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Last active December 17, 2015 13:29
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Annoted mark and sweep collector in Racket, with the test code removed. From
#lang plai/collector
;; A tri-color mark and sweep algorithm. There are three sets of heap nodes:
;; gray, white, and black. Black nodes are known to not be garbage or hold
;; references to garbage, gray nodes are known to not be garbage but their
;; references have not been checked, and white nodes, the rest, are garbage.
;; * The black set begins empty
;; * The gray set begins with the roots
;; * All non root nodes begin in the white set
;; * Iterate over the gray set. "Blacken" each node by "graying" the nodes
;; it references.
;; * When all gray nodes have been touched, the remaining white nodes are
;; considered garbage, and their space can be reclaimed.
;; Initialize allocator. Iterate over all of the cells in the heap,
;; and mark them 'free
(define (init-allocator)
(for ([i (in-range 0 (heap-size))])
(heap-set! i 'free)))
;; Dereference the cell location, return the value if it is flat.
(define (gc:deref loc)
[(equal? (heap-ref loc) 'flat)
(heap-ref (+ loc 1))]
(error 'gc:deref "attempted to deref a non flat value, loc ~s" loc)]))
;; Return the first value in the cell if it stores a pair
(define (gc:first pr-ptr)
(if (equal? (heap-ref pr-ptr) 'pair)
(heap-ref (+ pr-ptr 1))
(error 'first "non pair")))
;; Return the rest value in the cell if it stores a pair
(define (gc:rest pr-ptr)
(if (equal? (heap-ref pr-ptr) 'pair)
(heap-ref (+ pr-ptr 2))
(error 'first "non pair")))
;; Does this cell store a flat value?
(define (gc:flat? loc) (equal? (heap-ref loc) 'flat))
;; Does this cell store a pair?
(define (gc:cons? loc) (equal? (heap-ref loc) 'pair))
;; Set the first value in a pair
(define (gc:set-first! pr-ptr new)
(if (equal? (heap-ref pr-ptr) 'pair)
(heap-set! (+ pr-ptr 1) new)
(error 'set-first! "non pair")))
;; Set the rest value in a pair
(define (gc:set-rest! pr-ptr new)
(if (equal? (heap-ref pr-ptr) 'pair)
(heap-set! (+ pr-ptr 2) new)
(error 'set-first! "non pair")))
;; Allocate a flat value, store it on the heap
(define (gc:alloc-flat fv)
(let ([ptr (alloc 2 (λ ()
(if (procedure? fv)
(append (procedure-roots fv)
(heap-set! ptr 'flat)
(heap-set! (+ ptr 1) fv)
;; Cons two allocated values and store the list on the heap
(define (gc:cons hd tl)
(let ([ptr (alloc 3 (λ () (get-root-set hd tl)))])
(heap-set! ptr 'pair)
(heap-set! (+ ptr 1) hd)
(heap-set! (+ ptr 2) tl)
;; Allocate n memory cells. Accepts a get-roots function that will return
;; the heap roots.
(define (alloc n get-roots)
(let ([next (find-free-space 0 n)])
(collect-garbage get-roots)
(let ([next (find-free-space 0 n)])
(unless next
(error 'alloc "out of space"))
;; If we're out of space on the heap, collect the garbage. High level interface
;; function, the meat of the algorithm is in collect-garbage-help below
(define (collect-garbage get-roots)
(let ([roots (map read-root (get-roots))]) ;; Get the addresses of all of the roots
(eprintf "roots: ~a\n" roots)
roots ;; Pass roots as the 'gray' set
(remove* roots (get-all-records 0))))) ;; Remove the roots from all records and pass
;; as the 'white' set
;; The bulk of the algorithm
(define (collect-garbage-help gray white)
[(null? gray) (free! white)] ;; If the gray list is empty, free the whites with no other work
(case (heap-ref (car gray)) ;; Grab the label for each gray cell
[(flat) ;; Is it a flat value?
(let ([proc (heap-ref (+ (car gray) 1))])
(if (procedure? proc)
(let ([new-locs (map read-root (procedure-roots proc))])
(eprintf "proc roots: ~a\n" new-locs)
(add-in new-locs (cdr gray) white)
(remove* new-locs white)))
(collect-garbage-help (cdr gray) white)))]
[(pair) ;; Is it a pair?
(let ([hd (heap-ref (+ (car gray) 1))]
[tl (heap-ref (+ (car gray) 2))])
(add-in (list hd tl) (cdr gray) white)
(remove tl (remove hd white))))]
[else ;; Is it something far more sinister altogether?
(error 'collect-garbage "unknown tag ~s, loc ~s" (heap-ref (car gray)) (car gray))])]))
;; Free all the cells in the white group. This only occurs after we are certain
;; that no gray or black objects hold references to these objects and vice versa.
(define (free! whites)
[(null? whites) (void)]
(let ([white (car whites)])
(case (heap-ref white)
(heap-set! white 'free)
(heap-set! (+ white 1) 'free)
(heap-set! (+ white 2) 'free)]
(heap-set! white 'free)
(heap-set! (+ white 1) 'free)]
(error 'free! "unknown tag ~s\n" (heap-ref white))])
(free! (cdr whites)))]))
;; add-in : (listof location) (listof location) (listof location) -> (listof location)
;; computes a new set of gray addresses by addding all white elements of locs to gray
(define (add-in locs gray white)
[(null? locs) gray]
(let* ([loc (car locs)]
[white? (member loc white)])
(add-in (cdr locs)
(if white? (cons loc gray) gray)
;; Walk the entire heap.
(define (get-all-records i)
[(< i (heap-size))
(case (heap-ref i)
[(pair) (cons i (get-all-records (+ i 3)))]
[(flat) (cons i (get-all-records (+ i 2)))]
[(free) (get-all-records (+ i 1))]
[else (get-all-records (+ i 1))])]
[else null]))
;; Starting at start, crawl the stack until we find size contiguous
;; free cells.
(define (find-free-space start size)
[(= start (heap-size))
[(n-free-blocks? start size)
(find-free-space (+ start 1) size)]))
;; Does the space starting at start with an offset of size contain
;; n free blocks?
(define (n-free-blocks? start size)
[(= size 0) #t]
[(= start (heap-size)) #f]
(and (eq? 'free (heap-ref start))
(n-free-blocks? (+ start 1) (- size 1)))]))
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