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Last active July 30, 2021 14:57
MutableStateList Examples
* This one updates the list on click but since the state handling framework sees the same reference
* it doesnt know that the state is updated, so no recompose
fun StateOfMutableList() {
// Tip: If we can cast to non mutable state we're doing it wrong. Need to call [MutableState].setValue to recompose
val state: State<MutableList<Int>> = remember { mutableStateOf(listOf(1, 2, 3, 4).toMutableList()) }
Column {
state.value.forEachIndexed { index, num ->
Text(num.toString(), Modifier.clickable { state.value[index] += 1 })
* This works because we're calling set on [MutableState.value] not [MutableList.set], so it knows to recompose
fun ListOfMutableState() {
val state: List<MutableState<Int>> = remember { listOf(1, 2, 3, 4).map { mutableStateOf(it) } }
Column {
state.forEachIndexed { index, num ->
Text(num.value.toString(), Modifier.clickable { state[index].value += 1 })
* Think this is the proper way to handle. A subclass of mutable list that handles state updates properly is built in
* Gets proper recomposition and can treat the object as a mutable list so you dont have to think about it
fun MutableStateList() {
val state: SnapshotStateList<Int> = remember {
mutableStateListOf(1, 2, 3, 4)
// Can upcast to use as mutable list and forget about state management entirely
val nums = state as MutableList<Int>
Column {
nums.forEachIndexed { index, num ->
Text(num.toString(), Modifier.clickable { state[index] += 1 })
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