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Created July 10, 2024 22:20
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Efficiently parse and handle Editor.js content in your PHP applications with this Editor JS Parser Class. Easily convert JSON data into structured HTML
class EditorJs
* third party plugins:
* - youtubeEmbed (
* - inline image (
* */
public function parse($content): string
$parsedContent = '';
foreach ($content['blocks'] as $block) {
$parsedContent .= match ($block['type']) {
'header' => "<h{$block['data']['level']}>{$block['data']['text']}</h{$block['data']['level']}>",
'paragraph' => "<p>{$block['data']['text']}</p>",
'list' => "<ul>{$this->parseListItems($block['data']['items'])}</ul>",
'delimiter' => '<hr />',
'code' => "<pre><code>{$block['data']['code']}</code></pre>",
'quote' => $this->parseQuote($block['data']),
'image' => $this->parseImage($block['data']),
'youtubeEmbed' => $this->parseYouTubeEmbed($block),
'raw' => $block['data']['html'],
'table' => $this->parseTable($block['data']['content']),
default => '',
return $parsedContent;
private function parseListItems(array $items): string
return implode('', array_map(fn ($item) => "<li>{$item}</li>", $items));
private function parseQuote(array $data): string
return "<div><blockquote>{$data['text']}</blockquote>" . ($data['caption'] ? "<cite>{$data['caption']}</cite>" : '') . '</div>';
private function parseImage(array $data): string
return "<img src=\"{$data['url']}\" alt=\"{$data['caption']}\" title=\"{$data['caption']}\">";
private function parseYouTubeEmbed(array $block): string
$videosId = explode('=', $block['data']['url'])[1];
$embedUrl = '' . $videosId;
return "<iframe width=\"800\" height=\"500\" src=\"{$embedUrl}\" title=\"YouTube video player\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share\" referrerpolicy=\"strict-origin-when-cross-origin\" allowfullscreen></iframe>";
private function parseTable(array $data): string
$parsedContent = '<table>';
$parsedContent .= '<thead>';
$parsedContent .= '<tr>';
foreach ($data[0] as $header) {
$parsedContent .= "<th>{$header}</th>";
$parsedContent .= '</tr>';
$parsedContent .= '</thead>';
$parsedContent .= '<tbody>';
for ($i = 1; $i < count($data); $i++) {
$parsedContent .= '<tr>';
foreach ($data[$i] as $cell) {
$parsedContent .= "<td>{$cell}</td>";
$parsedContent .= '</tr>';
$parsedContent .= '</tbody>';
$parsedContent .= '</table>';
return $parsedContent;
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