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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- translated from
module LineSearch
( Params (..)
, defaultParams
, lineSearch
, lineSearchMoreThuente
) where
import qualified Numeric.LinearAlgebra as LA
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra ((<.>))
clip :: Ord a => a -> a -> a -> a
clip lo hi x
| hi < x = hi
| x < lo = lo
| otherwise = x
midpoint :: Fractional a => a -> a -> a
midpoint x y = x + 0.5 * (y - x)
signdiff :: (Fractional a, Ord a) => a -> a -> Bool
signdiff x y = x * (y / abs y) < 0
-- | The minimizer of the interpolated cubic.
:: (Ord a, Floating a)
=> a -- ^ The value of one point, @u@.
-> a -- ^ The value of @f(u)@.
-> a -- ^ The value of @f'(u)@.
-> a -- ^ The value of another point, @v@.
-> a -- ^ The value of @f(v)@.
-> a -- ^ The value of @f'(v)@.
-> a
cubicMinimizer u fu du v fv dv = u + r * d
d = v - u
theta = (fu - fv) * 3 / d + du + dv
s = maximum [p, q, r]
p = abs theta
q = abs du
r = abs dv
a = theta / s
gamma = (if v < u then negate else id) $
s * sqrt (a * a - (du / s) * (dv / s))
p = gamma - du + theta
q = gamma - du + gamma + dv
r = p / q
-- | The minimizer of the interpolated cubic.
:: (Ord a, Floating a)
=> a -- ^ The value of one point, @u@.
-> a -- ^ The value of @f(u)@.
-> a -- ^ The value of @f'(u)@.
-> a -- ^ The value of another point, @v@.
-> a -- ^ The value of @f(v)@.
-> a -- ^ The value of @f'(v)@.
-> a -- ^ The minimum value.
-> a -- ^ The maximum value.
-> a
cubicMinimizer2 u fu du v fv dv xmin xmax
| r < 0.0 && gamma /= 0.0 = v - r * d
| a < 0 = xmax
| otherwise = xmin
d = v - u
theta = (fu - fv) * 3 / d + du + dv
s = maximum [p, q, r]
p = abs theta
q = abs du
r = abs dv
a = theta / s
gamma = (if u < v then negate else id) $
s * sqrt (max 0 (a * a - (du / s) * (dv / s)))
p = gamma - dv + theta
q = gamma - dv + gamma + du
r = p / q
:: (Ord a, Fractional a)
=> a -- ^ The value of one point, @u@.
-> a -- ^ The value of @f(u)@.
-> a -- ^ The value of @f'(u)@.
-> a -- ^ The value of another point, @v@.
-> a -- ^ The value of @f(v)@.
-> a
quadMinimizer u fu du v fv = u + du / ((fu - fv) / a + du) / 2 * a
a = v - u
:: (Ord a, Fractional a)
=> a -- ^ The value of one point, @u@.
-> a -- ^ The value of @f'(u)@.
-> a -- ^ The value of another point, @v@.
-> a -- ^ The value of @f'(v)@.
-> a
quadMinimizer2 u du v dv = v + dv / (dv - du) * a
a = u - v
data Error
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show)
{- | Update a safeguarded trial value and interval for line search.
The parameter @x@ represents the step with the least function value.
The parameter @t@ represents the current step. This function assumes
that the derivative at the point of @x@ in the direction of the step.
If the bracket is set to true, the minimizer has been bracketed in
an interval of uncertainty with endpoints between @x@ and @y@.
:: (Ord a, Floating a)
=> (a, a, a) -- ^ The value of one endpoint @x@, the value of @f(x)@ and the value of @f'(x)@
-> (a, a, a) -- ^ The value of another endpoint @y@, the value of @f(y)@ and the value of @f'(y)@
-> (a, a, a) -- ^ The value of the trial value @t@, the value of @f(t)@ and the value of @f'(t)@
-> a -- ^ The minimum value for the trial value, @t@.
-> a -- ^ The maximum value for the trial value, @t@.
-> Bool -- ^ The predicate if the trial value is bracketed.
