CloseElement ()
| FormletTree.Content c ->
builder.AddContent (i, c)
i + 1
| FormletTree.Fork (lft, rft) ->
let i = render oid cs kvs cbs context builder lft i
render Nothing cs kvs cbs context builder rft i
open Details
let eval (context : FormletContext) (formlet : Formlet<'T>) (model : FormletModel) =
let f = adapt formlet
invoke f context (FFC []) model
let render (context : FormletRenderContext) (builder : RenderTreeBuilder) (formletTree : FormletTree) sequence : int =
Loops.render Nothing [] [] [] context builder formletTree sequence
let inline value (v : 'T) : Formlet<'T> =
FL <| fun fc ffc fm ->
FR (v, FormletFailureTree.Empty, FormletModel.Empty, FormletTree.Empty)
let inline failWith (fv : 'T) msg : Formlet<'T> =
FL <| fun fc ffc fm ->
FR (fv, FormletFailureTree.Failure (ffc, msg), FormletModel.Empty, FormletTree.Empty)
let inline failWithf fv fmt = kprintf (failWith fv) fmt
let inline bind (t : Formlet<'T>) (uf : 'T -> Formlet<'U>) : Formlet<'U> =
let tf = adapt t
FL <| fun fc ffc fm ->
let tfm, ufm =
match fm with
| FormletModel.Fork (tfm, ufm) -> tfm , ufm
| _ -> FormletModel.Empty , FormletModel.Empty
let (FR (tv, tfft, tfm, tft)) = invoke tf fc ffc tfm
let u = uf tv
let uf = adapt u
let (FR (uv, ufft, ufm, uft)) = invoke uf fc ffc ufm
FR (uv, tfft +++ ufft, tfm +++ ufm, tft +++ uft)
let inline apply (f : Formlet<'T -> 'U>) (t : Formlet<'T>) : Formlet<'U> =
let ff = adapt f
let tf = adapt t
FL <| fun fc ffc fm ->
let ffm, tfm =
match fm with
| FormletModel.Fork (ffm, tfm) -> ffm , tfm
| _ -> FormletModel.Empty , FormletModel.Empty
let (FR (ff, ffft, ffm, fft)) = invoke ff fc ffc ffm
let (FR (tv, tfft, tfm, tft)) = invoke tf fc ffc tfm
FR (ff tv, ffft +++ tfft, ffm +++ tfm, fft +++ tft)
let inline map m (t : Formlet<'T>) : Formlet<'U> =
let tf = adapt t
FL <| fun fc ffc fm ->
let (FR (tv, tfft, tfm, tft)) = invoke tf fc ffc fm
FR (m tv, tfft, tfm, tft)
let inline andAlso (t: Formlet<'T>) (u : Formlet<'U>) : Formlet<'T*'U> =
let tf = adapt t
let uf = adapt u
FL <| fun fc ffc fm ->
let tfm, ufm =
match fm with
| FormletModel.Fork (tfm, ufm) -> tfm , ufm
| _ -> FormletModel.Empty , FormletModel.Empty
let (FR (tv, tfft, tfm, tft)) = invoke tf fc ffc tfm
let (FR (uv, ufft, ufm, uft)) = invoke uf fc ffc ufm
FR ((tv, uv), tfft +++ ufft, tfm +++ ufm, tft +++ uft)
let inline unwrap (t : Formlet<Formlet<'T>>) : Formlet<'T> =
let tf = adapt t
FL <| fun fc ffc fm ->
let tfm, ufm =
match fm with
| FormletModel.Fork (tfm, ufm) -> tfm , ufm
| _ -> FormletModel.Empty , FormletModel.Empty
let (FR (u, tfft, tfm, tft)) = invoke tf fc ffc tfm
let uf = adapt u
let (FR (uv, ufft, ufm, uft)) = invoke uf fc ffc ufm
FR (uv, tfft +++ ufft, tfm +++ ufm, tft +++ uft)
let inline tag nm (t : Formlet<'T>) : Formlet<'T> =
let tf = adapt t
FL <| fun fc ffc fm ->
let fm =
match fm with
| FormletModel.Tag (snm, sft) when snm.Equals nm -> sft
| _ -> FormletModel.Empty
let (FR (tv, tfft, tfm, tft)) = invoke tf fc ffc fm
FR (tv, tfft, FormletModel.Tag (nm, tfm), tft)
type Formlet<'T> with
static member inline (>>=) (t, uf) = Formlet.bind t uf
static member inline (|>>) (t, m) = m t
static member inline (<*>) (f, t) = Formlet.apply f t
static member inline (<&>) (l, r) = Formlet.andAlso l r
module Builder =
module Details =
open Formlet
type Builder () =
member inline x.Bind (t, uf) = bind t uf
member inline x.Return v = value v
member inline x.ReturnFrom t = t : Formlet<_>
member inline x.Zero () = value ()
open Details
let formlet = Builder ()
module Inputs =
let text placeholder initial : Formlet<string> =
FL <| fun fc ffc fm ->
let rv =
match fm with
| FormletModel.Value rv -> rv
| _ -> ref initial
let ft =
FormletTree.WithChangeBinding (
FormletTree.WithClass (
FormletTree.WithAttribute (
"placeholder", placeholder,
FormletTree.WithAttribute (
"value", !rv,
FormletTree.WithAttribute (
"type", "text",
FormletTree.Element ("input", FormletTree.Empty))))))
FR (!rv, FormletFailureTree.Empty, FormletModel.Value rv, ft)
module Components =
type [<AbstractClass>] FormletComponent () =
inherit ComponentBase ()
type [<AbstractClass>] FormletComponent<'T> () =
inherit FormletComponent ()
let mutable formletModel = FormletModel.Empty
let mutable formletFailureTree = FormletFailureTree.Empty
let mutable formletTree = FormletTree.Empty
abstract Formlet : Formlet<'T>
override x.BuildRenderTree builder =
let id = ref 0
let evalContext : FormletContext =
CreateId = fun () ->
let r = sprintf "fid_#%d" !id
incr id
let (FR (v, fft, fm, ft)) = Formlet.eval evalContext x.Formlet formletModel
formletFailureTree <- fft
formletModel <- fm
formletTree <- ft
let renderContext : FormletRenderContext =
EventReceiver = x
RequestRebuild = fun () -> () // TODO:
let i = Formlet.render renderContext builder formletTree 0
module Surround =
open Common
let withDiv cls (t : Formlet<'T>) : Formlet<'T> =
let tf = adapt t
FL <| fun fc ffc fm ->
let (FR (tv, tfft, tfm, tft)) = invoke tf fc ffc fm
let tft =
FormletTree.WithClass (
FormletTree.Element (
FR (tv, tfft, tfm , tft)
module Enhance =
open Common
let withForm (t : Formlet<'T>) : Formlet<'T> =
let tf = adapt t
FL <| fun fc ffc fm ->
let (FR (tv, tfft, tfm, tft)) = invoke tf fc ffc fm
let tft =
FormletTree.Element (
FR (tv, tfft, tfm , tft)
let withFormGroup (t : Formlet<'T>) : Formlet<'T> =
Surround.withDiv "form-group" t
let withLabel lbl (t : Formlet<'T>) : Formlet<'T> =
let tf = adapt t
FL <| fun fc ffc fm ->
let id = fc.CreateId ()
let (FR (tv, tfft, tfm, tft)) = invoke tf fc ffc fm
let lft =
FormletTree.WithAttribute (
"for", id,
FormletTree.Element (
FormletTree.Content lbl))
let tft = FormletTree.Fork (lft, FormletTree.WithId (id, tft))
FR (tv, tfft, tfm , tft)
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