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Last active August 9, 2017 19:37
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module Simple =
open System
open System.Numerics
let pi = Math.PI
let tau = 2.*pi
let twiddle a = Complex.FromPolarCoordinates(1., a)
let rec fft = function
| [] -> []
| [x] -> [x]
| x ->
|> List.mapi (fun i c -> i % 2 = 0, c)
|> List.partition fst
|> fun (even, odd) -> fft ( snd even), fft ( snd odd)
||> List.mapi2 (fun i even odd ->
let btf = odd * twiddle (-tau * (float i / float x.Length))
even + btf, even - btf)
|> List.unzip
||> List.append
// For examples and tests see:
// Inspired by:
// and:
// Sacrifices idioms for performance
module FourierTransform =
open System
open System.Numerics
let maxSize = 4096
let pi = Math.PI
let tau = 2.*pi
module internal Details =
let isPowerOf2 n = (n &&& n - 1) = 0
let ilog2 n =
if n < 2 then failwith "n must be greater than 1"
if not (isPowerOf2 n) then failwith "n must be a power of 2"
let rec loop n c s =
let t = 1 <<< c
if t = n then
elif t > n then
loop n (c - s) (s >>> 1)
loop n (c + s) (s >>> 1)
loop n 16 8
let twiddle a = Complex.FromPolarCoordinates(1., a)
let twiddles =
let unfolder c =
if c < 2*maxSize then
let vs = Array.init (c / 2) (fun i -> twiddle (-tau * float i / float c))
Some (vs, c*2)
Array.unfold unfolder 1
let rec loop n2 tws s c f t =
if c > 2 then
let c2 = c >>> 1
let struct (t, f) = loop n2 tws (s <<< 1) c2 f t
if s > 1 then
for j = 0 to c2 - 1 do
let off = s*j
let off2= off <<< 1;
let w = Array.get tws off
for i = 0 to s - 1 do
let e = Array.get f (i + off2 + 0)
let o = Array.get f (i + off2 + s)
let a = w*o
Array.set t (i + off + 0) (e + a)
Array.set t (i + off + n2) (e - a)
for j = 0 to c2 - 1 do
let w = Array.get tws j
let e = Array.get f (2*j + 0)
let o = Array.get f (2*j + s)
let a = w*o
Array.set t (j + 0) (e + a)
Array.set t (j + n2) (e - a)
struct (f, t)
elif c = 2 then
for i = 0 to s - 1 do
let e = Array.get f (i + 0)
let o = Array.get f (i + s)
let a = o
Array.set t (i + 0) (e + a)
Array.set t (i + n2) (e - a)
struct (f, t)
struct (t, f)
open Details
let dft (vs : Complex []) =
let l = vs.Length
let am = tau / float l
let rec loop s j i =
if j < l then
let v = vs.[j]
let n = v*twiddle (-float i * float j * am)
loop (s + n) (j + 1) i
Array.init l (loop Complex.Zero 0)
let fft (vs : Complex []) : Complex [] =
let n = vs.Length
let ln = ilog2 n
let vs0 = Array.copy vs
let vs1 = Array.zeroCreate n
let struct (_, t) = Details.loop (n >>> 1) twiddles.[ln] 1 n vs0 vs1
module Tests =
open FsCheck
type Samples = Samples of Complex []
type FftGenerators =
static member Complex () : Arbitrary<Complex> =
let f =
|> (fun v ->
if Double.IsNaN v then
elif Double.IsPositiveInfinity v then
elif Double.IsNegativeInfinity v then
v % 1000.
let c =
Gen.constant (fun r i -> Complex (r, i))
<*> f
<*> f
Arb.fromGen c
static member Samples () : Arbitrary<Samples> =
let s =
gen {
let! n = Gen.choose (1, 3) |> (fun i -> 1 <<< i)
let! c = Gen.arrayOfLength n Arb.generate<Complex>
return Samples c
Arb.fromGen s
type FftTests =
static member ``Test ilog2`` (i : int) =
let e = (abs i) % 29 + 2
let v = 1 <<< e
let a = Details.ilog2 v
e = a
static member ``Simple test`` (s : Samples) =
let (Samples vs) = s
let e = dft vs
let a = fft vs
if e.Length = a.Length then
let rec loop s i =
if i < e.Length then
let d = e.[i] - a.[i]
loop (s + d*d) (i + 1)
let s = loop Complex.Zero 0
let r = s.Magnitude / float e.Length < 1E-10
if not r then printfn "E:%A\nA:%A" e a
let run () =
let config =
{ Config.Quick with
Arbitrary = typeof<FftGenerators> :: Config.Quick.Arbitrary
MaxTest = 1000
MaxFail = 1000
Check.All<FftTests> config
// now () returns current time in milliseconds since start
let now : unit -> int64 =
let sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch ()
sw.Start ()
fun () -> sw.ElapsedMilliseconds
// time estimates the time 'action' repeated a number of times
let time repeat action =
let inline cc i = System.GC.CollectionCount i
let v = action ()
System.GC.Collect (2, System.GCCollectionMode.Forced, true)
let bcc0, bcc1, bcc2 = cc 0, cc 1, cc 2
let b = now ()
for i in 1..repeat do
action () |> ignore
let e = now ()
let ecc0, ecc1, ecc2 = cc 0, cc 1, cc 2
v, (e - b), ecc0 - bcc0, ecc1 - bcc1, ecc2 - bcc2
open System
open System.Numerics
let main argv =
let trim (c : Complex) =
let trim (f : float) = if abs f < 1E-14 then 0. else f
Complex (trim c.Real, trim c.Imaginary) ()
let repeat = 1000
let l = 1024
let input =
[| for x in 0..(l - 1) ->
let a = FourierTransform.tau*float x/float l
let v = cos a + cos (2.*a)
let c = Complex (v / (float l / 2.), 0.) |> trim
let inputList = input |> List.ofArray
let output1 =
|> Simple.fft
|> trim
let output2 =
|> FourierTransform.dft
|> trim
let output3 =
|> FourierTransform.fft
|> trim
if l < 64 then
printfn "Input : %A" input
printfn "Simple FFT : %A" output1
printfn "Faster DFT : %A" output2
printfn "Faster FFT : %A" output3
let testCases =
"Simple FFT" , fun () -> Simple.fft inputList |> ignore
// "Faster DFT" , fun () -> FourierTransform.dft input |> ignore
"Faster FFT" , fun () -> FourierTransform.fft input |> ignore
for name, action in testCases do
printfn "Running %s %d times ..." name repeat
let _, ms, cc0, cc1, cc2 = time repeat action
printfn " it took %d ms and (%d, %d, %d) CC" ms cc0 cc1 cc2
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