-> Either Error (a, (a, a, a), (a, a, a), Bool)
-- ^ 'Error' or new trial value, updated @(x, f(x), f'(x))@, updated @(y, f(y), f'(y))@, and updated bracketed predicate.
updateTrialInterval (x, fx, dx) (y, fy, dy) (t, ft, dt) tmin tmax brackt
| brackt && (t <= min x y || max x y <= t) =
-- The trival value t is out of the interval.
| brackt && (0 <= dx * (t - x)) =
-- The function must decrease from x.
| brackt && tmax < tmin =
-- Incorrect tmin and tmax specified.
| otherwise = Right (newt3, (x', fx', dx'), (y', fy', dy'), brackt')
dsign = signdiff dt dx
(newt1, brackt', bound)
| fx < ft =
Case 1: a higher function value.
The minimum is brackt. If the cubic minimizer is closer
to x than the quadratic one, the cubic one is taken, else
the average of the minimizers is taken.
let mc = cubicMinimizer x fx dx t ft dt
mq = quadMinimizer x fx dx t ft
in ( if abs (mc - x) < abs (mq - x)
then mc
else midpoint mc mq
, True
, True
| dsign =
Case 2: a lower function value and derivatives of
opposite sign. The minimum is brackt. If the cubic
minimizer is closer to x than the quadratic (secant) one,
the cubic one is taken, else the quadratic one is taken.
let mc = cubicMinimizer x fx dx t ft dt
mq = quadMinimizer2 x dx t dt
in ( if abs (mc - t) > abs (mq - t)
then mc
else mq
, True
, False
| abs dt < abs dx =
Case 3: a lower function value, derivatives of the
same sign, and the magnitude of the derivative decreases.
The cubic minimizer is only used if the cubic tends to
infinity in the direction of the minimizer or if the minimum
of the cubic is beyond t. Otherwise the cubic minimizer is
defined to be either tmin or tmax. The quadratic (secant)
minimizer is also computed and if the minimum is brackt
then the the minimizer closest to x is taken, else the one
farthest away is taken.
let mc = cubicMinimizer2 x fx dx t ft dt tmin tmax
mq = quadMinimizer2 x dx t dt
in ( if brackt then
if abs (t - mc) < abs (t - mq)
then mc
else mq
if abs (t - mc) > abs (t - mq)
then mc
else mq
, brackt
, True
| otherwise =
Case 4: a lower function value, derivatives of the
same sign, and the magnitude of the derivative does
not decrease. If the minimum is not brackt, the step
is either tmin or tmax, else the cubic minimizer is taken.
( if brackt then
cubicMinimizer t ft dt y fy dy
else if x < t then
, brackt
, False
Update the interval of uncertainty. This update does not
depend on the new step or the case analysis above.
- Case a: if f(x) < f(t),
x <- x, y <- t.
- Case b: if f(t) <= f(x) && f'(t)*f'(x) > 0,
x <- t, y <- y.
- Case c: if f(t) <= f(x) && f'(t)*f'(x) < 0,
x <- t, y <- x.
(x', fx', dx', y', fy', dy')
| fx < ft = (x, fx, dx, t, ft, dt) -- Case a
| dsign = (t, ft, dt, x, fx, dx) -- Case c
| otherwise = (t, ft, dt, y, fy, dy) -- Case b
-- Clip the new trial value in [tmin, tmax].
newt2 = clip tmin tmax newt1
-- Redefine the new trial value if it is close to the upper bound of the interval.
| brackt' && bound && (if x' < y' then mq < newt2 else newt2 < mq) = mq
| otherwise = newt2
delta = 0.66
mq = x' + delta * (y' - x')
data Params a
= Params
{ paramsMinStep :: a
-- ^ The minimum step of the line search routine.
-- The default value is @1e-20@. This value need not be modified unless
-- the exponents are too large for the machine being used, or unless the
-- problem is extremely badly scaled (in which case the exponents should
-- be increased).
, paramsMaxStep :: a
-- ^ The maximum step of the line search.
-- The default value is @1e+20@. This value need not be modified unless
-- the exponents are too large for the machine being used, or unless the
-- problem is extremely badly scaled (in which case the exponents should
-- be increased).
, paramsFTol :: a
-- ^ A parameter to control the accuracy of the line search routine.
