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Created April 6, 2021 15:47
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module ProximalGradientMethod where
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Reflection (Reifies)
import Numeric.AD
import Numeric.AD.Mode.Reverse
import Numeric.AD.Internal.Reverse (Tape)
import Test.QuickCheck
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: (Traversable f, Ord a, Fractional a)
=> a
-> a
-> (forall s. Reifies s Tape => f (Reverse s a) -> Reverse s a)
-> (f a -> a, a -> f a -> f a)
-> f a -> [f a]
proximalGradientMethod eta0 beta f (g, prox) x = map fst $ iterate h (x, eta0)
f_hat eta x y = fy + sum (zipWith (*) (toList gfy) zs) + (1 / (2*eta)) * sum (map (^(2::Int)) zs)
(fy, gfy) = grad' f y
zs = zipWith (-) (toList x) (toList y)
h (x, eta)
| fst (grad' f x') <= f_hat eta x' x = (x', eta)
| otherwise = h (x, eta * beta)
x' = prox eta (zipWithTF (\xk gk -> xk - eta*gk) x (grad f x))
l2reg :: (Functor f, Foldable f, Fractional a) => a -> (f a -> a, a -> f a -> f a)
l2reg lam = (g, prox)
g x = (lam / 2) * sum [xk^(2::Int) | xk <- toList x]
prox eta = fmap (/ (1 + eta * lam))
l1reg :: (Functor f, Foldable f, Ord a, Fractional a) => a -> (f a -> a, a -> f a -> f a)
l1reg lam = (g, prox)
g x = lam * sum [abs xk | xk <- toList x]
prox eta = fmap h
h xk
| xk > lam * eta = xk - lam * eta
| xk < -lam * eta = xk + lam * eta
| otherwise = 0
isProximalOperator :: (Foldable f, Show (f a), Ord a, Fractional a, Show a, Arbitrary a) => (f a -> a, a -> f a -> f a)-> Gen (f a) -> Property
isProximalOperator (g, prox) gen =
forAll arbitrary $ \(Positive eta) ->
forAll gen $ \y ->
let obj x = eta * g x + (1/2) * sum (zipWith (\xk yk -> (xk - yk)^(2::Int)) (toList x) (toList y))
x_opt = prox eta y
obj_opt = obj x_opt
in counterexample (show (x_opt, obj_opt)) $
forAll gen $ \x -> counterexample (show (obj x)) $ obj_opt <= obj x
prop_l2reg_prox :: Property
prop_l2reg_prox =
forAll arbitrary $ \(Positive n, Positive (lam :: Rational)) ->
isProximalOperator (l2reg lam) (vectorOf n arbitrary)
prop_l1reg_prox :: Property
prop_l1reg_prox =
forAll arbitrary $ \(Positive n, Positive (lam :: Rational)) ->
isProximalOperator (l1reg lam) (vectorOf n arbitrary)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
data Supply s v = Supply { unSupply :: [s] -> ([s],v) }
instance Functor (Supply s) where
fmap f av = Supply (\l -> let (l',v) = unSupply av l in (l',f v))
instance Applicative (Supply s) where
pure v = Supply (\l -> (l,v))
af <*> av = Supply (\l -> let (l',f) = unSupply af l
(l'',v) = unSupply av l'
in (l'',f v))
runSupply :: (Supply s v) -> [s] -> v
runSupply av l = snd $ unSupply av l
supply :: Supply s s
supply = Supply (\(x:xs) -> (xs,x))
zipTF :: (Traversable t, Foldable f) => t a -> f b -> t (a,b)
zipTF t f = runSupply (traverse (\a -> (,) a <$> supply) t) (toList f)
zipWithTF :: (Traversable t,Foldable f) => (a -> b -> c) -> t a -> f b -> t c
zipWithTF g t f = runSupply (traverse (\a -> g a <$> supply) t) (toList f)
zipWithTFM :: (Traversable t,Foldable f,Monad m) =>
(a -> b -> m c) -> t a -> f b -> m (t c)
zipWithTFM g t f = sequence (zipWithTF g t f)
zipWithTFA :: (Traversable t,Foldable f,Applicative m) =>
(a -> b -> m c) -> t a -> f b -> m (t c)
zipWithTFA g t f = sequenceA (zipWithTF g t f)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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