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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Learning transition systems from event logs and transforming the transition system into an equivalent Petri net using state-based regions
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, BangPatterns #-}
-- | This module provides two functionality:
-- * Learning transition systems from event logs
-- * Transforming the transition system into an equivalent Petri net using state-based regions.
-- References:
-- * Wil van der Aalst, "Process Mining: Data science in Action", Week 3,
import Prelude hiding (any)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Foldable (toList, any)
import Data.Function
import Data.List hiding (any)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.MultiSet (MultiSet) --
import qualified Data.MultiSet as MultiSet
import Data.Sequence (Seq, (|>), ViewL (..), ViewR (..))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
type TransitionSystem s a = (Set s, Set a, Set (s,a,s))
learnTransitionSystem :: forall a s. (Ord a, Ord s) => ((Seq a, Seq a) -> s) -> Set [a] -> TransitionSystem s a
learnTransitionSystem abstract traces = (states, activities, transitions)
f :: Seq a -> Seq a -> [(s,a,s)]
f past future =
case Seq.viewl future of
EmptyL -> []
x :< xs -> (curr, x, abstract (past |> x, xs)) : f (past |> x) xs
curr = abstract (past, future)
transitions :: Set (s,a,s)
transitions = Set.fromList [(s1,a,s2) | trace <- Set.toList traces, (s1,a,s2) <- f Seq.empty (Seq.fromList trace)]
states :: Set s
states = (\(s1,_,_) -> s1) transitions `Set.union` (\(_,_,s2) -> s2) transitions
activities :: Set a
activities = Set.unions [Set.fromList trace | trace <- Set.toList traces]
exampleTraces1 :: Set String
exampleTraces1 = Set.fromList ["abcd", "acbd", "aed"]
-- past without abstraction
test1 = learnTransitionSystem (\(past, _future) -> past) exampleTraces1
-- future without abstraction
test2 = learnTransitionSystem (\(_past, future) -> future) exampleTraces1
-- past with multiset abstraction
test3 = learnTransitionSystem abstract exampleTraces1
abstract (past, _future) = MultiSet.fromList (toList past)
-- only last event matters for state
test4 = learnTransitionSystem abstract exampleTraces1
abstract (past, _future) =
case Seq.viewr past of
EmptyR -> ""
_ :> x -> [x]
-- only next event matters for state
test5 = learnTransitionSystem abstract exampleTraces1
abstract (_past, future) =
case Seq.viewl future of
EmptyL -> ""
x :< _ -> [x]
exampleTraces2 :: Set String
exampleTraces2 = Set.fromList ["abcd", "acbd", "abcefbcd", "abcefcbd", "acbefbcd", "acbefbcefcbd"]
-- only last event matters
test6 = learnTransitionSystem abstract exampleTraces2
abstract (past, _future) =
case Seq.viewr past of
EmptyR -> ""
_ :> x -> [x]
-- only last two event matters (set abstraction)
test7 = learnTransitionSystem abstract exampleTraces2
abstract (past, _future) =
case Seq.viewr past of
EmptyR -> Set.empty
xs :> x1 ->
case Seq.viewr xs of
EmptyR -> Set.singleton x1
_ :> x2 -> Set.fromList [x2,x1]
data PetriNetArc p t
= P2T p t
| T2P t p
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type PetriNet p t = (Set p, Set t, MultiSet (PetriNetArc p t))
type MarkedPetriNet p t = (PetriNet p t, MultiSet p)
type Region s = Set s
isDisjoint :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Bool
isDisjoint xs ys = Set.null (xs `Set.intersection` ys)
removeNonMinimals :: forall a. Ord a => Set (Set a) -> Set (Set a)
removeNonMinimals = foldl' f Set.empty . sortBy (compare `on` Set.size) . Set.toList
f :: Set (Set a) -> (Set a) -> Set (Set a)
f xss ys =
if any (`Set.isSubsetOf` ys) xss
then xss
else Set.insert ys xss