-- The default value is @1e-4@. This parameter should be greater
-- than zero and smaller than @0.5@.
-- "μ" in [MoreThuente1994].
, paramsGTol :: a
-- ^ A parameter to control the accuracy of the line search routine.
-- The default value is @0.9@. If the function and gradient
-- evaluations are inexpensive with respect to the cost of the
-- iteration (which is sometimes the case when solving very large
-- problems) it may be advantageous to set this parameter to a small
-- value. A typical small value is @0.1@. This parameter should be
-- greater than the 'paramsFTol' parameter (@1e-4@) and smaller than
-- @1.0@.
-- "η" in [MoreThuente1994].
, paramsXTol :: a
-- ^ The machine precision for floating-point values.
-- This parameter must be a positive value set by a client program to
-- estimate the machine precision. The line search routine will terminate
-- with the status code ('ERR_ROUNDING_ERROR') if the relative width
-- of the interval of uncertainty is less than this parameter.
, paramsMaxLineSearch :: Int
-- ^ The maximum number of trials for the line search.
-- This parameter controls the number of function and gradients evaluations
-- per iteration for the line search routine. The default value is @40@.
defaultParams :: Floating a => Params a
= Params
{ paramsMinStep = 1e-20
, paramsMaxStep = 1e+20
, paramsFTol = 1e-4
, paramsGTol = 0.9
, paramsXTol = 1.0e-16
, paramsMaxLineSearch = 40
:: forall a. (Ord a, Floating a, LA.Numeric a)
=> Params a
-> (LA.Vector a -> (a, LA.Vector a))
-> (LA.Vector a, a, LA.Vector a)
-> LA.Vector a
-> a
-> (Maybe Error, a, (LA.Vector a, a, LA.Vector a))
lineSearch = lineSearchMoreThuente
:: forall a. (Ord a, Floating a, LA.Numeric a)
=> Params a
-> (LA.Vector a -> (a, LA.Vector a))
-> (LA.Vector a, a, LA.Vector a)
-> LA.Vector a
-> a
-> (Maybe Error, a, (LA.Vector a, a, LA.Vector a))
lineSearchMoreThuente params evaluate (x0, f0, g0) s step0
| step0 < 0 = (Just ERR_INVALIDPARAMETERS, 0, (x0, f0, g0))
| 0 < dg0 = (Just ERR_INCREASEGRADIENT, 0, (x0, f0, g0))
| otherwise = seq dgtest $ go 0 Nothing False True width0 prevWidth0 (0, f0, dg0) (0, f0, dg0) step0
-- φ(step) = f(x0 + step * s) = f(x)
dg0 = g0 <.> s -- φ'(0)
dgtest = paramsFTol params * dg0 -- μ φ'(0)
width0 = paramsMaxStep params - paramsMinStep params
prevWidth0 = 2.0 * width0
:: Int
-> Maybe Error
-> Bool -> Bool
-> a
-> a
-> (a, a, a)
-> (a, a, a)
-> a
-> (Maybe Error, a, (LA.Vector a, a, LA.Vector a))
go count uinfo brackt stage1 width prev_width (stx, fx, dgx) (sty, fy, dgy) step_
| brackt && (step <= stmin || stmax <= step || uinfo /= Nothing) =
-- Rounding errors prevent further progress.
(Just ERR_ROUNDING_ERROR, step, (x, f, g))
| step == paramsMaxStep params && sufficientDecrease && dg <= dgtest =
-- The step is the maximum value.
(Just ERR_MAXIMUMSTEP, step, (x, f, g))
| step == paramsMinStep params && (not sufficientDecrease || dgtest <= dg) =
-- The step is the minimum value.
(Just ERR_MINIMUMSTEP, step, (x, f, g))
| brackt && stmax - stmin <= paramsXTol params * stmax =
-- Relative width of the interval of uncertainty is at most xtol.
(Just ERR_WIDTHTOOSMALL, step, (x, f, g))
| paramsMaxLineSearch params <= count + 1 =
-- Maximum number of iteration
(Just ERR_MAXIMUMLINESEARCH, step, (x, f, g))
| sufficientDecrease && abs dg <= paramsGTol params * (-dg0) =
-- The sufficient decrease condition and the directional derivative condition hold.
