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Created April 10, 2016 00:31
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Execute a Unity Coroutine in one frame without yielding
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public static class IEnumeratorExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Execute an entire Unity Coroutine in one frame.
/// This is useful for testing coroutines with NUnit.
/// The process will bail out after a fixed number of yields to avoid
/// looping infinitely.
/// Calling StartCoroutine from inside an IEnumerator is not supported
/// because there is no way to access the IEnumerator object created
/// by StartCoroutine.
/// Returns true if the coroutine execution finished, otherwise false if it
/// bailed early after reaching the maximum number of yields.
/// </summary>
public static bool RunCoroutineWithoutYields (this IEnumerator enumerator, int maxYields = 1000)
Stack<IEnumerator> enumStack = new Stack<IEnumerator> ();
enumStack.Push (enumerator);
int step = 0;
while (enumStack.Count > 0) {
IEnumerator activeEnum = enumStack.Pop ();
while (activeEnum.MoveNext ()) {
if (activeEnum.Current is IEnumerator) {
enumStack.Push (activeEnum);
activeEnum = (IEnumerator)activeEnum.Current;
} else if (activeEnum.Current is Coroutine) {
throw new System.NotSupportedException ("RunCoroutineWithoutYields can not be used with an IEnumerator that calls StartCoroutine inside itself.");
step += 1;
if (step >= maxYields) {
return false;
return true;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace Tests.Extensions
public class CoroutineBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
public int current;
public IEnumerator OneYield ()
yield return null;
public IEnumerator WaitForSecondsCoroutine ()
yield return new WaitForSeconds (1);
public IEnumerator WaitForFixedUpdateCoroutine ()
yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate ();
public IEnumerator WaitForEndOfFrameCoroutine ()
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame ();
public IEnumerator WaitWhileCoroutine ()
int waitCounter = 0;
yield return new WaitWhile (() => {
return waitCounter <= 2;
public IEnumerator WaitUntilCoroutine ()
int waitCounter = 0;
yield return new WaitUntil (() => {
return waitCounter == 2;
public IEnumerator NestedIEnumerator ()
yield return null;
yield return OneYield ();
public IEnumerator NestedCoroutine ()
yield return null;
yield return StartCoroutine (OneYield ());
public IEnumerator InfiniteLoopCoroutine ()
while (true) {
yield return null;
public class IEnumeratorExtensionTest
GameObject obj;
CoroutineBehaviour behaviour;
public void Setup ()
obj = new GameObject ();
behaviour = obj.AddComponent<CoroutineBehaviour> ();
public void Teardown ()
GameObject.DestroyImmediate (obj);
public void RunCoroutineWithoutYields_OneYieldReturnNull_Completes ()
IEnumerator enumerator = behaviour.OneYield ();
bool completed = enumerator.RunCoroutineWithoutYields ();
Assert.AreEqual (2, behaviour.current);
Assert.IsTrue (completed);
public void RunCoroutineWithoutYields_WaitForSeconds_Completes ()
IEnumerator enumerator = behaviour.WaitForSecondsCoroutine ();
bool completed = enumerator.RunCoroutineWithoutYields ();
Assert.AreEqual (2, behaviour.current);
Assert.IsTrue (completed);
public void RunCoroutineWithoutYields_WaitForFixedUpdate_Completes ()
IEnumerator enumerator = behaviour.WaitForFixedUpdateCoroutine ();
bool completed = enumerator.RunCoroutineWithoutYields ();
Assert.AreEqual (2, behaviour.current);
Assert.IsTrue (completed);
public void RunCoroutineWithoutYields_WaitForEndOfFrame_Completes ()
IEnumerator enumerator = behaviour.WaitForEndOfFrameCoroutine ();
bool completed = enumerator.RunCoroutineWithoutYields ();
Assert.AreEqual (2, behaviour.current);
Assert.IsTrue (completed);
public void RunCoroutineWithoutYields_WaitWhile_Completes ()
IEnumerator enumerator = behaviour.WaitWhileCoroutine ();
bool completed = enumerator.RunCoroutineWithoutYields ();
Assert.AreEqual (2, behaviour.current);
Assert.IsTrue (completed);
public void RunCoroutineWithoutYields_WaitUntil_Completes ()
IEnumerator enumerator = behaviour.WaitUntilCoroutine ();
bool completed = enumerator.RunCoroutineWithoutYields ();
Assert.AreEqual (2, behaviour.current);
Assert.IsTrue (completed);
public void RunCoroutineWithoutYields_NestedIEnumerator_Completes ()
IEnumerator enumerator = behaviour.NestedIEnumerator ();
bool completed = enumerator.RunCoroutineWithoutYields ();
Assert.AreEqual (5, behaviour.current);
[ExpectedException (typeof(System.NotSupportedException))]
public void RunCoroutineWithoutYields_NestedStartCoroutine_ThrowsException ()
IEnumerator enumerator = behaviour.NestedCoroutine ();
enumerator.RunCoroutineWithoutYields ();
public void RunCoroutineWithoutYields_InfiniteLoop_BailsOut ()
int maxYields = 10;
IEnumerator enumerator = behaviour.InfiniteLoopCoroutine ();
bool completed = enumerator.RunCoroutineWithoutYields (maxYields);
Assert.AreEqual (maxYields, behaviour.current);
Assert.IsFalse (completed);
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