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mrkwbr / Get-NetAppSoftwareVersion.ps1
Created April 17, 2020 15:24
pull latest NetApp software versions
#doesn't deal with auth - need to have logged in via browser first
function Get-NetAppSoftwareVersion {
param ()
begin {
$URI = ''
$Results = @()
process {
$list = invoke-webrequest -uri $URI
import-module DFSN
[string[]]$PublicCmdlets = 'Clear-Host','Get-Alias','Get-DFSNFolder','New-DFSNFolder'
[string[]]$PublicAliases = 'exsn','cls','gal'
[string[]]$PublicScripts = $Null
[string[]]$Apps = 'whoami'
[string[]]$PublicApps = ForEach ($app in $apps) {
Get-Command $app | Select -ExpandProperty Definition
"id": 25,
"title": "NetApp Detail: Node Latency Histogram",
"originalTitle": "NetApp Detail: Node Latency Histogram",
"tags": [],
"style": "dark",
"timezone": "browser",
"editable": true,
"hideControls": false,
"sharedCrosshair": true,
mrkwbr / Get-NcCLI.ps1
Created February 19, 2016 16:50
create NetApp command tree
Function Get-NcCLI{