(Nothing, step, (x, f, g))
| otherwise =
go (count + 1) uinfo' brackt' stage1' width' prev_width' (stx', fx', dgx') (sty', fy', dgy') step''
Set the minimum and maximum steps to correspond to the
present interval of uncertainty.
(stmin, stmax)
| brackt = (min stx sty, max stx sty)
| otherwise = (stx, step_ + 4 * (step_ - stx))
-- Clip the step in the range of [stepmin, stepmax].
step = f $ clip (paramsMinStep params) (paramsMaxStep params) $ step_
{- If an unusual termination is to occur then let
step be the lowest point obtained so far.
f step
| brackt && (step <= stmin || stmax <= step || paramsMaxLineSearch params <= count + 1 || uinfo /= Nothing) = stx
| brackt && (stmax - stmin <= paramsXTol params * stmax) = stx
| otherwise = step
-- Compute the current value of x
x = x0 `LA.add` LA.scale step s
-- Evaluate the function and gradient values.
(f, g) = evaluate x
dg = g <.> s
-- φ(α) <= φ(0) + α μ φ'(0)
sufficientDecrease :: Bool
sufficientDecrease = f <= f0 + step * dgtest
In the first stage we seek a step for which the modified
function has a nonpositive value and nonnegative derivative.
ψ(α) <= 0
⇔ φ(α) - φ(0) - μ φ'(0) <= 0
⇔ φ(α) <= φ(0) + μ φ'(0)
⇔ sufficientDecrease
ψ'(α) >= 0
⇔ φ'(α) >= 0
で、min(μ,η) φ'(0) <= φ'(α) の左辺は少し余裕を持たせている?
ftol (μ) の方が gtol (η) より小さい前提のはずなのに min をとっているのは何故?
| stage1 && sufficientDecrease && min (paramsFTol params) (paramsGTol params) * dg0 <= dg = False
| otherwise = stage1
(uinfo', step', (stx', fx', dgx'), (sty', fy', dgy'), brackt')
| stage1' && not sufficientDecrease && f <= fx =
{- A modified function is used to predict the step only if
we have not obtained a step for which the modified
function has a nonpositive function value and nonnegative
derivative, and if a lower function value has been
obtained but the decrease is not sufficient.
let -- Define the modified function and derivative values.
-- dgtest = μ φ'(0) で
-- ψ(α) = φ(α) - φ(0) - μ φ'(0) α だとすると - φ(0) の項は定数差なので無視されている?
fm = f - step * dgtest
fxm = fx - stx * dgtest
fym = fy - sty * dgtest
dgm = dg - dgtest
dgxm = dgx - dgtest
dgym = dgy - dgtest
in case updateTrialInterval (stx, fxm, dgxm) (sty, fym, dgym) (step, fm, dgm) stmin stmax brackt of
Left err ->
( Just err
, step
, (stx, fx, dgx)
, (sty, fy, dgy)
, brackt
Right (step', (stx', fxm', dgxm'), (sty', fym', dgym'), brackt') ->
( Nothing
, step'
, (stx', fxm' + stx' * dgtest, dgxm' + dgtest)
, (sty', fym' + sty' * dgtest, dgym' + dgtest)
, brackt'
| otherwise =
case updateTrialInterval (stx, fx, dgx) (sty, fy, dgy) (step, f, dg) stmin stmax brackt of
Left err ->
( Just err
, step
, (stx, fx, dgx)
, (sty, fy, dgy)
, brackt
Right (step', (stx', fx', dgx'), (sty', fy', dgy'), brackt') ->
( Nothing
, step'
, (stx', fx', dgx')
, (sty', fy', dgy')
, brackt'
(step'', prev_width', width')
| brackt' =
( if 0.66 * prev_width <= abs (sty' - stx')
then midpoint stx' sty'
else step'
, width
, abs (sty' - stx')
| otherwise = (step', prev_width, width)
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module QuadProg
( QuadProg (..)
