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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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Convert libsvm format files to LP files
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Default.Class
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Maybe
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified ToySolver.Data.MIP as MIP
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import Text.Printf
type Problem = [(Int, IntMap Double)]
loadFile :: FilePath -> IO Problem
loadFile fname = do
s <- readFile fname
return $ map f (lines s)
f :: String -> (Int, IntMap Double)
f s =
case words s of
(y : xs) -> (read (dropWhile ('+'==) y), IntMap.fromList [(read v, read val) | x <- xs, let [v,val] = splitOn ":" x])
primal :: Maybe Double -> Problem -> MIP.Problem
primal c prob
= def
{ MIP.objectiveFunction = def
{ MIP.objDir = MIP.OptMin
, MIP.objExpr =
sum [MIP.constExpr (1/2) * wj * wj | wj <- fmap MIP.varExpr $ IntMap.elems w] +
sum [MIP.constExpr (realToFrac (fromJust c)) * xi_i | isJust c, xi_i <- fmap MIP.varExpr xi]
, MIP.constraints =
[ def{ MIP.constrBody =
( MIP.Expr (IntMap.elems (IntMap.intersectionWith (\w_j xs_ij -> MIP.Term (fromIntegral y_i * realToFrac xs_ij) [w_j]) w xs_i))
- (MIP.constExpr (fromIntegral y_i) * MIP.varExpr b - (if isJust c then MIP.varExpr xi_i else 0))
, MIP.Ge
, 1
) }
| ((y_i, xs_i), xi_i) <- zip prob xi
, MIP.varType = Map.fromList [(x, MIP.ContinuousVariable) | x <- b : [w_j | w_j <- IntMap.elems w] ++ [xi_i | isJust c, xi_i <- xi]]
, MIP.varBounds =
[ Map.singleton b (MIP.NegInf, MIP.PosInf)
, Map.fromList [(w_j, (MIP.NegInf, MIP.PosInf)) | w_j <- IntMap.elems w]
, Map.fromList [(xi_i, (0, MIP.PosInf)) | isJust c, xi_i <- xi]
m = length prob
n = fst $ IntMap.findMax $ IntMap.unions (map snd prob)
w = IntMap.fromList [(j, MIP.toVar ("w_" ++ show j)) | j <- [1..n]]
b = MIP.toVar "b"
xi = [MIP.toVar ("xi_" ++ show i) | i <- [1..m]]
:: Maybe Double
-> (IntMap Double -> IntMap Double -> Double)
-> Problem
-> MIP.Problem
dual c kernel prob
= def
{ MIP.objectiveFunction = def
{ MIP.objDir = MIP.OptMax
, MIP.objExpr = MIP.Expr $
[MIP.Term 1 [a_i] | a_i <- a] ++
[ MIP.Term (- (1/2) * fromIntegral (y_i * y_j) * realToFrac (kernel xs_i xs_j)) [a_i, a_j]
| ((y_i, xs_i), a_i) <- zip prob a
, ((y_j, xs_j), a_j) <- zip prob a
, MIP.constraints =
[ def{ MIP.constrBody =
( MIP.Expr [ MIP.Term (fromIntegral y_i) [a_i] | ((y_i, xs_i), a_i) <- zip prob a]
, MIP.Eql
, 0
) }
, MIP.varType = Map.fromList [(a_i, MIP.ContinuousVariable) | a_i <- a]
, MIP.varBounds = Map.fromList [(a_i, (0, if isJust c then MIP.Finite (realToFrac (fromJust c)) else MIP.PosInf)) | a_i <- a]
m = length prob
n = fst $ IntMap.findMax $ IntMap.unions (map snd prob)
a = [MIP.toVar ("a_" ++ show i) | i <- [1..m]]
dot :: IntMap Double -> IntMap Double -> Double
dot a b = sum $ IntMap.elems $ IntMap.intersectionWith (*) a b
gaussian :: Double -> IntMap Double -> IntMap Double -> Double
gaussian sigma a b
= exp (- F.sum ( (**2) (IntMap.unionWith (+) a ( negate b))) / (2 * sigma**2))
convert fname = do
putStrLn fname
hFlush stdout
prob <- loadFile fname
forM_ [(Nothing, ""), (Just 1, "C1-"), (Just 10, "C10-")] $ \(c, cstr) -> do
let mip = primal c prob
MIP.writeLPFile (printf "%s-%sprimal.lp" fname cstr) mip
forM_ [(dot, ""), (gaussian 1, "-gaussian-sigma1"), (gaussian 10, "-gaussian_sigma10")] $ \(kernel, kstr) -> do
let mip2 = dual c kernel prob
MIP.writeLPFile (printf "%s-%sdual%s.lp" fname cstr kstr) mip2
main = do
args <- getArgs
forM_ args convert
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