minimalNontrivialRegions :: forall a s. (Ord a, Ord s) => TransitionSystem s a -> Set (Region s)
minimalNontrivialRegions (states, _activities, transitions) = removeNonMinimals $ Set.fromList $ loop Set.empty Set.empty states
isRegion :: Set s -> Bool
isRegion curr = isDisjoint enters exits && isDisjoint enters notcrossings && isDisjoint exits notcrossings
enters = Set.fromList [a | (s1,a,s2) <- Set.toList transitions, s1 `Set.notMember` curr, s2 `Set.member` curr]
exits = Set.fromList [a | (s1,a,s2) <- Set.toList transitions, s1 `Set.member` curr, s2 `Set.notMember` curr]
notcrossings = Set.fromList [a | (s1,a,s2) <- Set.toList transitions, s1 `Set.member` curr == s2 `Set.member` curr]
stabilize :: Set s -> Set s -> Maybe (Set s, Set s)
stabilize curr comp
| not (isDisjoint curr comp) = Nothing
| not (isDisjoint enters exits && isDisjoint enters notcrossings && isDisjoint exits notcrossings) = Nothing
| curr == curr' && comp == comp' = Just (curr, comp)
| otherwise = stabilize curr' comp'
enters = Set.fromList [a | (s1,a,s2) <- Set.toList transitions, s1 `Set.member` comp, s2 `Set.member` curr]
exits = Set.fromList [a | (s1,a,s2) <- Set.toList transitions, s1 `Set.member` curr, s2 `Set.member` comp]
notcrossings = Set.fromList [a | (s1,a,s2) <- Set.toList transitions, (s1 `Set.member` curr && s2 `Set.member` curr) || (s1 `Set.member` comp && s2 `Set.member` comp)]
curr' = curr `Set.union` Set.unions (map f (Set.toList transitions))
f (s1,a,s2)
| a `Set.member` enters = Set.singleton s2
| a `Set.member` exits = Set.singleton s1
| a `Set.member` notcrossings && (s1 `Set.member` curr || s2 `Set.member` curr) = Set.fromList [s1,s2]
| otherwise = Set.empty
comp' = comp `Set.union` Set.unions (map f (Set.toList transitions))
f (s1,a,s2)
| a `Set.member` enters = Set.singleton s1
| a `Set.member` exits = Set.singleton s2
| a `Set.member` notcrossings && (s1 `Set.member` comp || s2 `Set.member` comp) = Set.fromList [s1,s2]
| otherwise = Set.empty
loop :: Set s -> Set s -> Set s -> [Region s]
loop curr comp rest
| curr == states = []
| not (Set.null curr) && isRegion curr = return curr
| otherwise =
case Set.minView rest of
Nothing -> []
Just (s, rest') ->
[ do (curr', comp') <- maybeToList $ stabilize (Set.insert s curr) comp
loop curr' comp' (rest' `Set.difference` curr' `Set.difference` comp')
, do (curr', comp') <- maybeToList $ stabilize curr (Set.insert s comp)
loop curr' comp' (rest' `Set.difference` curr' `Set.difference` comp')
exampleTransitionSystem :: TransitionSystem Int Char
exampleTransitionSystem =
( Set.fromList [1..10]
, Set.fromList "abcde"
, Set.fromList
[ (1,'a',2)
, (2,'b',3)
, (2,'c',4)
, (2,'d',5)
, (3,'c',6)
, (3,'d',7)
, (4,'b',6)
, (4,'d',8)
, (5,'b',7)
, (5,'c',8)
, (6,'d',9)
, (7,'c',9)
, (8,'b',9)
, (9,'e',10)
test8 = minimalNontrivialRegions exampleTransitionSystem
minimalSaturatedNet :: (Ord a, Ord s) => TransitionSystem s a -> s -> MarkedPetriNet (Region s) a
minimalSaturatedNet ts@(_states, activities, transitions) startState = ((regions, activities, arcs), marking)
regions = minimalNontrivialRegions ts
arcs = MultiSet.unions [f r | r <- Set.toList regions]
f region = MultiSet.union
(MultiSet.fromList [T2P a region | a <- Set.toList enters])
(MultiSet.fromList [P2T region a | a <- Set.toList exits])
enters = Set.fromList [a | (s1,a,s2) <- Set.toList transitions, s1 `Set.notMember` region, s2 `Set.member` region]
exits = Set.fromList [a | (s1,a,s2) <- Set.toList transitions, s1 `Set.member` region, s2 `Set.notMember` region]
marking = MultiSet.fromList [r | r <- Set.toList regions, startState `Set.member` r]
test9 = minimalSaturatedNet exampleTransitionSystem 1
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