, evalQuadProgObj
, evalQuadProg
, solveQuadProg
, test_unconstrained_qp
, test_unconstrained_qp_2
, test_no_minimum
, test_nonbinding_constraints
, test_some_binding_constraints
, test_some_binding_constraints_2
) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as VG
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
-- | Quadratic Programming problem: $min \{\frac{1}{2} x^T Q x + c^T x \mid A x \le b\}$
data QuadProg a =
!(Matrix a) -- ^ $Q \in R^{n\times n}$
!(Vector a) -- ^ $c \in R^n$
!(Matrix a) -- ^ $A \in R^{m\times n}$
!(Vector a) -- ^ $b \in R^m$
deriving (Show)
:: forall a. (Field a, Ord a, Normed (Vector a), Show a)
=> QuadProg a -> Vector a -> a
evalQuadProgObj (QuadProg qs c _ _) x = (x <.> (qs #> x)) / 2 + (c <.> x)
:: forall a. (Field a, Ord a, Normed (Vector a), Show a)
=> QuadProg a -> Vector a -> a -> Maybe a
evalQuadProg qp@(QuadProg _ _ as b) x tol = do
guard $ VG.all (>= - tol) (b `sub` (as #> x))
return $ evalQuadProgObj qp x
-- | Solve Quadratic Preogramming (QP) problem using Active Set Method
:: forall a. (Field a, Ord a, Normed (Vector a), Show a)
=> QuadProg a -- ^ QP problem
-> Vector a -- ^ initial solution
-> [Vector a]
solveQuadProg (QuadProg qs c as b) x0
| not (and [size qs == (n,n), size c == n, size as == (m,n), size b == m, size x0 == n]) = error "dimention mismatch"
-- TODO: check positive-definiteness of Q
| VG.any (< -tol) slack0 = error "infeasible initial solution"
| otherwise = go ws0 x0
tol = 1e-8
n = VG.length x0
m = rows as
slack0 = b `sub` (as #> x0)
wsAll = IntSet.fromList [0 .. m-1]
ws0 = IntSet.fromList [i | i <- [0..m-1], slack0 VG.! i < tol]
go :: IntSet -> Vector a -> [Vector a]
go !ws !x = assert (size as' == (m',n)) $ assert (size x' == n) $ assert (size y' == m') $ (x :) $
if any (\(_, alpha) -> alpha < 1) alphas then
let alpha = minimum (map snd alphas)
ws'' = ws `IntSet.union` IntSet.fromList [i | (i, alpha') <- alphas, alpha' <= alpha]
x'' = x `add` scale alpha d
in go ws'' x''
else if VG.all (> - tol) y' then
-- converged
let _y :: Vector a
_y = VG.replicate m 0 VG.// zip (IntSet.toAscList ws) (VG.toList y')
in [x']
go (IntSet.delete (wsV VG.! VG.minIndex y') ws) x
m' = IntSet.size ws
wsV :: Vector Int
wsV = VG.fromListN m' (IntSet.toAscList ws)
as' = as ? IntSet.toAscList ws
b' = VG.fromListN m' [b VG.! i | i <- IntSet.toAscList ws]
(x',y') = VG.splitAt n (mat <\> (scale (-1) c VG.++ b'))
mat =
qs ||| tr' as'
as' ||| konst 0 (m',m')
d = x' `sub` x
alphas =
[ (i, alpha)
| i <- IntSet.toList (wsAll IntSet.\\ ws)
, let as_i = as ! i
, let v_i = as_i <.> d
, v_i > 0
, let alpha = ((b VG.! i) - as_i <.> x) / v_i
sub :: (Additive (c t), Linear t c, Num t) => c t -> c t -> c t
sub x y = x `add` scale (-1) y
-- Example 1: unconstrained QP
test_unconstrained_qp = (x, evalQuadProgObj prob x) -- ((4,2), -32)
prob :: QuadProg Double
prob = QuadProg
((2 >< 2) [2,0,0,8])
(VG.fromList [-8,-16])
((1 >< 2) [0,0])
(VG.fromList [0])
x0 = VG.fromList [0,0]
x = last $ solveQuadProg prob x0
test_unconstrained_qp_2 = (x, evalQuadProgObj prob x) -- ((4,2), -32)
prob :: QuadProg Double
prob = QuadProg
((2 >< 2) [2,0,0,8])
(VG.fromList [-8,-16])
((0 >< 2) [])
(VG.fromList [])
x0 = VG.fromList [0,0]
x = last $ solveQuadProg prob x0
-- Example 2: a QP problem that has no minimum
test_no_minimum = (x, evalQuadProgObj prob x) -- should be error, but ...
