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Last active April 5, 2016 19:59
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module RedBlackTree =
type Color =
| Red
| Black
type Tree<'K, 'V> =
| Leaf
| Node of Color*Tree<'K, 'V>*'K*'V*Tree<'K, 'V>
let empty = Leaf
let rec depth t =
match t with
| Leaf -> 0
| Node (_, l, _, _, r) -> (max (depth l) (depth r)) + 1
let rec lookup k t =
match t with
| Leaf -> None
| Node (_, ll, kk, vv, rr) ->
if k < kk then
lookup k ll
elif k > kk then
lookup k rr
Some vv
let set k v t =
let inline balance c l k v r =
match c, l, k, v, r with
| Black, Node (Red, Node (Red, a, xk, xv, b), yk, yv, c), zk, zv, d
| Black, Node (Red, a, xk, xv, Node (Red, b, yk, yv, c)), zk, zv, d
| Black, a, xk, xv, Node (Red, Node (Red, b, yk, yv, c), zk, zv, d)
| Black, a, xk, xv, Node (Red, b, yk, yv, Node (Red, c, zk, zv, d)) ->
Node (Red, Node (Black, a, xk, xv, b), yk, yv, Node (Black, c, zk, zv, d))
| _ -> Node (c, l, k, v, r)
let rec loop t =
match t with
| Leaf -> Node (Red, Leaf, k, v, Leaf)
| Node (c, ll, kk, vv, rr)->
if k < kk then
balance c (loop ll) kk vv rr
elif k > kk then
balance c ll kk vv (loop rr)
Node (c, ll, k, v, rr)
match loop t with
| Node (Red, ll, kk, vv, rr) -> Node (Black, ll, kk, vv, rr)
| t -> t
let fromArray (vs : _ []) =
let rec loop t i =
if i < vs.Length then
let k, v = vs.[i]
let nt = set k v t
loop nt (i + 1)
loop empty 0
module Tests =
type Properties() =
static let isBlack t =
match t with
| Leaf
| Node (Black, _, _, _, _) -> true
| _ -> false
// Checks the invariants specified here:–black_tree
// 1. Root node is black
// 2. If a node is red it has no red children
// 3. Every path from a node contain the same number of black nodes
// 4. In addition since it is a binary search tree it checks that
// left/key < key < right/key
static let checkInvariant t =
let rec loop lvl cp t =
match t with
| Leaf -> Some 1
| Node (c, l, k, _, r) ->
match c, loop (lvl + 1) ((>) k) l, loop (lvl + 1) ((<) k) r with
| Red, Some ld, Some rd when cp k && lvl > 0 && isBlack l && isBlack r && ld = rd ->
Some ld
| Black, Some ld, Some rd when cp k && ld = rd ->
Some (ld + 1)
| _ -> None
(loop 0 (fun _ -> true) t).IsSome
static member ``RedBlack invariants must hold for any key-values`` (vs : (int*int64) []) =
let rec loop t i =
if i < vs.Length then
let k, v = vs.[i]
let nt = set k v t
checkInvariant nt && loop nt (i + 1)
loop empty 0
static member ``Tree must contain the key-values`` (vs : (int*int64) []) =
let uvs = vs |> Seq.groupBy fst |> Seq.toArray
let t = fromArray vs
let rec loop i =
if i < uvs.Length then
let k, gvs = uvs.[i]
// Pick the last of the grouped values because set overwrites the values
let _, v = gvs |> Seq.last
match lookup k t with
| Some vv when vv = v -> loop (i + 1)
| _ -> false
loop 0
static member ``Tree depth is at most 2[log2 (n + 1)]`` (vs : (int*int64) []) =
let log2 v = log v / log 2.
let uvs = vs |> Seq.distinctBy fst |> Seq.toArray
let t = fromArray uvs
let d = depth t
float d <= 2. * (uvs.Length + 1 |> float |> log2)
open FsCheck
let run () =
let config = { Config.Quick with MaxTest = 1000 }
Check.All<Properties> config
let main argv = ()
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