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Last active June 9, 2023 10:45
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Server Backup - Files and MySQL to SSH Server using Rsync with Hardlink support to save space

Server Backup

Files and MySQL to SSH Server using Rsync with Hardlink support to save space.

Improved 06/10/2022

This script will keep six daily, three weekly and three monthly rsync hardlinked backup of /etc, /home, /var/www and /root. It will also create a gzipped MySQL dump of the whole server inside each backup.

You must have already have public key access to the remote user.

Hardlink support will reduce usage space dramatically. More information on hardlinks

Run the following:

bash -c "$(wget -qO - '')" '' -b -u backupuser

or set it up in a cronjob:

0 2 * * * bash -c "$(wget -qO - '')" '' -b -u backupuser

Make sure to change the options:

-b = The host or IP of the remote SSH/Rsync Server. -u = The user name on the remote server.

Useful commands

List available backups on the backup server

for dir in $(ls|egrep -i '^backup\.(daily|weekly|monthly)'); do echo -n "$dir : "; cat "$dir/backup.txt"; done;

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#!/usr/bin/env bash
usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [-b <backup_server>] [-u <remote_user>]" 1>&2; exit 1; }
while getopts ":b:u:" o; do
case "${o}" in
shift $((OPTIND-1))
if [ -z "${backup_user}" ] || [ -z "${backup_server}" ]; then
day_of_week=`date +%u`
day_of_month=`date +%d`
backup_start=`date +%s`
# I have had to disable multiple backups for now due to huge space usage
ssh $backup_user@$backup_server "rm -rf backup.daily5; rm -rf backup.daily4; rm -rf backup.daily3; rm -rf backup.daily2;"
ssh $backup_user@$backup_server "rm -rf backup.weekly3; rm -rf backup.weekly2;"
ssh $backup_user@$backup_server "rm -rf backup.monthly3; rm -rf backup.monthly2;"
# Daily
#ssh $backup_user@$backup_server "\
#[ -d 'backup.daily5' ] && rsync -aH --delete backup.daily5/* backup.daily6; \
#[ -d 'backup.daily4' ] && rsync -aH --delete backup.daily4/* backup.daily5; \
#[ -d 'backup.daily3' ] && rsync -aH --delete backup.daily3/* backup.daily4; \
#[ -d 'backup.daily2' ] && rsync -aH --delete backup.daily2/* backup.daily3; \
#[ -d 'backup.daily1' ] && rsync -aH --delete backup.daily1/* backup.daily2; \
rsync -a --delete /etc /home /var/www /root $backup_user@$backup_server:backup.daily1
# MySQL Backup
mysqldump --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables --all-databases | gzip -c | ssh $backup_user@$backup_server "cat > backup.daily1/mysql-backup.sql.gz"
if [ $day_of_week -eq 1 ]
# Weekly
#ssh $backup_user@$backup_server "\
#[ -d 'backup.weekly2' ] && rsync -aH --delete backup.weekly2/* backup.weekly3; \
#[ -d 'backup.weekly1' ] && rsync -aH --delete backup.weekly1/* backup.weekly2; \
ssh $backup_user@$backup_server "rsync -aH --delete backup.daily1/* backup.weekly1"
if [ $day_of_month -eq 01 ]
# Monthly
#ssh $backup_user@$backup_server "\
#[ -d 'backup.monthly2' ] && rsync -aH --delete backup.monthly2/* backup.monthly3; \
#[ -d 'backup.monthly1' ] && rsync -aH --delete backup.monthly1/* backup.monthly2; \
ssh $backup_user@$backup_server "rsync -aH --delete backup.daily1/* backup.monthly1"
ssh $backup_user@$backup_server "rm -rf mysql" # Remove at a later date
backup_end=`date +%s`
backup_hours=$((backup_runtime / 3600)); backup_minutes=$(( (backup_runtime % 3600) / 60 )); backup_seconds=$(( (backup_runtime % 3600) % 60 ));
mysql_date=`date +\%Y-\%m-\%d-\%H.\%M.\%S`
ssh $backup_user@$backup_server "echo -e '$mysql_date ($backup_hours:$backup_minutes:$backup_seconds)' >> backup-log.txt; echo -e '$mysql_date ($backup_hours:$backup_minutes:$backup_seconds)' > backup.daily1/backup.txt"
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