prob :: QuadProg Double
prob = QuadProg
((2 >< 2) [2,4,4,8])
(VG.fromList [-8,-16])
((1 >< 2) [0,0])
(VG.fromList [0])
x0 = VG.fromList [0,0]
x = last $ solveQuadProg prob x0
-- Example 3: Constrained QP with non-binding constraints
test_nonbinding_constraints = (x, evalQuadProgObj prob x) -- ((4,2), -32)
prob :: QuadProg Double
prob = QuadProg
((2 >< 2) [2,0,0,8])
(VG.fromList [-8,-16])
((2 >< 2) [-1,-1,-1,0])
(VG.fromList [-5,-3])
x0 = VG.fromList [10,10]
x = last $ solveQuadProg prob x0
-- Example 4: Some constraints are binding
test_some_binding_constraints = (x, evalQuadProgObj prob x) -- ((4.5, 2), -31.75)
prob :: QuadProg Double
prob = QuadProg
((2 >< 2) [2,0,0,8])
(VG.fromList [-8,-16])
((2 >< 2) [-1,-1,-1,0])
(VG.fromList [-5, -4.5])
x0 = VG.fromList [10, 10]
x = last $ solveQuadProg prob x0
-- Example 5: Some constraints are binding
test_some_binding_constraints_2 = (x, evalQuadProgObj prob x) -- ((4.8, 2.2), -31.2)
prob :: QuadProg Double
prob = QuadProg
((2 >< 2) [2,0,0,8])
(VG.fromList [-8,-16])
((2 >< 2) [-1,-1,-1,0])
(VG.fromList [-7, -3])
x0 = VG.fromList [10, 10]
x = last $ solveQuadProg prob x0
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module SecondOrder
( newtonMethod
, gaussNewton
, levenbergMarquardt
, bfgs
, bfgsV
, lbfgs
, lbfgsV
, rosenbrock
) where
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Reflection (Reifies)
import Data.Sequence (Seq, ViewL (..), (<|))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as VG
import Foreign.Storable
import Numeric.AD
import Numeric.AD.Internal.Reverse (Reverse, Tape)
import Numeric.AD.Rank1.Sparse (Sparse)
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
import qualified LineSearch as LS
zipWithTV :: (Traversable f, Storable b) => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> Vector b -> f c
zipWithTV u x v = snd $ T.mapAccumL (\i x_i -> (i+1, u x_i (v VG.! i))) 0 x
-- | Perform a newton method.
-- >>> let sq x = x * x
-- >>> let rosenbrock [x,y] = sq (1 - x) + 100 * sq (y - sq x)
-- >>> rosenbrock [0,0]
-- 1
-- >>> rosenbrock (newtonMethod rosenbrock [0, 0] !! 2) < 0.1
-- True
:: forall f a. (Traversable f, Field a)
=> (forall s. f (AD s (Sparse a)) -> AD s (Sparse a))
-> f a -> [f a]
newtonMethod f x0 = go x0
n = length x0
go :: f a -> [f a]
go x = x : go (zipWithTV (-) x (h <\> g))
_y :: a
gh :: f (a, f a)
(_y, gh) = hessian' f x
g :: Vector a
g = fromList $ map fst $ F.toList gh
h :: Matrix a
h = (n >< n) $ concat $ map (F.toList . snd) $ F.toList gh
:: forall f g a. (Traversable f, Traversable g, Field a)
=> (forall s. Reifies s Tape => f (Reverse s a) -> g (Reverse s a))
-> f a -> [f a]
gaussNewton f x0 = go x0
m = length x0
go :: f a -> [f a]
go x = x : go (zipWithTV (-) x (pinv j #> r))
rj :: g (a, f a)
rj = jacobian' f x
r :: Vector a
r = fromList $ map fst $ F.toList rj
j :: Matrix a
