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Created December 15, 2019 12:09
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Print a list of images into a PDF file with two images per page.
import os
from fpdf import FPDF
from PIL import Image
input = os.environ["INPUT"]
output = os.environ["OUTPUT"]
images = os.listdir(input)
def calc_image_size(image_file: str) -> (int, int):
magic = 14.5
max_width = int(13*magic)
max_height = int(9*magic)
image =
width, height = image.size
print(f"original size: {width}, {height}")
if max_width < width:
height = int(height*(max_width/width))
width = max_width
if max_height < height:
width = int(width*(max_height/height))
height = max_height
print(f"new size: {width}, {height}")
return width, height
iter = 0
pdf = FPDF()
for image in images:
file_name = f"{input}/{image}"
print(f"processing {image}")
width, height = calc_image_size(file_name)
if iter % 2 == 0:
pdf.image(file_name, 15, 5, width, height)
pdf.image(file_name, 15, 155, width, height)
iter += 1
pdf.output(f"{output}/test.pdf", "F")
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