// import the required modules from the library or handling popups in Selenium // import { browser, element, by, ExpectedConditions, protractor} from 'protractor' import { Alert } from 'selenium-webdriver'; var script = require (‘protractor’) ; var webdriver = require (‘selenium-webdriver’) ; var myAlert = new Alert(); // defining the Selenium test automation scenario for the use case in protractor for or handling popups in Selenium// describe(' Protractor Javascript Selenium Alert Test ', function() { browser.ignoreSynchronization = true; // disable synchronization // // it contains information about the Selenium test automation case for or handling popups in Selenium// it(' Hidden Division Alert types in Protractor ', function() { // set the wait timeout to 10 secs // browser.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10000) browser.get("http://the-internet.herokuapp.com "); element(by.className("cd-popup-trigger")).click() element(by.xpath("//input[@type='text']")).sendKeys(" Protractor hidden division alert in Test ") // adding sleep for validation purposes // browser.sleep(5000); }); });