j = (length rj >< m) $ concat $ map (F.toList . snd) (F.toList rj)
-- example from
test_gaussNewton = gaussNewton f x0
f :: Fractional a => [a] -> [a]
f [beta1,beta2] = [y - beta1*x / (beta2 + x) | (x,y) <- zip xs ys]
xs = [0.038, 0.194, 0.425, 0.626, 1.253, 2.500, 3.740]
ys = [0.050, 0.127, 0.094, 0.2122, 0.2729, 0.2665, 0.3317]
x0 :: [Double]
x0 = [0.9, 0.2]
-- | Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm with Tikhonov Dampling
:: forall f g a. (Traversable f, Traversable g, Field a, Ord a)
=> a
-> (forall s. Reifies s Tape => f (Reverse s a) -> g (Reverse s a))
-> f a -> [f a]
levenbergMarquardt lambda0 f x0 = go lambda0 x0
m = length x0
go :: a -> f a -> [f a]
go lambda x = x : go lambda' x'
rj :: g (a, f a)
rj = jacobian' f x
n = length rj
r :: Vector a
r = fromList $ map fst $ F.toList rj
j :: Matrix a
j = (n >< m) $ concat $ map (F.toList . snd) (F.toList rj)
gnMat :: Matrix a
gnMat = unSym (mTm j) `add` diag (VG.replicate m lambda)
delta :: Vector a
delta = gnMat <\> scale (-1) (r <# j)
x' :: f a
x' = zipWithTV (+) x delta
loss, loss' :: a
loss = sum [r_j * r_j | r_j <- toList r] / fromIntegral n
loss' = sum [r_j * r_j | (r_j, _) <- F.toList (jacobian' f x')] / fromIntegral n
approx :: Vector a -> a
approx delta
= loss
+ (scale (2 / fromIntegral n) r <# j) `dot` delta
+ (delta `dot` (scale (2 / fromIntegral n) gnMat #> delta)) / 2
rho :: a
rho = (loss' - loss) / (approx delta - approx (VG.replicate m 0))
lambda' :: a
| rho > 3/4 = lambda * 2 / 3
| rho < 1/4 = lambda * 3 / 2
| otherwise = lambda
-- example from
test_levenbergMarquardt = levenbergMarquardt 1.0 f x0
f :: Fractional a => [a] -> [a]
f [beta1,beta2] = [y - beta1*x / (beta2 + x) | (x,y) <- zip xs ys]
xs = [0.038, 0.194, 0.425, 0.626, 1.253, 2.500, 3.740]
ys = [0.050, 0.127, 0.094, 0.2122, 0.2729, 0.2665, 0.3317]
x0 :: [Double]
x0 = [0.9, 0.2]
-- | Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno algorithm
:: forall f a. (Traversable f, Field a, Ord a, Normed (Vector a), Show a)
=> (forall s. Reifies s Tape => f (Reverse s a) -> Reverse s a)
-> f a -> [f a]
bfgs f x0 = map fromVector $ bfgsV evaluate (toVector x0)
fromVector :: Vector a -> f a
fromVector = zipWithTV (\_ x -> x) x0
toVector :: f a -> Vector a
toVector = fromList . F.toList
evaluate :: Vector a -> (a, Vector a)
evaluate x =
case grad' f (fromVector x) of
(obj, g) -> (obj, toVector g)
-- | Limited-memory BFGS
:: forall f a. (Traversable f, Field a, Ord a, Normed (Vector a), Show a)
=> Int
-> (forall s. Reifies s Tape => f (Reverse s a) -> Reverse s a)
-> f a -> [f a]
lbfgs m f x0 = map fromVector $ lbfgsV m evaluate (toVector x0)
fromVector :: Vector a -> f a
fromVector = zipWithTV (\_ x -> x) x0
toVector :: f a -> Vector a
toVector = fromList . F.toList
evaluate :: Vector a -> (a, Vector a)
evaluate x =
case grad' f (fromVector x) of
(obj, g) -> (obj, toVector g)
:: forall a. (Field a, Ord a, Normed (Vector a), Show a)
