Theme Experience.
- Significantly improve and re-imagine the theme browsing screens for a better user experience.
- More beautiful, visually focused, fast, and up to date with the current times of mobile ubiquitousness, flexible resolutions and retina devices.
- Make it easier and enjoyable for people to find the best and most suitable themes for their needs and tastes.
- Possibly implement a Backbone.js based plugin to handle the display of themes, that takes over themes.php.
- Puts the focus on screenshots (retina and larger if we can balance it with backwards compat), removes unnecessary visual burdens from the main browsing experience.
- Make it fast, instant searches within your collection. Rethink how we deal with filters.
- Remove tabbed interface. Show your current theme collection and a way to add more:
- Alternatively, use an "add new" button:
- Simplify "current theme" block, highlight the active theme as the first theme on the gird:
- Theme info expanded-views, maybe multiple screenshots support:
- Or mobile screenshot if theme has responsive-design tag:
- Another approach for multiple screenshots:
This work will also transition into revamping the .org directory with the goal that searching for and installing a theme is equally rewarding and consistent no matter where you start.
Past experiences: look at lessons learned from the theme showcase.
To be decided.
samuelsidler, matveb, melchoyce, jacobdubail, shaunandrews.
helen and DH-Shredder1 are on board for helping as well.
Definitely in favor of screenshots showing responsive design, but agree with @tarendai that the focus should be on the theme, not a particular device. Give a theme the opportunity to have 3-4 screenshots, and let the author decide if they want to use 1-2 of those screenshots to showcase how the theme looks on smaller screens, i.e. tablets and phones.