=> (Vector a -> (a, Vector a))
-> Vector a -> [Vector a]
bfgsV f x0 = go (ident n) alpha0 (x0, o0, g0)
n = VG.length x0
(o0, g0) = f x0
alpha0 :: a
alpha0 = realToFrac $ 1 / norm_2 g0
epsilon :: Double
epsilon = 1e-5
go :: Matrix a -> a -> (Vector a, a, Vector a) -> [Vector a]
go bInv alpha_ (x, o, g) = x :
if converged then
case err of
Just e -> error (show e)
| sy > 0 -> go bInv' 1.0 (x', o', g')
| otherwise -> error ("curvature condition failed: " ++ show sy)
converged :: Bool
converged = norm_2 g / max (norm_2 x) 1 <= epsilon
p :: Vector a
p = scale (-1) $ bInv #> g
(err, alpha, (x', o', g')) = LS.lineSearch LS.defaultParams f (x, o, g) p alpha_
s, y :: Vector a
s = scale alpha p
y = g' `add` scale (-1) g
sy :: a
sy = s <.> y
bInv' :: Matrix a
bInv' =
`add` scale ((sy + y <.> (bInv #> y)) / sy**2) (s `outer` s)
`add` scale (-1 / sy) (((bInv #> y) `outer` s) `add` (s `outer` (y <# bInv)))
:: forall a. (Field a, Ord a, Normed (Vector a), Show a)
=> Int
-> (Vector a -> (a, Vector a))
-> Vector a -> [Vector a]
lbfgsV m f x0 = go Seq.empty alpha0 (x0, o0, g0)
(o0, g0) = f x0
alpha0 :: a
alpha0 = realToFrac $ 1 / norm_2 g0
epsilon :: Double
epsilon = 1e-5
go :: Seq (Vector a, Vector a, a) -> a -> (Vector a, a, Vector a) -> [Vector a]
go hist alpha_ (x, o, g) = x :
if converged then
case err of
Just e -> error (show e)
| sy > 0 -> go (Seq.take m ((s,y,rho) <| hist)) 1.0 (x', o', g')
| otherwise -> error ("curvature condition failed: " ++ show sy)
converged :: Bool
converged = norm_2 g / max (norm_2 x) 1 <= epsilon
p :: Vector a
p = scale (-1) (f (F.toList hist) g)
f :: [(Vector a, Vector a, a)] -> Vector a -> Vector a
f ((s,y,rho) : xs) q = z `add` scale (alpha - beta) s
alpha = rho * (s <.> q)
z = f xs (q `add` scale (- alpha) y)
beta = rho * (y <.> z)
f [] q =
case Seq.viewl hist of
EmptyL -> q
(s, y, _rho) :< _ -> scale (s <.> y / y <.> y) q
(err, alpha, (x', o', g')) = LS.lineSearch LS.defaultParams f (x, o, g) p alpha_
s, y :: Vector a
s = scale alpha p
y = g' `add` scale (-1) g
sy, rho :: a
sy = s <.> y
rho = 1 / sy
-- example from
test_BFGS = bfgs f x0
f :: (Fractional a, Floating a) => [a] -> a
f [beta1,beta2] = sum [(y - beta1*x / (beta2 + x))**2 | (x,y) <- zip xs ys]
xs = [0.038, 0.194, 0.425, 0.626, 1.253, 2.500, 3.740]
ys = [0.050, 0.127, 0.094, 0.2122, 0.2729, 0.2665, 0.3317]
x0 :: [Double]
x0 = [0.9, 0.2]
-- example from
test_LBFGS = lbfgs 10 f x0
f :: (Fractional a, Floating a) => [a] -> a
f [beta1,beta2] = sum [(y - beta1*x / (beta2 + x))**2 | (x,y) <- zip xs ys]
xs = [0.038, 0.194, 0.425, 0.626, 1.253, 2.500, 3.740]
ys = [0.050, 0.127, 0.094, 0.2122, 0.2729, 0.2665, 0.3317]
x0 :: [Double]
x0 = [0.9, 0.2]
rosenbrock [x,y] = sq (1 - x) + 100 * sq (y - sq x)
-- Note that 'sq x = x * x' did not work with Kahn mode.
sq x = x ** 2
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